The knot... is over?

Is that all there is to this sentence?

It's hard to imagine what kind of mood the person involved was in, after killing a third-level zombie unscathed and expressionless.

How could it be such an understatement.

It felt like what she had just killed was not a third-level zombie, but a small ant on the roadside.

Something called "cognition" in my heart seems to have collapsed.

"Boss Song?'re not injured, are you?"

Si Qing looked at all this and was stunned for a long time before he found his voice and asked with a worried look on his face.

He originally wanted to ask Song Zhi if he had any injuries on his body after fighting zombies for so long.

But after he said a few words, he suddenly realized that his worries were unnecessary.

at this time.

Song Zhi took out a dagger from somewhere, held it in his hand, and squatted down in front of the zombie.

She raised her hand and turned the zombie's head in one direction so that the back of his head was facing her. Then, she slowly raised the dagger in her hand and inserted it straight into the zombie's head.

The dagger didn't know what it was made of, but it penetrated directly through the zombie's skull and split it in half.

The gray-black brain inside immediately splattered everywhere. Fortunately, Song Zhi reacted quickly and took out a wet wipe and held it in front of him.

Then, Song Zhi began to rummage through the pile of brains.

The scene was once very bloody.

It is hard to imagine that a girl with a face as bright as the moon would squat in front of a dead zombie, open the ladle without saying a word, and directly pull it back and forth in his brain.

Ah this...

The eyes of the people around him were all focused on Song Zhi at this moment. Seeing this scene, some couldn't help but turn their heads away.

Help! This is too cruel, so disgusting...

Is she looking for the crystal cores dropped by zombies? Why not just let the fire-type superpowers burn it directly, instead of manually opening the ladle and rummaging through it? ! !

They go out on missions and kill a lot of zombies. They also search for dead zombies to see if they will drop crystal cores.

But their method is to use fire superpowers to burn the corpses of zombies to ashes and find crystal nuclei from the ashes.

No one would ever choose to look for it directly with their hands.

Psychologically unbearable.

Si Qing felt that his mental endurance was already very strong, but after seeing this scene, he couldn't help but close his eyes and relax for a while.

He also needs some quiet time.

"Brother, you...Boss Song, her."

Gu Wanru noticed that Gu Si's face turned pale. She looked at Song Zhi over there and then at Gu Si, but hesitated to speak.

Finally, Gu Wanru raised her hand and manually closed Gu Si's eyes to prevent him from looking at the situation over there.

How old are you, why are you still so careless?

I was so scared that I didn’t know how to close my eyes, so I kept my eyes open.

look look look! When you finally can't sleep at night, don't come to her for comfort then.

Liang Yan, who was standing nearby, seemed to have discovered something extraordinary.

He looked at Gu Si with a cheerful face and patted his shoulder.

"No, you're not even afraid of this. If you go on a mission with Commander-in-Chief, won't you hold him back?"

Liang Yan asked seriously.

Gu Si was furious, but he still closed his eyes, followed his feeling, and stepped on Liang Yan hard.

"Damn, I just said a few words to you, why are you so angry?"

Liang Yan was in pain and jumped to the side holding his feet.

The third-level zombie is dead, and everyone can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Instead of running away, he just lay down and rested.

Just now, they were able to run a certain distance under the strong desire to live.

Now that the crisis is over, the tight strings in their hearts have finally relaxed, and they can no longer hold on.

Chil also staggered to the ground to rest.

One of his arms was sprained and he couldn't move, and there were many scratches on his legs. All his strength was exhausted, and he really couldn't hold on.

"Hugh... take a rest, I really have no energy left."

Qi'er shouted in Si Qing's direction.

Si Qing still stood there, watching Song Zhi's movements quietly.

After hearing what Chil said, he responded.

"Rest. With the appearance of mutated zombies, there are usually few zombies around. We are safe for the time being."

Si Qing is just holding on. He can only maintain this movement now. If he moves again, he will lie directly on the ground and cannot move again.

But he cannot fail. In a team, there must be one person who persists in order to bring hope to the entire team.

the other side.

Song Zhi finally found something hard in the zombie's gray brain.

Use a dagger to pick it out of the brain, then take the bottle of water that was thrown out just now, twist it open and rinse it, and then you can see the full picture of the crystal nucleus.

This is really a third-order crystal core.

Compared with the first- and second-order crystal nuclei, it is a circle larger. The entire crystal nucleus appears purple, with a faint silver stream of light passing through it, flickering on and off, representing the rise and fall of energy.

"It seems that it contains at least general energy."

Song Zhi took the crystal core in his hand and felt it.

When the zombies absorbed Qi'er's superpower just now, they didn't fully release it, only half of it was used.

The remaining ones can be absorbed by superpowers with the same attribute.

But this is of no use to Song Zhi. Her superpower has nothing to do with it and cannot be absorbed.

Song Zhi took the crystal core in his hand and planned to check on the others.

Just now, I was busy talking to the system and didn't notice that other people had been injured by zombies.

Fortunately, the third-level zombies basically use brute force to attack humans, and the cuts on their bodies are all scratches, not bites from zombies.

Otherwise, there will be a risk of mutation, and it doesn't matter whether you see it or not.

Song Zhi went to Si Qing first because he was closest to him.

As soon as he walked over, Song Zhi was going to ask about Si Qing's situation and whether he was injured, but when he looked up, he met Si Qing's strange eyes.

Song Zhi had to reply subconsciously.

"That... this zombie is quite difficult to deal with. It took a long time to fight, um."

Si Qing's eyes seemed to be glowing when he looked at Song Zhi, so hot that he wanted to stare through Song Zhi's whole body.

Song Zhi was a little scared by being looked at.

Of course, she knew why Si Qing looked at her like this, it was nothing more than the fight with the zombies just now.

But, he had restrained himself a lot when he started just now, why did he still look at her with such eyes...


Si Qing felt a strong sense of deception when he heard Song Zhi's words.

From his perspective, the zombie clearly wanted to escape, but was blocked by Song Zhi and kicked back again.

The zombie behind him had completely lost the ability to resist.

He even saw the hopelessness of life in the zombie's expression later.

That's it, you still say it's difficult?

Si Qing didn't believe it.


"How are you? Are you injured?" The words came to his lips, and they became concerned.

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