Because a lot of people from the base come to the supermarket every day.

When Yan Bohou has nothing to do, he will go out and chat with them.

He has been living here for about a week.

Seeing the hotel gradually filling up with people, and finally reaching full capacity, he began to feel anxious.

When he was free, he talked to the people staying in the hotel and learned that they, like his family, had fled from some bases in the south.

Sometimes a family of three is running for their lives, and when they escape, only one person may be left.

Others died of family members dying on the road together, being attacked by zombies, and dying of starvation due to the lack of food.

In the apocalypse, human life is sometimes not as strong as a plant. For any reason, a life will disappear like this.

As Yan Bohou listened to their narratives, his expression became more and more serious, and he could no longer remain calm.

Finally one morning, he made a decision.

Yan Bohou: "Aliu, we can't live here any longer. We are going to the big base to continue our career."

Gong Liu sat next to Yan Bohou, and when he heard what he said, his expression fell instinctively.

It was obvious that she did not agree with Yan Bohou's words.

She frowned and spoke softly and forcefully.

"But are you sure that what you did before was correct? Is your tutor's research direction correct?"

Gong Liu's words were like a small hammer, hitting Yan Bohou's heart neither lightly nor hard.

He fell silent.

After a while, he continued to speak.

"Whether it's correct or not, we have reached this point. The research has reached the most critical step. Success or failure depends on this."

"But have you ever thought about why mutated zombies first appeared around the base and not elsewhere. We have lived here for a week and we haven't seen a single mutated zombie. Don't you think this is the case? Is there anything wrong with it?"

Gongliu spoke anxiously, and her voice, which was always gentle and reserved, couldn't help but become distorted.

She saw that Yan Bohou was silent and continued.

"And Shen Ling, you met her, but she didn't recognize you. Her appearance and personality are completely different from those in the base. You..."

Gong Liu wanted to continue speaking, but caught a glimpse of Yan Bohou's expression, and in the end he still didn't say the words.

Gongliu also fell silent.

The room suddenly fell into a long silence.

Yan Bohou's expression was tangled, his brows furrowed so tightly that he wished he could pinch a fly to death. Fold your hands on your legs and rub them back and forth.

After a long time, he spoke in a deep voice.

"Aliu, if you don't want to go, just live here with your daughter. I can continue the research on my own. After all, that is my mentor's wish. I..."

Yan Bohou couldn't bear to talk about the rest.

Gong Liu and Yan Bohou have been married for many years, and they work together, so they have a good understanding.

Of course she knew what Yan Bohou wanted to say, but...

That’s all.

"Now that you have decided, I support your decision. Let's go to the base when you find a chance."

Yan Bohou was stunned for a moment, and a touch of emotion suddenly appeared in his heart.

His wife always supported his decisions, even if she didn't want to.

"A Liu." Yan Bohou called softly, and then hugged Gong Liu into his arms.

The trip to the base was just decided.

And Yan Bohou also successfully found Qier in the team that came to collect water from the Beiyuan base near the supermarket, and stated his purpose of coming and something to prove his identity.

The North Plains base cannot compare with the Southern base. A large part of the reason is that it loses in research and does not have so many research talents.

Now Yan Bohou's arrival is like a timely rain.

Qi Er was so happy that he could not wait to take Yan Bohou and his family back to the base to meet his father immediately.

"Commander Qier, I may not be able to go today. I have to go back to the hotel to pack my luggage. Can I go back with you at this time tomorrow?"

Yan Bohou politely refused.

Although Qi'er was eager, he couldn't force the talent in front of him, so he had to agree.

"Okay, then we have agreed that I will take you to the base at this time tomorrow."


The two of them made an appointment.

As soon as Yan Bohou returned to the hotel, he told Gong Liu about the incident as soon as possible. The two told their daughter Yan Shishi, and the three of them packed their luggage and said goodbye to Song Zhi.

They had rented the room for a month and were leaving after only a quarter of the time. They had to inform the owner here.

After all, they lived very happily during this period of residence, and they were even more comfortable than when they were at the southern base.

"Boss Song, tomorrow we will leave for Beiyuan Base. There is a laboratory there where I can conduct my research. I came here just to talk to you."

Yan Bohou said politely.

Song Zhi glanced at him and nodded, expressing understanding.

"Okay, then you have to pack your things today. If you leave something behind in the future, you may not be able to find it."

Yan Bohou: "That's natural. There is no need to refund the room fee. This is all thanks to Boss Song for taking care of our family of three these days."

The money was nothing to him, and they were the ones who broke the promise.

"That's natural. After all, that's how the contract is written." Song Zhi didn't think there was any problem with this.

After Yan Bohou and Song Zhi finished talking, before leaving, he secretly glanced in Shen Ling's direction.

Shen Ling looked at him coldly, as if she didn't know him. She didn't look away, nor did she focus

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This small action was naturally seen by Song Zhi, and he kept holding back his laughter.

I didn't expect Lingling to have such a cold expression. I thought she always had that arrogant and cute expression.

Alas, the only bad thing is that she didn't know the relationship between the two.

Otherwise, Shen Ling was the bullied party between them, and she could help vent her anger. After all, it's her territory now.

But Shen Ling didn't say it herself. It's a privacy issue, so she couldn't ask too much.

Yan Bohou left the next day and didn't say hello to Song Zhi again.

After their family left, the hotel had two rooms vacated, one double room and one single room.

This gave the survivors who didn't live in the room before a chance.

It took only half a day for the two rooms to be rented out.


When there are too many people, it's easy to cause trouble.

The supermarket is okay, everyone left after buying things and didn't stay.

But the hotel is different.

So many people live in one building, and only Shi Shuwan and Guo Leshan are busy in the whole building.

A middle-aged woman and a young boy, they don't look very intimidating.

Most of the survivors who come to stay in the hotel are fleeing from the south.

Most of those who can survive have certain strengths, and the proportion of superpowers is as high as 50%, which is as much as half.

Most superpowers are arrogant and have strong desires.

After resting in the hotel for a few days, the desire factor in the body can't help but jump out.

The complete outbreak was one afternoon. After everyone finished their meal, they sat in the rest area on the first floor of the hotel and chatted with each other.

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