Build a doomsday base, starting from the infinite supermarket

Chapter 93 I'm sorry for being so blunt.

"You're still worried about people? Did you accidentally hurt your brain just now?"

Song Zhi raised his eyebrows and looked at Qi'er when he heard this.

She thought that this person had nothing else in his mind except robbery. She didn't expect that he would care about other people.

Qi'er's face froze, and suddenly thought of something bad, then turned his head away and stammered.

"We are on a mission together. I am the captain of this mission. I have the obligation to care about my team members. Don't think too much."

He just did his job well, not anything else.

Song Zhi: "Oh, I didn't think much about it. It's not that the brain is injured. Otherwise, I don't have the ability to treat it."

Song Zhi chuckled, and then turned to treat Si Qing.

Qi'er heard the sarcasm in Song Zhi's words, but now Song Zhi was treating Si Qing, and he didn't dare to disturb him.

He could only hold back his anger, turn his head and look aside, and no longer be annoying.

Qi'er didn't know what his mood was now, but the scene of Si Qing standing alone in front of the zombies kept appearing in his mind.

Although everyone went out to do the mission together, their lives were their own.

No one was stupid enough to voluntarily give up their own life and let others live, not to mention that it also included people who had always been unhappy with him.


After Song Zhi retorted to Qi Er for a few words, he ignored him and focused on treating Si Qing.

Song Zhi first treated the external injuries.

He tore open the cloth on the sleeve of Si Qing's arm wound to expose the wound for easy treatment.

The wound was five fingers wide, the skin and flesh turned outward and were red and black, and there was black sand on it that was stuck from somewhere because of the fall.

The sand and the coagulated blood were mixed together, and Song Zhi had to clean it up bit by bit.

In order to ensure that the wound would not be infected, Song Zhi disinfected the wound with medical alcohol.

Song Zhi poured a whole bottle of alcohol. It was reasonable that Si Qing would wake up directly from the pain.

But Si Qing only frowned slightly, and the rest was gone.

"This injury is too severe."

Song Zhi saw that he had no reaction, and thought to himself that it was not good.

If he could wake up from the pain, it meant that his condition was not too bad. On the contrary, if he could not wake up from such pain, he might have fallen into a deep coma and it would be difficult to wake up.

It took Song Zhi an hour to treat Si Qing alone.

After bandaging Si Qing and injecting the healing potion, Song Zhi also took the time to see other people.

When they came here, everyone took good care of her on the way.

Now that everyone was in trouble, she should help.

Qi Er had one hand hanging by the side, and when Song Zhi was treating and bandaging Si Qing, she would occasionally turn her head to look secretly.

Then when Song Zhi was about to find out, she quickly turned her head away.

My heart beat faster, like a child who was afraid of being discovered by adults for doing something bad secretly.

Qi Er looked into the distance with a guilty conscience.

Suddenly, he felt his shoulder sink.

Before he could react to what was going on, a sharp pain came from his shoulder the next second.

"What are you doing!" Qi'er waved his other hand, trying to knock off the hand on his shoulder.

But when he waved it, he accidentally hit nothing.

He looked up and met Song Zhi's indifferent eyes.

"It's just a piece of cake. You just need to give me 100,000 yuan for treatment after you go back. It's a good deal, right?"

Song Zhi said, without giving Qi'er time to refuse, and turned to the other people.

Qi'er was still confused.

After about a few minutes, he remembered to move his shoulder.

She... was she treating her just now?

The dislocated arm had been reattached, and after a slight movement, there was no discomfort at all.

Qi'er's heart became more complicated.

Song Zhi went back to treat others while taking care of Si Qing.

Gu Si had woken up at this time and sat aside.

"Brother, how do you feel now? Is there any other discomfort in your body?"

Seeing Gu Si move, Gu Wanru immediately put down the things in front of her and asked him anxiously.

Gu Si looked at Gu Wanru and then looked around.

He was relieved when he found that the surroundings were safe.

He shook his head and said hoarsely: "No, I feel good now."

Just at this time, Qin Mingyue passed by Gu Si. Gu Si looked at her and asked.

"Did she save me just now? Would she be so generous?"

Gu Si was a little unbelievable.

He and Qin Mingyue had met several times before, but they ended up in a bad mood. The other party always looked high and mighty and looked down on him.

So he would never believe that the other party could treat him.

Unless the sun rises from the west.

Gu Wanru: You are right, the sun did not rise from the west. It was Boss Song who saved you. That woman, let alone saving you, it would be good if she didn't give you a finishing blow.

Gu Si: ... My feeling is really accurate.

"Of course not, it was Boss Song who saved you." Gu Wanru saw Qin Mingyue walking past Gu Si and denied it directly.

What are you thinking!

Just her?

It was useless for her to beg just now. She was just a cold-blooded woman!

Qin Mingyue had been marked with a big "X" in Gu Wanru's heart.

She didn't want to go on a mission with this woman in the same team anymore. She was the only one with healing abilities, but she didn't save anyone...

"Oh, it's Boss Song."

After hearing that it was not Qin Mingyue who saved him, Gu Si was relieved.

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But when he realized who Gu Wanru was talking about, he was shocked again.

"What? Who are you talking about? Boss Song?"

Boss Song can also treat people?

"It's Boss Song. She used a healing potion on you. I haven't seen that potion. Not to mention me, there may not be such a potion in the base. Brother, you must thank Boss Song later."

Gu Wanru recalled the healing potion that Song Zhi took out from the small cloth bag when he treated Gu Si just now, and said slowly.

Gu Si was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

After sitting there for a while, he nodded to agree with Gu Wanru's words.

"That's for sure. My life will belong to Boss Song in the future."

Gu Si patted his chest with a firm expression.

"Okay, pat it gently, don't pat yourself to get sick later, this potion of mine is very expensive."

Song Zhi's voice sounded from above Gu Si's head.

Seeing Gu Si's expression and actions, she thought he must be fine, so she smiled and joked.

"Song... Boss Song." Gu Si smiled at Song Zhi embarrassedly when he saw her.

"Okay, sit down and rest for a while, I'll go check on the others. If they can all move, we'll leave here as soon as possible."

Song Zhi decided to check on everyone, and if there was no big problem, she would continue to act according to the original plan.

Although she had just killed the third-level zombie, there were still many unknown dangers around.

The right answer was to leave here as soon as possible and return to the base.

"Okay." Gu Si nodded, and seeing that Song Zhi was going to see other people, he didn't say anything.

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