Inside the Doomsday Supermarket.

The sneaky woman had been knocked unconscious by Song Zhi, tied up and thrown aside.

The system was stunned by Song Zhi's neat movements.

System: "Ah this..."

It hadn't even noticed that a bad guy had entered the store, but the host had solved the bad guy in one go?

When did the host become so powerful? How could it not know!

But no matter why the host was so powerful, it still had to come out and show the system's ability.

"Host, there is actually a defense system in the supermarket. You only need to open your control panel of the supermarket to operate the people entering the supermarket.

In this situation, you can directly throw this person out without doing it yourself."

If you do it yourself, it's okay. If something goes wrong, it will have nowhere to cry.

The host was found with great difficulty, and the mission was gradually on the right track. It must not fail.

Song Zhi stood there with her hands behind her back, frowning slightly, and listened quietly to the system's nagging.

But this time she did not respond to the system's words, but was silent for a few seconds and responded.

"Well, I got it."

"That... eh?"

The system was ready to be confronted by Song Zhi, after all, this was a daily routine between it and Song Zhi, but it didn't expect Song Zhi to respond so obediently this time.


The system's voice softened, and it wanted to continue to say something to Song Zhi.

"Bang!" There was a loud noise.

The door of the supermarket was kicked open roughly.

Fortunately, the glass door of the supermarket was relatively strong and did not break.

The first person to come in was a strong man with a full beard. Behind him, there were three other men of similar physique. Just looking at them, they were the kind that were not easy to mess with.

"Sister Wen!"

The bearded man in the lead shouted loudly as soon as he came in, not caring at all whether there was anyone else in the store.

Anyway, the four of them had awakened their superpowers, so even if there was a boss in this supermarket, he would not be their opponent.

After all, they had robbed small bases that were much larger than this one.

Song Zhi was at the last row of shelves, looking at the woman who was knocked unconscious on the ground and the portable communicator in her hand that occasionally flashed a few times, thinking.

Hearing the loud noise, she was not panicked, but smiled.

"Host, why are you suddenly... laughing?"

The system was startled by the noise, and just wanted to remind the host that the bad guys who broke in by force could be thrown out of the supermarket directly, but saw the smile on Song Zhi's mouth.

For some reason, looking at the smile on the host's mouth, I always feel that the people who broke in are a bit difficult.

Song Zhi looked through the shelves in front of him and looked at the situation in front, and said slowly.

"The customer came to the door himself, why do you say I am laughing?"

Just now she was still thinking, this woman dialed the communicator, when will her accomplices come, but she didn't expect it to be so soon.


The system looked at the four strong men rushing in at the door in confusion, "Uh..."

Maybe it has some misunderstanding of the word "guest".

As soon as the bearded man came in, he shouted the woman's name several times into the supermarket, but there was no response.

Just when he was about to remind his companions behind him to be careful, he heard the exclamations of his accomplices behind him.

"Fuck, am I seeing right? There are so many things in this supermarket?"

"Damn, if you hadn't told me, I wouldn't have noticed. The shelves are almost full of food. Boss, how lucky are we to have found a supermarket that hasn't been looted."

"I have to say, this store is really lucky. It's okay that it hasn't been looted, but it hasn't been destroyed by zombies either."

Ten years after the apocalypse, the law and order no longer exist.

Looting is just for survival.

No one thinks there's anything wrong with this.

One of the strong men, after seeing the dazzling array of food on the shelves, couldn't wait to hear the boss's words, and ran to one of the shelves impatiently.

He picked up a sausage, tore open the package and put it in his mouth.

While eating, he made a surprised sound, "Wow, delicious, delicious, I haven't eaten such delicious food for a long time, this is what people eat, fuck!"

Thinking that although they relied on looting various supply points along the way, they didn't have to worry about food and drink.

But the food is all processed nutrition blocks, which may have some taste differences due to the additives inside.

How can the taste of additives be compared with real food?

"This sausage is delicious, and there is soda over there. I want to drink this, and I want this too."

Soon, the strong man who just started eating has lost himself, constantly picking up food from the shelf, tearing open the packaging, and stuffing it into his mouth desperately.

He has now completely forgotten the purpose of coming here.

The bearded man in the lead saw this and looked very iron-clad.

"Xingzi, don't eat, business is important, Sister Wen hasn't been found yet! Damn it. I can't talk anymore? It's a miracle that you can survive in the end of the world with your stupid appearance." There was no vigilance at all.

The bearded man grabbed a piece of bread on the shelf and threw it directly at the man.

It hurt, but it was not enough to make the man let go of the food in his hand.

So, the bearded man had to give up, walked into the supermarket little by little, and carefully checked the situation behind each shelf.

A supermarket opened in the wilderness but rich in supplies, Sister Wen disappeared inexplicably...

No matter how you think about it, there is something weird about it.

Although the other two people were greedy when they saw the food on the shelf, they could distinguish the priorities.

There are delicious things, but you have to have a life to eat them.

The owner of this supermarket must be killed first so that they can eat with peace of mind.

In this way, the two of them also cautiously followed behind the bearded man, moving little by little towards the inside of the supermarket.

There are six long shelves in the supermarket, and Song Zhi is standing on the innermost one.

The system had spoken in Song Zhi's ear as early as when the man was eating from the shelf.

"Host, ah ah, that bad guy ate it without buying it. Move him out quickly."

"Ah, they are coming, host, be careful, host?"

The system is timid, but more afraid of Song Zhi being in danger.

The three strong men were getting closer and closer, and the system's voice gradually became more urgent.

If the system didn't have the authority to operate independently, Song Zhi felt that the system would have wanted to do it on its own.

"Don't panic, this task will be completed soon." Song Zhi comforted the system in his heart, and then moved his wrist.

Next, we need to use some small methods.

"Ah? Okay, host, you just have to know what's going on."

Seeing Song Zhi's momentum, the system felt inexplicably relieved and warned him again before hiding. Does not affect host performance.

"Sister Wen? Sister Wen?"

The bearded man walked at the front, watching the movements around him with vigilant eyes.

In the apocalypse, not only do humans have strong attack power, but so do humans.

Suddenly, he felt a hint of danger, and instinctively took a step back, but was still hit by a fist that suddenly rushed out.


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