Finally, Qi'er gave most of the food to Song Zhi.

Song Zhi was happy and called the others in the team to take it.

"Come and take it, we have dinner, and we still have to thank Captain Qi'er for sharing generously."

Song Zhi smiled happily, holding a portion of food in his hand and walking back. Before leaving, he did not forget to turn his head and mock Qi'er.

Qi'er had no words to say, so he could only get angry secretly, turned his head away, and stopped looking at Song Zhi.

I hate people who have no sense of boundaries.

The food has been divided among you, and you still talk so much, so annoying!

Chen Feng had wanted to do this for a long time. After hearing what Song Zhi said, he rushed to the first one and deliberately took away the food in front of Song Xuefeng.

"Thank you."

"Take it away, take it away, so much nonsense." Song Xuefeng snorted coldly.

But this time, Chen Feng was not angry at all. Instead, he hummed a song leisurely and walked back step by step.

"Damn, what a complacent ass." Song Xuefeng cursed secretly, wishing he could rush up and say something to Chen Feng.

But the next second.

Song Zhi came back to his senses, squinted his eyes and noticed him, "What did you just say?"

Song Xuefeng immediately backed off.

"No, you heard wrong, I didn't say anything just now."


Although the water he brought was gone, at least he got some food, which was considered to be a timely stop loss.

"Boss Song, you are too amazing, just a few words made them speechless."

Gu Wanru saw everything Song Zhi did just now.

As soon as Song Zhi came back, he couldn't wait to go up and hold Song Zhi's arm, with a look of amazement.

"Well, maybe it's because I know the art of language." Song Zhi didn't deny it, and nodded with a smile.

"Boss Song, it's all up to you to get these foods, so you pick first, see what you want to eat."

Gu Si happily held a food in one hand, in front of Song Zhi, waiting for her to choose.

Song Zhi's words just now were really gratifying.

He felt so happy when he heard it.

That Qi Er relied on his father being the commander of the base and did not hesitate to make trouble for them.

He was jealous of their boss and wanted to be their boss. In short, he was a very contradictory person.

But then again, Boss Song was still powerful. He made them lose their temper with just a few words.

Song Zhi shook his head: "Don't want these."

"Don't want? Then what does Boss Song want to eat? If you don't eat, you will have no strength to go out tomorrow. Or should you eat a little?"

Gu Si was puzzled.

He always felt that Song Zhi was not the kind of willful person who would refuse to eat something if he thought it was unpalatable in this situation.

Song Zhi continued to shake his head, and then slowly said in Gu Si's puzzled eyes.

"It's so hot, eating so many hot things, how uncomfortable."

"Besides these, what else can you eat?" Gu Si frowned and thought.

Their food is all instant food products. Without water, they can't make it. And even if they make it, it will still be hot.

If they don't eat hot food, what else can they eat?

"Anyway, we are trapped here now and can't get out until tomorrow, so why not have a good meal and reward ourselves?"


Gu Si's eyes lit up when he heard these two words.

It seemed that there would be delicious food soon.

"Boss Song, how can we have a good meal?" Gu Si asked impatiently.

If he could have a good meal, he would be willing to do anything.

Gu Wanru was also curious, but she looked at the food they brought on the ground and said helplessly.

"Boss Song, these are the only foods we brought. We can't cook without water."

The others also cast curious eyes when they heard Song Zhi's words.

Si Qing was also very curious, and looked at Song Zhi with a faint smile on his face.

Seeing that they were all very anxious, Song Zhi stopped keeping them in suspense.

However, in order to make sure that everyone really wanted to move for food, Song Zhi still asked a question.

"Then do you want to have a good meal? It may be a bit difficult to make."

"I want to eat!"

"Of course, no matter how difficult it is!"

"Yes, yes, Boss Song, I am strong, you can ask me to do anything."

"Sure, but I'm afraid it will cost Boss Song money."

Si Qing had already guessed something in his heart, and joked with Song Zhi with a smile.

"Okay, then I'll go over there to find something, you just wait for me here."

Seeing that they all agreed, Song Zhi was also very happy, and waved his hand and asked them to wait here.


Everyone was very obedient and stayed where they were to rest.

As for the food that was just brought back from Qi'er, it was thrown into the corner, and no one cared.

Boss Song had already spoken, who would eat these.


Song Zhi's side made such a big noise, and the five people on Qi'er's side naturally noticed it all.

They put down the food in their hands and looked at the side intently.

After seeing Song Zhi enter a nearby laboratory alone, his curiosity grew.

"What is she doing? She took the food from us and left it there without eating it?"

Song Xuefeng saw the spicy hot pot he wanted to eat in the corner and swallowed his saliva unconsciously.


If they don't want to eat it, just give it back to them!

They still want to eat it!

Liang Yan said disdainfully: "That's right, she went to that laboratory when there was nothing in it. She was just playing tricks."

That woman is really annoying. Last time, she almost beat him half crippled. This time, she also snatched the food that should belong to them.

"Forget it, don't worry about her. Let's take a rest after eating. When we are out, we don't have so much energy to do anything else."

Only Qin Mingyue's tone was slightly better.

But only she knew that her hand holding the chopsticks was about to cramp.

That woman is really annoying, every time!

Qi'er didn't say anything, but stared at the door of the laboratory.

He wanted to see what tricks the woman was going to play!

Song Zhi didn't know everything outside. He just leaned against the operating table in the laboratory and carefully screened what they could eat in the system.

"This, this, and this..."

Soon, Song Zhi took out a lot of food from the system.

A box of iced happy water, a can of mineral water, a folding table, pots and pans, and even kitchen utensils like kitchen knives were ready.

System: "Host, are you planning to have a picnic here?"

Song Zhi denied: "Of course not, a picnic should have a good view, what is there here?"

System: "Then why did you prepare so many things?"

Song Zhi: "I'm just going to take good care of myself and eat well, it's just eating, not a picnic!"

Song Zhi chatted with the system while moving all the things he needed out of the system.

Ten minutes later.

The door of the laboratory was pushed open, and Gu Si and others looked over eagerly.

He! Ready!

He! Ready!

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