Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 234 Finally It's My Turn

"Finally it's my turn, I'm Jiang Mingliang, do you have any questions from JRs?" "

When this headline appeared on the home page of the HP basketball forum, the entire HP exploded. A photo taken by the staff for Jiang Mingliang was attached to the post as evidence, in order to avoid misunderstandings and spoofs. After all, the ID "Jiang Mingliang" has long been registered by others on the website.

Facts have proved that when men are crazy about someone or something, the degree is no less than that of women, provided that they do not spend money. In less than 5 minutes, more than 400 replies poured into the post, and it was difficult to click on a post to flip the sign.

Jiang Mingliang was the first to turn over the question raised by a netizen with the ID "Only Sanren", "After a regrettable transaction, the prospect of the Nets next season does not look so optimistic. I would like to ask Mr. Jiang How do you see the prospects of the team next season?"

After all, it is the most professional sports forum in China, and the questions raised are relatively sharp and hit the nail on the head. If you were on CCTV or other official media, you would definitely not speak so seriously.

"I understand that fans who like the Nets are skeptical about this deal. I tried to switch to Curry without George, and it almost succeeded, but in the end it didn't work because of some accidents. Sending George away is a Painful choice, there is no doubt that our team's tactics will change a lot. But I believe that we are on the right path. Curry will bring you a refreshing basketball, I am very sure of that "Jiang Mingliang typed his reply, and admitted very clearly that George was only there for Curry.

In the three minutes since Jiang Mingliang typed in the message, the number of replies to the post has reached 1,500, and basketball fans from Bibo, T Bar, and other forums have also gotten the news and rushed to HP.

The second person Jiang Mingliang turned over was a netizen with the ID "SYoonAT". This name is a fan of Lin Yuner at first glance: "Young Master, I am a fan of the Nets. I would like to ask, if you are allowed to play in the league at will Pick a player to join the Nets, who would you pick, give your top three picks."

"Durant, George, Duncan. (ps: I have seen Lin Yuner, she is more beautiful in real life than on TV)"

Jiang Mingliang's reply came from the heart. Needless to say, Durant, his unsolvable offense can solve too many problems. George is also a good scorer without the ball. Strictly speaking, George is even more suitable for this lineup than Durant, because he defends better and can help Curry save energy. As for Duncan, even the current Duncan's offensive deterrence His strength is not as good as before, even if he has three or four years left in his career, Jiang Mingliang believes that he is a player who can benefit the team for a long time, and he can bring experience to the team , and at the same time make teammates feel at ease, which is something that others cannot do.

Of course, the controversy caused by this reply must be not small, because Jiang Mingliang directly ignored James and Kobe. After Yao Ming retired, the two most popular basketball stars in China were Kobe and James. Jiang Mingliang's statement is still very strong.

But this is also in line with his style. When you can tell the truth, try to tell the truth. In the end, this is not a big question of right and wrong. It's nothing more than not attracting fans.

What question can't be told the truth? For example, a question raised by a netizen whose ID is "poor ghost without money 8806": "Why did the Nets give up Yi Jianlian in the summer of 2011? What is the real reason?"

For this kind of problem, Jiang Mingliang can't say that the team's positioning of Yi Jianlian is inconsistent with his own expectations, and he can't say that Yi Jianlian has a cheating agent who opens his mouth to ask for a price from the middle class. These remarks will clarify the responsibility and let some people accept it. When it comes to criticism and breaking the unspoken rules of the alliance, you really can only practice Tai Chi for this kind of problem.

"The Nets did not give up on Yi Jianlian. We all agree that Yi Jianlian definitely has the strength to play in the NBA. But there are many factors that need to be considered when signing a player. In the position of power forward, West and Anderson have considerable shooting Ability, we need to add another insider, and may pay more attention to other aspects he can provide. For Yi Jianlian, going to the Dallas Mavericks, playing and learning next to Nowitzki is also great for him to deepen his understanding of basketball. Of course, I also think he can try to polish his technical ability at the center position, especially on the defensive end, which may be more beneficial to the continuation of his NBA career."

The first half is a necessary official accent. Jiang Mingliang's identity and the issue of Huaxia basketball can't be said in one sentence. Internet trolls keep saying that he is emulsified and there is a ghost. The second half of the sentence is Jiang Mingliang's opinion on Yi Jianlian. Nowitzki is the only one in history with such a big and soft touch. People who learn from him can give up as soon as possible. With the advent of the small ball era, more and more attention will be paid to the mobility of inside players and the ability to switch defenses to open up space. Yi Jianlian is tall enough and has good mobility. Only by strengthening his defensive ability to block and switch defenses can he have hope stay in the league.

In addition to some netizens who asked questions related to basketball, some netizens also focused on Jiang Mingliang personally. Although it is a basketball forum, as long as it is a forum, it is impossible for everyone to focus on a certain point. Jiang Mingliang is not only labeled as the general manager of the Nets. Overseas Chinese, Harvard's top students, rich second generation, these labels can bring him countless topics. People who are interested in the United States will ask him about various situations in the United States, not the one broadcast on the news broadcast, but the United States that is really said by the population living there. People who intend to study abroad will ask about the situation of American colleges and universities, including the advantages and disadvantages of majors, application conditions, employment conditions and even some precautions in life. Jiang Mingliang confirmed the scene that he couldn't even imagine. Jiang Mingliang also answered many of the questions in detail, and won a high degree of favorability in HP's three-acre land.

It took less than two hours before and after, and I replied about 20 times, but I earned enough favors in this forum.

After closing the computer, Jiang Mingliang stood up and shook hands with the accompanying staff, "Thank you."

"It should be us who told you. The amount of attention and replies to our post is very high." The staff thanked.

Not only that, among the guests who have posted on HP so far, Jiang Mingliang is considered to be the most valuable, the most concerned, and the most replies.

"If there is a chance in the future, I can arrange for my players to come and play. It's really interesting to communicate like this." Jiang Mingliang continued to give each other surprises one after another.

After all, it is the most professional and football-savvy sports forum in China, and there are professionals inside who write many original posts. Jiang Mingliang is quite optimistic about the potential of this website. Having a good relationship with such a website is beneficial and harmless.

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