Song Zhi ignored the bearded man's pleading and returned to the supermarket with the box.

When they returned, the woman who had been knocked unconscious had woken up, but she was tied up and couldn't move.

When she saw Song Zhi, the woman's eyes were full of fear. She turned away silently in fear and didn't dare to look at him.

Song Zhi didn't care about her and went straight into the supermarket with the box.

There was a cash counting machine in the supermarket. After counting, they found that there were more than 2 million Chinese yuan in their box.

Not a lot, but enough.

Song Zhi evenly divided the Chinese yuan in front of him into six points, and then brought all the people to the store, lined up one by one, and each person had a copy in his hand.


Song Zhi cleared his throat, stood in front of the five people, and slowly spoke in their confused eyes.

"You broke into my store by force, ate without buying, and these messed up goods, this 340,000 will be used as compensation, do you have any objections?"




The five people shook their heads in turn, without any reluctance on their faces.

As long as they can survive, these things are useless, and they can't buy much things in other bases.

"Very good." Song Zhi nodded with satisfaction, and then continued.

"Now, you line up and take the money I give you, and come to me to buy a commodity."

"Okay... okay."

Everyone didn't know what Song Zhi meant by this, but they still did it obediently.

They lined up to pay obediently, and Song Zhi gave them a random item according to his mood.

Some people got a piece of chocolate, and some got a bag of bread, which were all different. The only thing in common was that they all spent the same price.

After the five people bought things in turn, Song Zhi waved his hand, and the five people rushed out of the supermarket without stopping, fearing that Song Zhi would regret it if they were a second late.

After they left, Song Zhi used the system's one-key recovery function to put all the messed-up goods in order, as if the mess had never happened.

The system was completely stunned by Song Zhi's series of operations and the income displayed by the system.

"Host, you sold this 20g chocolate for 340,000 Chinese yuan?"

"Well, why, is it not okay?" Song Zhi didn't think there was any problem at all.

She opened the supermarket, so of course she had the final say on how much to set the price.

"Uh..." The system was silent.

"If I sell it this way, they will be happy to buy it. Don't be idle. You have received five guests. You should at least move the task progress bar."


Song Zhi looked at the task progress on the system panel and couldn't help urging.

I have been busy for so long, isn't it just for this task!

"Congratulations, host. Mission completed. Reward: upgrade food area or unlock new area, expand supermarket area to 90 square meters."

"Current accumulated wealth value: points."

"Host, upgrade food area or unlock new supermarket area, which one do you want to choose?" the system asked.

"Let me think about it."

Song Zhi flipped through the supermarket interface and thought carefully.

The food area is divided into 7 categories, namely fast food area, snack area, vegetable area, grain area, seasoning area, fruit area and meat area.

Each area is divided so detailed that Song Zhi reasonably suspected that the system wanted to take away more of her hard-earned contribution points.

In addition to unlocking these areas by completing tasks, each area can also be unlocked by spending contribution points.

Super expensive.

And the other task reward - unlocking a new area, will randomly unlock a new area, I don't know what it is.

Forget it, there is enough food for the time being, let's take a look at what the new area is.

"I choose to unlock a new area."

"Okay, host."

"Congratulations, host, unlock the supermarket daily necessities area. The following products can be placed in the supermarket for sale."

As the system finished speaking, Song Zhi saw that there were many more things for sale in the system mall.

There were laundry detergents, soaps of various styles, and fragrance beads, with a wide variety of styles, and many that Song Zhi had never seen before.

There were also many things commonly used in daily life that were unlocked, such as the most basic paper towels, wet wipes, and even various styles of sanitary napkins.

In addition, a lot of things needed for survival in the wild, such as lighters, small daggers, electric blankets, sleeping bags, and flashlights, were also unlocked.

The supermarket area was expanded by 30 square meters. Song Zhi spent 300 wealth points and bought three long shelves to put them out.

Because the location of the supermarket is relatively remote now, there are fewer people passing by, so Song Zhi still chose to put new food.

After all, in the end of the world, besides surviving, the rest is the problem of food.

For the rest, you can get through it by making up for it.

Finally, Song Zhi glanced at the sanitary napkin section of the mall.

After thinking about it, she cleared a small corner and put some sanitary napkins.

In her previous life, although she was very capable, she had a very hard time when her period came, and sanitary napkins had been discontinued as early as the beginning of the apocalypse.

There was no production base that would use resources to produce this, resulting in her not seeing sanitary napkins again in the late apocalypse.

Now that she has returned to the apocalypse, she also has resources, and she will definitely let everyone who needs it buy it.

At least the supermarket where she is will be like this.

After doing all this, Song Zhi glanced at the system panel.

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"Current accumulated wealth value: points."

Fortunately, she was busy all morning.

Song Zhi nodded with satisfaction and returned to the cashier.

The supermarket area has expanded a little bit. Looking at it this way, the store is also much more spacious, with six long rows of shelves full of supplies.

Everything is getting better slowly.

"New task: hire 1 supermarket employee. Reward for completing the task: unlock 1 employee living room and expand the supermarket area to 120 square meters."

In the evening, Song Zhi was sitting in front of the cashier eating and received the task issued by the system.

After reading it carefully, Song Zhi couldn't help complaining again.

"Little system, are you sure you are not deliberately making things difficult for me? It's good enough to have people come to buy things in this wilderness, and you still want me to hire people?"

The supermarket is opened in the wilderness, and there is no one around for more than ten miles. Song Zhi felt that it was a blessing from heaven to complete the first two tasks.

It is still unknown whether anyone will come to shop, let alone hire someone.

"Master Host, don't worry, the people who are supposed to come will always come." The system comforted Song Zhi, but the tone was a little inexplicably guilty.

To put it bluntly, it was because it chose the wrong location at the beginning.


Song Zhi sneered, and then stopped talking.

In the next few days, as Song Zhi thought, there was no one around the supermarket, but there were several waves of zombies.

Fortunately, the supermarket has a defense system, and the zombies cannot enter.

Song Zhi ate leisurely at the cashier while admiring the zombies outside.

While admiring, Song Zhi suddenly narrowed her eyes and her expression became serious.

If she was not mistaken, there seemed to be survivors among the group of zombies not far away.

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