The appearance of rotation players is still unable to limit Chris Paul, but when Griffin and Butler are off the court to rest, other Clippers players are gradually restricted. In the first quarter of the game, Paul scored 12 points, exceeding 40% of the Clippers' team's points. The Clippers led the Nets by 8 points at 29:21.

At the beginning of the second quarter, the Nets' rotation began to work. Jeremy Lin used the pick-and-roll with Anderson to cut into the inside of the Clippers, attracting the attention of Mobuchuan and Reggie Evans, and then distributed the ball to Anderson. Anderson hit a 3-pointer.

Although Evans, a rebounding idiot, is good at protecting rebounds, his abilities in other aspects are really not flattering, especially the movement of his feet in the interior is also considered slow, which is quite a disadvantage against Anderson, a space-type fourth position. What's more terrible is that he is already the only reliable rotation player inside the Clippers.

It's no wonder that the Clippers are actively chasing Kenyon Martin, who has average performance in the CBA and is eager to return to the NBA.

In all fairness, the Clippers' bench lineup is already considered good in the league, but the problem lies in the mobility of the two bench insiders Evans and Tomkins. If the two follow up, it is easy for Anderson to sway away with fake moves. If they don't follow up, Anderson's three-pointer is really terrible, which is a bit of a dilemma.

The Clippers and the Nets are both teams that can enjoy the benefits brought by high-quality rookie contracts. The lineups they have formed also have their own advantages. If the team moves back, it depends on the gap between the players. From the perspective of God, Jiang Mingliang found Stevens, a figure who could be Ferguson of the Nets, and Del Negro almost handed everything over to Chris Paul, willing to be the player's puppet. The gap between the head coaches is obvious.

After 3 minutes in the second quarter, the point difference has narrowed to 3 points. The Clippers replaced Billups and Griffin again, and the scene also reversed. Anderson can bully Evans with his footsteps, but it is a bit embarrassing for him to fight against Griffin, and Billups, who has rested for a long time, reappears and revitalizes the team's outside line. Randy Foye receives Billup Puth hit a 3-point pass, and the Clippers widened the point difference to 8 points again. Stevens had to send West and Leonard back on the field to contain Griffin. After the two debuted, at least Griffin didn't play so comfortably.

Although Jeremy Lin couldn't defend against Billups, on the offensive end, he could also rely on his own physical advantage to break through the opponent's defense, facing Evans' defense with a pull-up layup and scored the ball, causing Evans to Defensive foul!

After a beautiful 2+1, Jeremy Lin also won applause from the audience.

Jiang Mingliang on the sidelines also stood up and waved his arms, unabashedly cheering for Jeremy Lin. Not only because Jeremy Lin is a Chinese-American like him, and he came from Harvard like him, but also because Jeremy Lin is Jiang Mingliang, who resisted all opinions and stayed in the team. Trusted backup point guard.

Jeremy Lin's wonderful goal boosted the morale of the Nets team. In the next defense, Fernandez blocked Randy Foye's three-point shot, and directly launched a fast break, three steps and two steps, gliding and dunking, Add 2 more points for the team.

Seeing the momentum of the Nets, Del Negro called a timeout to stop the flames of the Nets.

After the timeout, Paul, Jordan, and Butler also returned to the court. The main players of the Nets also appeared on the court, and the two sides once again began to fight each other.

With wingspan, strength, and flexibility, Bledsoe is an excellent defensive representative of the new generation of point guards in the league. When he returns to the court to face Chris Paul, Bledsoe will also focus all his energy on the defensive end to limit grams. In this matter, Rees Paul was active and conscientious and had an advantage in physical condition, which made Paul feel uncomfortable to a certain extent. However, when Paul was slightly restrained by Bledsoe's defense without hesitation, Butler and Griffin stood up. Griffin pulled up to the high post to feed Butler, and Butler hit George twice in a row. Succeeded, helping the Clippers re-establish their lead.

In Jiang Mingliang's view, the current Clippers team has a healthier lineup than the Clippers in the next few years. Although the team's tactical play is a bit immature, there are more points that can really launch an attack to solve the problem. Later, when the Clippers formed the most stable starting four in the league, they also came to the most rigid stage of the team's tactics. Fans have already known the Clippers' tactics with their eyes closed. Looking for shooting opportunities on the screen, Griffin and Jordan went down after the pick-and-roll. Several sets of tactics could not be opened, and Crawford shot and caught the pot. . . . . . .

Butler may not be suitable for Paul, but in fact, a perfect fit cannot compare to the overflow of efficiency. No matter how reasonable the Clippers seem, when they meet the unreasonable Warriors, their losses will be worse every time!

In the second half of the second quarter, George began to increase the frequency of personal offenses. Brook Lopez's injury means that the team's possession of the ball will be more concentrated on him and West, which of course helps George get better results when Stevens' tactical system is not easy to get good data. With more performance opportunities, George's performance has steadily improved since the start of the game, and in this game, he also proved with his actual performance that he is capable of absorbing more possessions.

He can catch the ball on the left wing and make a lightning shot, he can dodge Butler's ghostly outstretched hand after an air cut, and dunk after receiving a pass, even he is still 1.2 seconds before halftime, at the middle circle Archery on horseback, hit a long-range three-pointer. George scored nine straight points late in the second quarter to help the Nets tie the score before halftime.

Compared with the first quarter of the game, the duel between the main lineups of the two sides, the Nets were almost blown away by the Clippers, and in the second quarter, they even had a certain advantage. Among them, the two rookies selected by the team last season contributed a lot!

Although young, but in the Nets, their growth is really fast enough! The progress is really obvious enough!

The 15-minute break in midfield was fleeting, and soon the two sides re-entered the field to fight in the third quarter.

Paul held the ball for halftime and was controlling the rhythm of the game. Suddenly George stepped forward and cooperated with Bledsoe to double-team Paul, and Butler in the bottom corner was emptied by him.

Using the characteristics of long arms inside and outside the team to double-team the ball holder, this tactic once shined brilliantly against the Knicks. The continuous pressure made Felton almost miss double figures in that game. However, Paul, who is also short in stature, is not so easy to deal with. Before the double-team formation, he observed the position of his teammates in advance, took a step back to make room for the jump and passed the ball to the taller Griffin. Dividing the bottom corner, Butler, who was in an open position, received the ball from the bottom corner and raised his hand to shoot a three-pointer, but unfortunately the ball missed.

Although it's a pity that the ball didn't make the shot, it was also when Paul personally cracked the Nets' double-team tactics and made a smart response without any preparations. He deserves to be the number one point guard!

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