Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 101 Training Camp

The Big Three of "Lion Camel Ridge" were finally defeated by the "Silver Horn King". Nowitzki sublimated his career with the single-core championship with the most gold content in the new century, bringing the Mavericks the first place in team history While winning the championship, he also confirmed his position as the number one foreign player in the NBA. If you want to have such a great foreign player appear again, maybe you can only look forward to the Chinese hero in the novel.

Every year before the draft, each team will set up a training camp and invite all rookies to come to participate in trial training and interviews. Players participating in the training camp must not only practice together, but also play games together. Their performance will affect their performance. Draft prospects, players will showcase their shooting, ball handling and physicality to managers, coaches and scouts across the league.

After raising his draft pick to the twelfth pick, the Nets finally have the confidence to invite some popular rookies to try out. Jiang Mingliang's goal is Leonard, but out of respect for the rules of the league, more players should be invited over. Even if it is to release a smoke bomb?

Power forward Tristan Thompson from the University of Texas, power forward Biyombo from Congo, point guard Braden Knight, Kemba Walker, these players were also invited by the Nets to try out The roster, together with the previously set Klay Thompson, Tobias Harris, Jimmy Butler, and Chandler Parsons, will show themselves in the Nets' training hall.

What surprised Jiang Mingliang was that Irving, who had secured the No. 1 pick, also came to the Nets for trial training.

Jerry West really likes Owen!

Jiang Mingliang, Stevens, and West came to the training camp together. When the three got out of the car, the lights flashed together. Everyone saw the success of the Nets in the draft last year. The draft target is also the focus of many media and reporters.

"Mr. Jiang, do you have a suitable rookie target now?"

"The team is only investigating rookies now, and there is no suitable candidate yet."

Jiang Mingliang's attitude towards media reporters has always been very good, but this time, his answer was very cold and silent.

As soon as the three entered the arena, they saw Kyrie Irving "beating" Braden Knight. At a 45-degree angle to the right, Owen's gorgeous dribbling skills caught Knight's attention. Several realistic fake moves had already moved Knight's center of gravity, and suddenly made a breakthrough with force. Knight subconsciously turned around to block, But seeing Owen turn around and take a step back, it was too late for Knight to adjust his center of gravity.

A light tie rod layup, Irving's goal caused the applause of the audience. For Irving himself, this kind of praise has accompanied his basketball career, and he is too used to it.

Some people show off their physical talents in front of the uniform team. After all, physical fitness is the capital of sports. Some people barely give full play to their shooting talents in the uniform group. Judging from the Nets' games last season, Coach Stevens has a preference for players who are good at shooting. Among the crowd, the most low-key one was Leonard, who Jiang Mingliang had defaulted to as Plan A.

He also followed the shooters, trying three-point shots to adapt to the NBA three-point line, but compared with a natural shooter like Thompson, his adjustment and adaptation were much slower. However, the key point is that he did not hide his shortcoming. Although his shooting percentage is less than 40%, which is an extremely poor level in training, he is still taking shots one after another, trying to find the right one for himself. Feel, form the correct muscle memory.

To put it simply, he did not regard this trial training as the "college entrance examination" of his life, but regarded him as an ordinary training class. Show off your defensive skills and use Death Coil to defend others? This is not a competition, it is not necessary at all!

If he hadn't done enough homework, just watching this trial, and without knowing the details, Stevens would really refuse to choose Kawhi with the precious No. 12 pick. But after understanding, he also felt that Leonard's quality was extremely valuable.

That is, after the trial training, Stevens met Leonard on behalf of the Nets uniform team and made a promise to him on behalf of the team that as long as Leonard is not selected by the previous team, the Nets The team will definitely take him with the twelfth pick. At the same time, Stevens also said that he is very much looking forward to working with Leonard in the Nets.

On June 24, the 2011 NBA Draft was held as scheduled at the Disson Square Garden Arena in New York, broadcast by ESPN across the United States. NBA teams will select suitable players from the shortlist to join the team in the order of the previous lottery. For teams at all levels of the league, the importance of the draft is self-evident. Why did Garnett fail to recruit decent helpers during his peak period? Apart from the lack of attractiveness of Minnesota itself, isn't it because the Timberwolves were fined five first-round picks for playing yin and yang contracts, which made the team miss potential rookies?

Soon, the NBA Draft began under the auspices of NBA President David Stern.

In fact, the final result of each year's draft is almost predictable. There are very few things like Jiang Mingliang's upset selection of George last year. Of course, there are bound to be accidents, but not many. This year, because of the labor agreement, it is a small year, and the rookies participating in the selection are mainly based on immediate combat capabilities, so each team checks for omissions and fills in according to their own lineup, and there will not be many surprises.

"The Cleveland Cavaliers selected..." At this point, Stern spat deliberately, looked at the people in the audience, and then continued, "Guard guard Kyrie Irving from Duke University .Congratulations, lad!"

Although many things have been known for a long time, but when the real moment comes, happiness is still inevitable. It’s like candidates taking the college entrance examination. After reading the answers after the test, there is a high probability that they already know what range their scores are in and which schools they can apply for. But when the admission notices from Tsinghua University and Peking University are handed over, who can really restrain themselves? joy.

After hugging his father and the people in his team off the court, Irving put on the Cavaliers hat and walked to the rostrum with his head held high. For Irving, Cleveland is not a good place, and the Cavaliers are not always suitable for his team, but who can guarantee that Irving can't lead the team to rise from the ashes like George did last year?

The Timberwolves, who have high draft picks every year and take the initiative to remove a wrong answer for other teams every year, continued to do good things this year and chose Derek Williams, the most unpopular swingman at the third and fourth positions in the league. Looking at the same type of Jeff Green, Beasley's struggles in the league, and thinking about the tireless teaching of the Timberwolves, I can only say, good luck to Derek Williams!

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