Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 113 The reason for basketball

Lakers OR Clippers, if the players are allowed to choose, any fool will know which one to choose. Gasol has been selected to the best team in the past two years. Using him as a bargaining chip to pull a three-way deal, someone is always willing to join. For example, the Houston Rockets, the Texas junior, actively participated in the transaction. Their goal is Gasol, who the Lakers are willing to give up, but the Hornets are not willing to take over.

Gasol plus Whiteside's inside line looks quite bright, and the team can also use this to enhance its attractiveness in the free agent market. The Rockets are willing to send Scola, Martin, plus the first-round pick in 2012. A lottery pick with a high probability is attractive to the Hornets. The three-party trading plan is close to being reached soon. The main plan of the transaction is that the Hornets send Paul to get Odom, Martin, Scola, the Lakers' pick for next season, and the Rockets' pick for next season. The Lakers sent Odom, Gasol, the pick for next season, and got Paul, while the Rockets sent Martin, Scola, Dragic, the pick, and got Gasol.

It seems to be a deal where everyone gets what they need. Although the Hornets suffer a loss, it seems that they will not get a more favorable bargaining chip when Paul is determined to leave and next season is a player option. However, if the transaction is not settled for a minute, the Hornets still have a chance to bargain. They continue to wrestle with the Lakers, hoping to get the rookie that the Lakers have selected in the past two years, and at the same time, they will dump Okafor's three-year contract. To the Lakers, Kupchak clearly refused.

After entanglement for a long time, the trade plan was finally settled. The three teams handed over the trade plan to the alliance, and the transaction was completed only after the alliance issued a notice.

Los Angeles Times reporter Steve Kyle, who got the news, said on Twitter that he believes Paul will have an 85% chance of wearing the purple and gold jersey by next Tuesday.

However, Gilbert, who plays the role of a shit-stirring stick in the management, will not easily spare these "big city teams". When the deal was reviewed by Stern, an email was sent to his mailbox , in the email, listed in detail the various advantages that the Lakers took in this deal, including the league's first point guard, 20 million salary expenditure in the next three years and 20 million luxury tax (if there is no follow-up signing) salary space A special case (it is convenient to participate in the follow-up Howard's transaction) and proposed that the Hornets' deal should be jointly decided by the other 29 owners in the league, because the league used everyone's money to temporarily acquire the Hornets.

The suspension of the league this season is the result of the accumulation of various contradictions. Among them, the formation of the Big Three in Miami last year definitely accounted for a large part of the reason. The hard-working superstars waved their sleeves without leaving a cloud, which had too much influence on the teams in small cities, and the strong performance of the Big Three also destroyed the competitiveness of the league, especially the East. And Paul joining the Lakers is very likely to extremize this problem again. The Hornets and even the Magic will once again become the Lakers' satellite team. This is a situation that Stern does not want to see.

As the owner of the Hornets, Stern came forward to stop the transaction and stated "basketball reasons."

One stone caused a thousand waves, such an unwarranted "basketball reason", directly embarrassing all three teams involved in the transaction. Paul was very dissatisfied with not being able to go to the Lakers as he wished, and Gasol, who preferred to live in Los Angeles compared to New Orleans, felt lucky. Subtle changes.

Either don't make a move, and do it once you make a move! In less than half a day, under the promotion of Stern, the Hornets reached a deal with another team in Los Angeles, the Clippers. The Clippers sent Eric Gordon, Kaman, Aminu and Timberwolves. The unprotected first-round pick last year was traded from the Hornets to Paul plus two second-round picks.

While eliminating the Lakers' idea of ​​restarting the trade, they also complied with Paul's wishes and traded him to the big city of Los Angeles as compensation. The combination of Paul, Griffin, and Jordan seems to have begun to have the strength to confront the rival Lakers in the same city. The addition of Paul has greatly increased the attractiveness of the Clippers in the free market. The former All-Star small forward Caron Butler, who was crowned with the Dallas Mavericks, signed with the Clippers at a "low price" of 24 million in three years. With the combination of Paul, Griffin and Jordan, it must be a force that cannot be underestimated in the league.

Soon, the Nets' rivals in the same city, the Knicks, also added fire to the Clippers. In order to free up salary space and sign Chandler, the defensive pillar of the Dallas Mavericks, the Knicks activated the amnesty clause just reached in the collective bargaining agreement. Billup was waived and then signed Tyson Chandler. Anthony, Stoudemire, Chandler, and the Knicks formed the strongest frontcourt combination in the league.

Feeling humiliated, Billups said that he would join the Heat with a basic salary after the clarification period, and he must give the Knicks some color. At the same time, he warned other teams in the league not to try to claim it during the clarification period, otherwise he would choose to retire.

However, the top Clippers did just that, and made Billups shout "really fragrant" and joined the team with satisfaction. On the one hand, the reason was Paul, who told Billups that he would end next season After implementing the player option, he will stay with the Clippers for at least two seasons. On the other hand, the Clippers promised that Billups will give him a "big" contract after the season, and the team hopes to keep him.

"The West is really getting stronger and stronger." In his spare time, Jiang Mingliang mentioned this matter when chatting with Stevens.

After Jordan retired, the pattern of strong west and weak east has been formed for a long time. Just like Jiang Mingliang said, among the Eastern teams, the Eagles are the dividing line between strong and weak teams. It's not very good to fight.

It is not reflected in a certain team, but the old and solid Spurs, the Thunder with hard talent and bugs, the Nuggets with an amazing lineup, the Grizzlies who have just completed the miracle of the Black Eight, the Lakers with remaining strength and the new rise The Clippers, this competition is brutal.

"It's true that some teams in the East are too flashy." Stevens lamented.

Just like the Knicks, the three frontcourt players don't match up at all. To put it bluntly, if you replace Stoudemire with Anderson, it is probably more coordinated.

Howard's transfer farce has officially begun. Coupled with the decline of other players in the Magic, the decline of the Magic seems inevitable. It is hard to imagine that Bobby Simmons, who was given up by the Nets last season, is actually relatively reliable outside the Magic. defender. If the Nets maintain the progress of last season, the Eastern Conference semi-finals should be a very realistic goal.

Of course, whether it is Jiang Mingliang or Stevens, the goal is not limited to this!

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