Soon a propeller plane painted with a yellow shark pattern slowly slid across the runway. Professional skydivers in flight suits held cameras and asked Jiang Mingliang and Krystal a few questions respectively, indicating that they were ready to board the plane.

Facing the camera of the program group, Krystal looked left and right, holding his face in both hands and blustering Korean. Although Jiang Mingliang didn't understand, he could roughly guess that it was nothing more than playing tricks and didn't want to dance. I just don't know if it's because of the variety show effect or because I'm really afraid.

Krystal dragged on for a long time during the short distance of about 100 meters, and stopped several times in the middle. When it was her turn to board the plane, she quickly turned sideways and let Jiang Mingliang get on first. What she thought in her heart was that the one in front must jump first.

Getting into the cabin, Krystal started to speak English nervously, "OMG, my legs are shaking."

Jiang Mingliang himself was not afraid, but after Krystal made such a fuss, and the plane left the ground and flew into the sky, he finally became a little nervous, so he quickly took two deep breaths to calm himself down.

The cabin of the old-fashioned propeller plane specially used for skydiving is not spacious, and only two people and two pilots can sit side by side. Bundle skydiving with experiencers.

High-altitude videographers are professionals in the flying club. They are responsible for recording the whole process from boarding to landing, and then make exquisite commemorative discs for delivery to experiencers. Of course, there is a fee.

The plane kept climbing, and through the portholes, the white clouds in the sky seemed to be split by the wings. Looking from a distance, I felt like I was flying through the clouds. The feeling of flying is completely different. After all, the trajectory of the flight is mainly upward.

Krystal grabbed the safety bar with one hand and screamed twice, and the staff behind her smiled and showed her the height on the wrist.

Still fidgeting, she looked around, turned her head and saw Jiang Mingliang, who pressed his hands down to signal her to calm down.

Now that you have come, you can rest assured. Is there any chance to regret it now?

"Alas~" Krystal let out a long sigh of relief, and then he figured out that the people who boarded the plane first sat inside, while the people who boarded the plane later approached the hatch and parachuted first. . . . . . .

The plane flew up to the sky above the skydiving base. Jiang Mingliang and Krystal checked the safety equipment for the last time and put on goggles.

The cabin door opened, and Krystal was slowly sliding towards the cabin door with the staff. The violent wind felt like a knife pierced into his mouth. Krystal let out two quick breaths to adapt to the cold wind in the sky, and then was hugged by the staff behind him. leaned down.

A minute later, Jiang Mingliang also jumped out of the cabin with the staff.

After the free fall, he maintained his balance and spread his limbs to float like a sea turtle. It took several seconds for Jiang Mingliang to adapt to the flying state.

"Wow! It's so cool!" The feeling of flying freely, floating in the clouds like a dream, an unprecedented sense of pleasure, even better than ML! Jiang Mingliang's emotions were completely mobilized, and he gave a thumbs up to the cameraman who was shooting.

After landing first, Krystal chased after her regardless of the cameras of the program group, shouting excitedly, as if regaining vitality all of a sudden, and cheering. Then, seeing Jiang Mingliang who landed floatingly, he was very happy and raised his arms and shouted at him.

"Hairline~" Krystal pointed to Jiang Mingliang and reminded.

The huge wind resistance slid the vertical direction of Jiang Mingliang's hair to the back. At this time, Jiang Mingliang's image was probably the worst time he appeared outside since elementary school.

Reaching out to smooth his hair, Jiang Mingliang smiled wryly, "Fortunately, you are not your sister."

"What's the matter with my sister?" Krystal asked puzzled, not quite understanding the meaning of Jiang Mingliang's words.

Jiang Mingliang was stunned for a moment, not expecting that Krystal didn't know that he was her brother-in-law, "I just think you are more suitable for sports."

"That's natural!" Krystal looked at Jiang Mingliang, and suddenly made a throwing motion. Jiang Mingliang and her eyes met, and both of them could see some smiles in each other's eyes.

Jessica's most famous pitching ball, you can laugh once you see it.

Although he wanted to continue communicating, Krystal had a recording task after all, so it was inconvenient for him to communicate more with Jiang Mingliang. After finishing the recording of the end of the flight base, he left in a hurry. And Jiang Mingliang sent the Krystal he just photographed to jessica through a private message on Twitter.

"Did you meet in New Zealand?" Jessica asked after knowing Krystal's itinerary.

"Coincidentally, counting the time I met you, this is the third time I met Krystal in the third city. We met in New York before." Jiang Mingliang talked about this matter again.

Outside of work, the two sisters are keen on traveling, which is related to their occupations. They have been under the spotlight for a long time due to the intense work status, and rarely have free time for themselves. Once a long vacation is usually Relax and relax on vacation with your family.

Meeting Krystal was just a small episode in his travel life. In the next few days of play, Jiang Mingliang had no chance to run into his sister-in-law again until he left Rutorua and returned to Auckland.

In the few days since Jiang Mingliang left the United States, the Nets' record was still unstable. The players seized the opportunity of Rose's absence and successfully broke the bull's horns. This was the first time the team defeated the Bulls ranked No. 1 in the Eastern Conference this season. The halberds were broken one after another, and the problem of emptiness inside was further amplified. (29-19) Counting Monroe and Duncan who have played against each other before, plus Aldridge, Gasol, and Bynum in these two games, it can be said that the Nets, which have been going smoothly for half a season, have a lot of goals. Started to show in front of the league teams.

Back in the United States, the first thing Jiang Mingliang did was not to find his girlfriend who had been in the cold war for a week to resolve the conflict, but to come to the training hall in East Rutherford to watch the team's training.

His appearance does not mean that it can improve the quality of everyone's training, but at least it is a signal to the players that the boss is back, and some people should work harder.

For example, Anderson, who has decided to leave the team in the summer, is not clear whether he intends to wait until the summer to be sold or whether it is because of the high-density schedule that the state has declined. All in all, the trip to Texas before the All-Star Game, he The state began to decline, and the recent shooting rate has dropped to 30%, which directly led to a significant decline in the offensive end of the Nets' rotation.

"Do you think it is feasible for our current lineup to normalize small ball tactics?" After training, Jiang Mingliang also gave Stevens the gift he brought back from New Zealand, "I think our rotation and oppression can be done. At the same time, the mobility and space on the offensive end can also be stretched further."

"We can't take West casually. The problem didn't appear on him." Stevens explained, "In his rest time, I have plans to try it."

"Then what if Baines is taken down?" Jiang Mingliang made a bold suggestion.

Didn't the Warriors also take down Bogut and keep Green in the death five small tactics, and Green will take on the defense of the inside?

Stevens widened his eyes and looked at Jiang Mingliang, feeling that this proposal might be a bit too crazy and violated the normal laws of basketball.

Give up the inside line, give up the frame protection, how can you fight?

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