Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 202 Defending the home field

With the lessons of the first round, in this game, Van Gundy is more inclined to Courtney Lee, who is slightly more athletic, in the choice of shooting guard. However, it is still an unbreakable and undefendable situation. On the contrary, Clark, the substitute at the power forward position, became a surprise player of the Magic in the second quarter. Although he was unable to help defend the outside line on the defensive end, on the offensive end, he repeatedly hit mid-range and long-range shots when the Nets ignored him. , After scoring 7 points in a row, he actually helped the Magic survive this difficult time when Howard was away.

"Wow, I haven't noticed this player before." The squatting girl's reaction was bigger than that of Jiang Mingliang. After confirming the opponent of the Blue Nets in the playoffs, she also paid attention to the statistics of the Magic team. Earl Clark Indeed a less conspicuous player with lackluster regular-season contributions.

"It was indeed an accident, but it won't cause any trouble." Seeing Clark, Jiang Mingliang had some impressions. In his previous life, after he followed Howard to the Lakers, he also played well for a period of time. The team got a mid-level contract, and then there was no news.

His characteristic lies in his outstanding open shooting ability at the power forward position, but the premise must be open shooting. Compared with other space-type insiders, he has no strong shooting ability at all. This kind of player cannot change the situation of the battle.

Of course, this unexpected joy made Van Gundy find a "life-saving straw". Halfway through the second quarter, the two sides switched to the main lineup. Van Gundy still left Clark on the court as a pitcher to open up space to assist Howard. It can also help plug the loopholes on the defensive end. For a while, the game seems to have entered the rhythm of the Magic.

At the end of halftime, the score of the two teams was 56:54, and the Nets led by 2 points at home.

"There is nothing to worry about. Coach Stevens' ability to adjust is very timely." Facing the suspicion in the squatting girl's eyes, Jiang Mingliang was full of confidence. How should I put it, he didn't think that the appearance of a Clark would make Stevens Helpless, "And in terms of lineup, we have natural restraint against the Magic."

That's what I said, but after all, it's the playoffs, so it's inevitable that I still feel a little uneasy.

It's a pity that Lopez's injury, otherwise, West and Lopez's inside cooperation will add many kinds of routines to the team's offense and give them greater confidence! Thinking of this, Jiang Mingliang was unwilling to offer Lopez a maximum salary.

After the start of the second half, the Magic, which was still behind in the score, launched a fierce counterattack.

Howard began to reach out for the ball frequently in the interior for singles, trying to open the situation through the interior storm.

However, the effect of this is not good, because Howard itself is not an insider who is good at offense. Compared with the defensive ability of any center in history, Howard's offensive ability can only be said to be quite average. His upper body strength is strong, his explosion is fast, and his bounce is high, which allows him to easily catch up with his opponents. Blocking shots can also take advantage when grabbing rebounds, but his lower body strength is not within the range of strength in the interior, and his height has no advantage in the center position. Without height, without strong enough footwork, he can't easily resist the inside to attack when playing back, and Howard's inside skills are very average, so he can only rely on brute force to hit hard enough to be destructive Strong enough to have a visual impact, but cannot give an answer ball stably.

This is also the reason why he was deflated when he met Yao Ming, and he was often restricted when he faced the meat shield Perkins. In fact, the Nets really lack a pure meat shield inside. Although Baynes has a tonnage and can stand up to others, he is not flexible enough and his arms are short, so he is not an excellent candidate to defend Howard. However, even so, Howard didn't take too much advantage of the New Zealander. Although Baines couldn't handle it, he had a lot of tricks!

Howard played singles in the interior and his offensive efficiency was not good, but Van Gundy had to follow the star's will and let him play singles with the ball. You know, the relationship between Howard and the team has broken down, leaving the team is only a matter of time. If you want to make him feel uncomfortable playing, you are not sure what Warcraft will do. Although the efficiency of the offensive end is mediocre now, firstly, it can kill the inside line of the Nets, and secondly, Howard is at least willing to do the dirty work on the defensive end, which is considered a reward.

Under the stalemate, the appearance of the nerve knife Fernandez changed the situation of the battle. The Spaniard really showed his performance when he was needed. In just two minutes, he made two outside hits, plus a two-pointer stepping on the line. The score gap gradually widened and returned to double digits. Points difference.

Looking at the young and energetic Bledsoe on the Nets side, and Fernandez and Leonard who are actively running, constantly cutting, and counter-running, and look at the aging of their lineup, Turkoglu, who can't move around and has poor offensive efficiency with the ball, and Nelson, who is short and not fast, Van Gundy felt tired for a while.

Under the circumstances that Howard is destined to not be able to stay, the first task is to use this deal to take away the junk contract in the team, any draft picks and potential stocks are secondary. The rise of the Nets is an example. Their high-ranking rookie from the beginning to the end was George, who was considered a "random selection" in the initial stage. Others such as Leonard, Bledsoe, the pick They are all ordinary, and they are produced through cultivation.

Howard, who tried to dominate the inside line in the low post, not only failed to hurt the Nets, but wasted his precious physical strength. While the point difference gradually widened, it also wiped out the spirit of Warcraft. The Magic have never been able to catch up. The first quarter ended, and the fourth quarter continued... Until the end of the game, the Magic failed to close the point difference to within 10 points. In the end, the Nets defeated the Magic 111:98 and kept their two points. home field.

"It was very difficult to win the game. Compared with the first round, the opponent made some targeted adjustments, which caused us some trouble. In the first half of the game, we can see that we are still in a stalemate. The coach The adjustment of the midfield played a key role. Next we will go to Orlando to play, and we need to prepare for more difficulties... Aww!" Leonard, who was being interviewed, only felt a chill. Come on, let yourself feel cold and happy for an instant, even the robot couldn't help changing its expression, and looked at George and Lopez, the instigators of the prank, with a wry smile.

Not far away, Jiang Mingliang, who was watching Leonard being interviewed, was also affected by Chiyu. He was splashed by the water and wet his pants. The key was on his thigh. If he didn't know it, he thought Jiang Mingliang peed his pants!

"Your bonus for the playoffs is gone!" Jiang Mingliang threatened George.

Knowing that Jiang Mingliang was joking, George still stepped forward to apologize, and his flattery made the robot laugh again.

"From top to bottom, a good locker room atmosphere!" Through this trivial incident, the reporter suddenly thought of the reason why the Nets achieved unexpected results.

(In the book, one of the main competitors of the Nets in the Eastern Conference in the future must be James’ team. I am also planning to find a better helper for James than Irving. I want to hear everyone’s opinions. This helper and James Where is it more appropriate to form a team, Washington, Charlotte, Philadelphia, or give up this idea, where to go)

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