Although they live in a hotel and eat food that cannot be bought outside, it is hundreds of times better than their previous life.

But now, they saw something better than what they were currently enjoying.

There are some things that once you see something better, you can’t help but want it.

People are never satisfied.

Like now.

Without comparison, there would be no idea.

Not to mention that the aroma of food filled the entire restaurant, tempting their inner gluttons all the time.

When Shi Shuwan heard the sound, she turned to look at him and found that he was a guest in the hotel, so she replied.

"Boss Song brought these dishes, and I don't know where they came from."

Shi Shuwan said and glanced at Song Zhi.

She really didn't know the origin of this dish.

When she went to the supermarket to buy things, she didn't see these fresh vegetables.

Upon hearing that it was Song Zhi who brought it, the few people who were eager to try it immediately gave up the idea of ​​continuing to ask.

The scene of Song Zhi beating someone up yesterday was still vivid in their minds.

Now I really don’t have the guts to step forward and ask for something.

But now that they had asked the question, they did not dare to leave without saying anything.

It's just that the person behind pushed the person asking the question in front and asked him to say whatever he wanted so that they could get out of here quickly.

The man understood, swallowed unconsciously, and continued.

"Oh, haha, I just saw that this vegetable is not sold in the supermarket, and I am a little curious. Well...Sister Shi, if there is nothing else, we will go back to the room first. You guys eat slowly."

The man said a lot, and after finishing speaking, he quickly turned his head and planned to escape from here.

"Wait a moment."

Song Zhi watched the sneaky movements of those people, guessed their thoughts, and called out to those who were trying to escape.

"Huh? Okay, okay."

When those people heard Song Zhi speaking, the foot they had just stepped out stopped stiffly in mid-air, not daring to fall down at all.

Then he heard Song Zhi's words, turned around quickly, and smiled kindly at Song Zhi.

"Boss Song, you..."

The person who spoke was still the same person who just spoke.

Among these four people, only he was a little more courageous. For the other three, asking them to speak would directly kill them.

In order for all four of them to survive smoothly, he bit the bullet and spoke.

When Song Zhi saw their looks, he couldn't help but be a little confused and didn't understand why they had such expressions.

That way, it was like seeing a zombie.

She is so beautiful, there is no comparison with those zombies!

Or the system knew their thoughts and told Song Zhi.

"Host, do you think there is a possibility that your feat yesterday left a lasting mark in their hearts that they will never forget?"

It’s so funny, host, just the kick you did yesterday, kicking someone is as easy as kicking a ball.

If they don't run away as soon as they see you, it means they have a strong tolerance.

The system didn't dare to make jokes about Song Zhi. Some words he just complained to himself in his heart, and the words he said were still tactful.

Song Zhi was silent.

Okay... It seems that the effect yesterday was pretty good, at least they really took it into consideration.

Song Zhi coughed slightly to cover up his embarrassment.

She said: "If you want to eat this dish, we may open a restaurant here in the future. The vegetables will be grown from the farm behind the supermarket. You can pay more attention in the future."

Since some people want to eat this kind of dish, she can tell them in advance.

As for whether to open a restaurant in the end, we will wait until the results of Guo Xiong's investigation come out.

"Can we open a restaurant in the future?"

The group of people were immediately shocked by Song Zhi's words. The one who had not dared to speak in front of others immediately blurted out, and his eyes when looking at Song Zhi were filled with burning heat.

My friend who just charged into battle:? When did you become so bold?

He opened his mouth: Hehe, um... listen to my explanation!

"Of course, if everyone's expectations are high." Song Zhi nodded, "By the way, you can also help go to the hotel to investigate and ask if they like this kind of dish. If there are many people who like it, you can consider it. "

Guo Xiong and Li Pu are responsible for the outsiders. These few are very interested in looking at them. You can use them to investigate the guests of the hotel.

Most of the guests staying in the hotel stay for one month. After all, the rent is so cheap and the experience is so comfortable. After staying for one night, you don’t want to leave at all.

And they may become the hotel's main customers.

People are like iron, and food is like steel. If you don't eat one meal, you will be hungry.

This is a major life event and should not be underestimated.

"Such a fragrant dish. How could anyone say no?" The timid person struck again.

When he spoke, he inhaled the aroma of the food in front of him, and his tone of voice was a little fluttery.

ah! ! ! It really (╯▽╰) smells so good~~! Who knows?

Life in the north is so good.

When he lived in the southern base, he ate all kinds of technology and very nutritious foods all day long, so much that he felt like he had no idea of ​​living anymore.

But this comes to the north.

Boy, there is everything you need to eat before the end of the world.

There are everything from bread, chicken legs and noodles with soy sauce to soda instant noodles and ice cream.

These days he lives in a hotel, and every day he goes to the supermarket opposite to buy a lot of delicious food.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading!

At first his friend said that these things could not be produced anywhere now, and they might be expired and would upset his stomach.

But he didn't listen, he would eat them even if he got upset.

The food came to him so kindly, but he still had to speculate about them, which was really black-hearted.

As a result, he showed off half a bed of snacks in front of his friends, and his friends finally couldn't help it and started to be presumptuous.

The bold man looked at his good friend's worthless face, secretly raised his arm to hit him, and signaled him to shut up.

Then he looked at Song Zhi seriously and agreed in a very good tone.

"Okay, okay, Boss Song, don't worry, leave this matter to us, we will definitely investigate their preferences comprehensively, and wait for the end to send you a report."

"Okay, thank you."

Song Zhi didn't expect this person to be so serious that he even had to write a report to her.

This is simply the chosen worker. She didn't ask for anything, but she wanted to give him such a comprehensive gift. If there is a chance in the future, she must let this person work for her here.

Because the two sides reached a friendly agreement, Song Zhi also generously gave them a plate of braised prawns.

Shi Shuwan cooked many dishes today, and they couldn't finish them.

When they saw the braised prawns being handed to them, they couldn't believe their eyes, and their noses were fiercely inhaling the aroma that kept overflowing in front of them.

"Is this... really for us?"

"Well, take it, Sister Shi's cooking is still delicious."

"Thank you, Boss Song, thank you, Sister Shi, then we won't be polite, Boss Song, we will definitely complete the task you assigned to us!"

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