Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 124 Blow, let you blow enough

Turkoglu made a steady technical foul free throw, and the Nets' lead was reduced to 7 points. Stevens then called a short timeout and began his arrangement.

Shark hacking tactics, to be more precise, Huo hacking tactics, entered the state of large-scale use for the first time.

At that time, the old Nelson created the shark-slashing tactic that shocked the NBA. At the beginning, it was only aimed at O'Neal's invincible inside destructive power and extremely bad free throw percentage. Later, it was widely used in the NBA, cutting Duncan, Bowen, and Ben. Wait, in short, whoever makes the free throw difference will be cut. From this point of view, the old Nelson is worthy of being one of the most creative and eclectic coaches in the NBA.

But no matter which coach it is, it is used when it is behind. How can it be "cut" when it is ahead? Isn't this helping the opponent to stop the watch and return the points? However, the Nets just slashed, and the slashing was even more ruthless than the Mavericks slashing the shark. After George broke through and scored a layup, Liggins, who was sent by Stevens to perform foul tasks, hugged Howard firmly from outside the three-point line before Nelson dribbled for half the court. Stan Van Gundy saw it and took the initiative to report it to the referee, but he didn't know it, which was exactly what Stevens meant.

Howard also didn't realize the real intention of the Nets. He walked to the free throw line eager to try, watched the crazy interference of the Nets fans behind the basket, raised his hand and shot the basketball.



Howard still accepts two free throws and one, which is his normal state in the past two seasons.

However, immediately after Korver completed an outside attack, Liggins once again fouled Howard without hesitation, which made Warcraft more embarrassed.

The Nets didn't start cutting the Sharks after the Magic started their offense. They started cutting just after Warcraft entered the three-point line, and Nelson didn't even have a chance to make a shooting posture.

Hey, you guys are still in the lead, wouldn't it be too shameless to do this now! Stan Van Gundy thought angrily.

In sharp contrast to Stan Van Gundy's resentment is the reaction of the Nets fans at the scene. When Howard made a free throw, he was greeted by fans who were funny, abused, disgusted, or ridiculed. The pressure comes from the hacking tactic itself. Of course, Howard himself knows where his weaknesses lie. Now that he is firmly grasped and exposed by the Nets, he feels a little uncomfortable mentally.

Trying to control his emotions, Howard made two free throws, which is not a bad result.

When taking the initiative to adopt the slashing tactics when leading, the first thing to ensure is the fluency and grasp of one's own offense. Coincidentally, the Magic's overall lineup configuration is more suitable for the Nets to boldly implement this tactic. The perimeter defense is poor, and Howard has two fouls on his back. While Liggins and Korver sent Warcraft to the free throw line 7 times in a row, the Nets ensured that their offensive shooting percentage was above 50%, and the difference between the two sides widened to 11 points.

The game was boring after being cut by fouls again and again, but the effect was immediate. The fans on the scene did not resist too much. On the contrary, when Howard made a free throw, the whole audience shouted and booed him to continue to put pressure on him. It became everyone's fun, and even Carly Rae Jipson played with the fans at the scene. After being captured by the camera, the picture of squatting girls embarrassed was really kawaii.

"Beep!" The referee's whistle sounded again, but this time it was no longer the whistle for the Nets to adopt foul tactics, but George was knocked down by Howard during a layup, and Howard was sentenced to a defensive foul .

"!!!" Stan Van Gundy knew that it was broken, that Howard was in a foul crisis, and this game was even more difficult to play.

On both ends of the offense and defense, the Magic cannot do without Howard. This is why Van Gundy still puts Howard on the court even though Howard’s free throw weakness is magnified by the Nets. Without him, the Magic’s defensive problems will be further. enlarge. Just this time, it seems that a replacement is inevitable. After all, in addition to Howard's own foul problem, the psychology of this big boy must also be considered. Chi Yiguo Yiguo exposes his own weaknesses to his opponents, which is quite uncomfortable.

After successfully knocking Howard off the court, Stevens was overjoyed, and quickly arranged the inside combination of Lopez and West to attack the relatively weak inside of the Magic. Jeremy Lin and Leonard also went into battle, replacing Bledsoe and Korver. The intention is also obvious. Jeremy Lin is better at distributing the ball inside, and Leonard is also better at completing homework inside.

Before halftime, in the three and a half minutes without Howard, the point difference was further widened from 11 points to 20 points.

Grab the opponent's sore feet and beat them to death. This is a very big change for the team after Stevens took over the Nets. The point that the Magic is better than the Nets is Warcraft Howard, so find a way to kill him. Before Howard left the court, although the Magic's offense was blocked, the defensive end finally managed to hold on to the lower limit and did not let the Nets do anything reckless. Once he's off the court, Lopez and West can do whatever they want with Alton and Bass.

At halftime, the Nets almost knocked out the suspense of the game. The team's complete loss of competitiveness also made Warcraft feel desperate. In the second half of the game, his enthusiasm also declined. I watched helplessly as the Nets steadily maintained the point difference at around 20 points in the third quarter, and then the two sides entered the practice (la) soldiers (ji) time of the fourth quarter together.

After all, Stevens is not George Karl. He knows that everything is on the line, and we will see each other in the future. After all, the players of the Nets are not as ruthless as the gangsters of the Nuggets. In the fourth quarter, under control of the game, the Nets allowed the Magic to recover some points. The final score was fixed at 123:111. The 12-point difference did not seem to be too big, but the fans watching the game were very happy. It is clear that the gap between the two sides is far greater than the difference reflects. In other words, from this game alone, the two sides are not teams of the same level.

However, this technical knockdown has become a "despicable act" in the mouth of Magic coach Van Gundy. Van Gundy lashed out at the game in his postgame press conference.

"I have to say that this is an ugly game. Our opponent used some disgraceful tactics and finally stole the victory of this game. The bottomless foul tactics that exploit loopholes in the rules should not appear in the NBA. There is no Viewers want to see a game that is cut apart by free throws, and such ugly scenes should not appear in the NBA, which represents the highest level of basketball competition in the world."

The steady decline of the team's performance has made Van Gundy's position unsafe, and the troubles caused by the head star Howard in the locker room are even more headaches for Van Gundy. In this case, Stevens' foul tactics took more than just This victory is more likely to drive other teams in the league to chase Howard, which makes Van Gundy more depressed than losing this game.

Stevens also confronted reporters about the use of "foul tactics."

"Do you think this tactic has achieved the desired effect?" Stevens asked reporters.

"Of course!" A fool would deny this.

"Howard had just had a 'beautiful' play before taking the foul play. He was unstoppable, like Shaq was back in the day. That's when we decided to do it. He's a better free-throw shooter than Shaq. Accurate, but we'd rather have him shoot 50 percent of the time than let him finish the play." Stevens focused on the finish when Howard elbowed Anderson before the team fouled.

Although most of the team's fines were paid by Jiang Mingliang, Stevens decided to point this out in a more "gentle" way to save the boss some money.

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