what? One hundred thousand Chinese coins?

Isn’t there just a wet wipe and a bottle of water inside?

Selling it so expensive is a robbery!

Liang Yan was so angry that his head hurt, and he suddenly became more awake.

He looked up to see Song Zhi's expression, and saw Song Zhi looking at him with a smile.

"One hundred thousand Chinese coins are very cheap. Are you sure you don't want to consider it? My time is limited and I don't have much water left. If you don't want it, forget it."

Song Zhi's last words were spoken so lightly that he felt like he was about to turn around and leave the next second.

Liang Yan was anxious and spoke quickly.

"Forget it, one hundred thousand is one hundred thousand, I want a share, but I can't give you the money until I return to the base."

He went out on a mission and didn't have so much money with him, so he could only owe it first.

"Okay, deal." Song Zhi was not suspicious, smiled and agreed immediately.

"Okay, give me the water quickly, I'm going to die of thirst." Liang Yan urged impatiently, but a glint of light flashed secretly in his eyes.

Huh, promise her first, and then give her the money after returning to the base.

When he returned, there was no proof of purchase, so he refused to give her the money, and there was nothing she could do.

Liang Yan was thinking silently in his heart.

But who knows the next second, a piece of paper is suddenly handed over in front of him, and then a pen is handed over from the other side.

On the top of the paper, there was an IOU written by Song Zhi who didn't know when. He just had to fill in his name at the end.

"What do you mean? I have promised you. Is it possible that I will default on my debt when I go back?" Liang Yan was anxious.

Damn it, after signing this IOU, how can he default on it when he goes back?

Song Zhi seemed to have noticed his intention and said slowly.

"Okay, if you don't sign, then I'll have to ask other people. My biggest advantage is that I'm cautious. It's safer to write an IOU."

Song Zhicai refused to accept Liang Yan's trick and insisted on asking him to write an IOU.

In the end, Liang Yan was forced to have no choice but to sign the IOU resignedly as Song Zhi kept urging him in his ear.

"This is going to go down, give me the water!"

Liang Yan's voice was muffled and he was furious.

I'm so convinced, how could she do this!

A bottle of water and a wet wipe, 10,000 Huaxia coins...

"Okay, my guest, it's a pleasure to cooperate with you. Here is the rest supply resource package you purchased. I look forward to cooperating with you next time."

Song Zhi put away the IOU and handed him the water and wet wipes.

After getting the water, Liang Yan couldn't wait to open the lid and drink it, not caring about his dirty hands.

Song Zhi saw it and didn't care.

Anyway, she made the money, and other things were the customers' private matters and she had no control over them.

The worst thing is that I will have diarrhea for a few days.

Liang Yan: What a cruel woman...

There are a total of five people in Qier's team, and they all bought supply packages from Song Zhi.

Although some were reluctant at first, they were later stimulated by Song Zhi's innuendo and the stimulation of others around them to drink water.

They all obediently issued IOUs and received their own supply resources.

Five bottles of water, five wet wipes, and half a million Chinese coins were received.

The system looked at it and secretly smacked its lips. The host is worthy of being a host. This ability to do business is simply unbelievable.

It feels like confining the host to that small supermarket hinders the host's performance.

After drinking water, everyone rested together for about ten minutes before continuing on their way.

It is estimated that it will take another two hours to walk from the center of the city to the edge of the city or to a road without obstacles.

Everyone gathered together, vigilant all the way, and slowly moved towards the edge of the city.

This time, everyone was more united. No one was quarreling with each other on the road, and their eyes were fixed on what was going on around them.

I didn't encounter so many zombies when I came here, but when I went back, I encountered a big wave just after I left the door of the laboratory.

Based on this ratio, the number of zombies in the entire city is estimated to be quite a lot.

Compared with the results reported by the people sent by the base to investigate before, there is a big difference.

They walked for more than an hour with the sun above their heads.

But what is strange is that during this period, no zombies were seen, not even one.

There was an eerie silence all around.

All they could hear was the rustle of their feet on the sand.

Occasionally, someone steps on a branch that has been broken and dried for a long time, which can cause everyone in the team to panic.

Quiet, too quiet.

The sun is still bright, shining on the earth, spreading its energy without restraint.

There were no sounds of animals around, and it felt like they were the only living people in the world.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster.

Si Qing and Qi Er looked at each other more cautiously.

"Everyone, be careful." Si Qing lowered his voice and reminded the team members behind him.

Everyone nodded and didn't dare to speak.

This atmosphere was maintained for about ten minutes.

There was just over half an hour left to reach the edge of the city from whence they came.

When the time comes to release the car, it will be safe.

But accidents often come unexpectedly.


There was a piercing scream not far away.

It was the howl of a zombie, but upon listening carefully, this howl was somewhat different from what they had heard before.

Si Qing immediately stopped and raised his hand to signal the people behind him to stop.

Qi'er held his breath and concentrated, holding the long-handled weapon tightly in his hand, his eyes fixed on the direction from which the sound came.

He suddenly had a bad feeling.


Another roar.

Along with the roar, there appeared a zombie with a strange physique.

There was only one zombie.

It just appeared out of thin air in front of everyone, walking on the dilapidated street, and walking towards them with a purpose.

He was about 1.5 times taller than an ordinary zombie, and there was a lavender pattern in the middle of his head.

What was surprising was that.

He walked several times faster than an ordinary zombie.

It took him two minutes to reach the front of everyone after a distance of more than 500 meters.

"Oh my god, what the hell is this!"

Liang Yan's face changed, and he muttered.

Gu Si, who was next to him, also felt an unprecedented fear and responded, "I don't know, it won't be an advanced zombie..."

"Don't be a pessimist, advanced shit, it's not that easy for zombies to advance." Liang Yan subconsciously retorted.

In fact, he subjectively didn't want to admit that the facts might really be as Gu Si said.

As Si Qing and Qi Er, who had fought against the second-level zombies, they already had the answer in their hearts.

That zombie was an advanced zombie.

And judging from his appearance, he seemed to be more powerful than the second-level zombie.

"Third-level? No way..." Qi Er stood there in fear, and the long-handled weapon in his hand began to tremble.

"I don't know."

Si Qing couldn't judge, because he had never seen what a third-level zombie looked like.

"Everyone retreat, retreat!" Seeing the zombies in front of him getting closer and closer, Si Qing quickly gave orders.

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