Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 232 Interview Application

With Krystal beside him who can be teased at any time, Jiang Mingliang's journey has become more interesting. It is no longer just reading and sleeping, but also having some fun with his sister-in-law. The two of them even sat in the same seat and watched a movie.

After a day of flying, Jiang Mingliang and Krystal's flight finally landed at Pudong International Airport. Because it was night, Jiang Mingliang didn't ask Qin Zhengwei to pick him up, but booked a car in advance. After completing the formalities and getting the luggage, the staff helped the two people get the luggage into the car and sent them back to the apartment.

"Cool." When getting on the elevator, Krystal said with emotion, this apartment is much taller than the mansions that appear in the TV series, the life of the rich is really extravagant.

The family status of the Zheng family is already considered middle class in South Korea. Their parents helped Jessica and Krystal buy two apartments in Heishokdong, Seoul. The current prices are around 3.5 billion won. But compared with Jiang Mingliang's foothold in Shanghai, isn't it a little bit worse?

After all, in terms of the current transaction value, the value of Jiang Mingliang's apartment in Tomson Yipin is in the nine figures, which is more than seven times higher than the apartment of the two of them.

"Come in~" Jiang Mingliang opened the door, and after confirming that everything in the room was clean and correct, he reminded Krystal, whose eyes were full of stars.

After leaving the luggage at the door, Krystal went straight to the balcony. Outside, there was the night view of the Huangpu River. Jiang Jing is always very attractive to girls.

"Wow~" Krystal's mouth widened, her expression now looked more like Lin Yuner, and she didn't know how she could be Jessica's younger sister.

After getting a drink for Krystal from the refrigerator, Jiang Mingliang shouted at her, "Look around for yourself, I have to take a shower first."

Krystal didn't reply, just gestured him an OK gesture.

"Tsk tsk tsk~" Jiang Mingliang frowned, took out a clean change of clothes from the bedroom, and entered the bathroom.

Strolling around, Krystal imagined his happy life living in this kind of apartment, sat on the sofa and drank a big drink, suddenly, he heard a movement outside the door, as if someone rang the doorbell, thinking it was Jiang Mingliang who called , Dian Dian ran over, and saw a beautiful girl standing outside the door through the surveillance, and her face immediately turned a little bit bad.

After all, this is a mansion. If Jiang Mingliang hadn't called this beautiful girl, how could she appear here?

Tucao is Tucao, but basic politeness is always required. After all, this is Jiang Mingliang's house, and it would be impolite to turn away his guests. Krystal opened the door and switched to English, "Hello, who are you looking for?"

Seeing Krystal, the girl outside the door still maintained a generous smile, but she was confused when she asked her in English. Fortunately, the other party judged that Krystal really didn't know Chinese, rather than pretending to be a foreign devil, and the professional smile on his face returned, "Hello, are you the owner here?"

Now, it's Krystal's turn to be confused? The other party doesn't know Jiang Mingliang?

The state of the two of them was a bit wrong at the moment, and the girl then introduced herself.

The girl's name is Xu Yi, and she is a freelance writer, which can also be called a writer, because her works can be published in magazines. At the same time, it also has other multiple identities. She manages her own official account. Since the beginning of the year, because of the video "Girls born in the 90s live alone!" Take you to visit Tomson Yipin's 120 million mansion" and gained 6 million+ views on station D and became popular. The content of the narration is to rent a Tomson Yipin apartment, introduce the decoration inside, and talk about my living experience at the same time.

However, the next few videos that Xu Yi produced failed to continue such results, and it could even be said to be a diving decline, with an average of only 500,000 views, which also made her fall into a bottleneck and racked her brains. To prepare new materials, this time, she set her goal on the neighbors who live in Tomson Yipin. If these tall, rich, handsome, and white rich and beautiful people can appear on the scene and accept an interview, it may be a good one. selling point.

"I'm just a guest, and the master is taking a shower, so why don't you come back later?" After hearing Xu Yi's introduction, Krystal nodded, and then said awkwardly.

She is an artist herself. Although the other party doesn't seem to know her, it is definitely not easy for her to appear in this kind of interview, and it is not easy for her to make decisions for Jiang Mingliang.

"OK~" Xu Yi shook his eyebrows, this "guest" made people imagine.

Such a close relationship can allow the host family to take a bath with peace of mind and leave the house to the guests.

Xu Yi was about to leave, when Jiang Mingliang changed his clothes, wiped his hair and came out, "Krystal, who are you talking to?"

"OK." Hearing Jiang Mingliang's voice, Krystal quickly took a step back and let Xu Yi in.

"Hello, I'm Xu Yi, a tenant living in Building D." Xu Yi stretched out his hand to Jiang Mingliang, and then repeated what he said just now.

"OK, I understand what you mean. The general meaning is to do a private interview, right?" Jiang Mingliang confirmed.

"It's almost like this. But if you are afraid of violating your privacy, we can do some blurring of your face, and after the video is cut out, we will send it to your email first. If you don't agree, we will give up. , don’t broadcast it.” Xu Yi said all the points that are beneficial to Jiang Mingliang.

"It's not necessary to code, and I'm not shameful." Jiang Mingliang shook his head, expressing that he didn't need it.

"Then you see when it is convenient for us..."

"I'll watch the video you made earlier before deciding whether to record with you or not." Jiang Mingliang responded.

Jiang Mingliang himself doesn't like that kind of rigid one. He has memorized all the scripts and added some interviews on the spot. This is why he has returned to China so many times. Except for the interview content of CCTV in the preseason, he has never The reason for the appearance. In comparison, HP's routine of posting freely is relatively new to him. However, this kind of visit by the UP master who puts the video on the website should be more interesting. This is why Jiang Mingliang didn't talk to death, let's watch it first.

After seeing Xu Yi off, Jiang Mingliang watched several videos uploaded by the other party on station D. In all fairness, what he did was still somewhat standard. It captures the novelty-seeking psychology of many people, and shows the daily life of a young woman with petty bourgeoisie, from Tomson Yipin's house to the brand clothing she wears to her personal experience. It is not necessary to insist on showing off wealth, but the quality of life and consumption level displayed are indeed exaggerated for most people. Moreover, from writing to running a public account, this girl is now working hard to make money as a video blogger, which is quite inspirational.

interesting! Should be fun. After watching the video made by the other party, Jiang Mingliang picked up the other party's business card on the coffee table, called and agreed to record the interview.

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