Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 238 NBA Internationalization

With the opening of the London Olympic Games, the eyes of sports fans all over the world are focused there. However, as the world's largest comprehensive sports event with the largest number of participants, the influence and comprehensive value of the Olympic Games are declining. The development of the Internet has led to more professional, more gimmick, and more exciting games being spread to thousands of households. As a comprehensive sports event, the Olympic Games will inevitably drive the exposure and attention of backward sports. Popular game content.

FIFA only allows players under the age of 23 to play, plus a maximum of three overage players. The tennis world has been slightly better in the past two years. The top players in the previous competitions were really reluctant to play. In terms of basketball, the U.S. team also started to regroup in 2008 because they lost the championship to Athens in 2004 and Sapporo in 2006. The other stars were slightly weaker than in 2008, and the Dream Team was the only one among all the contestants not to live in the Olympic Village, but to book a whole hotel outside the Olympic Village to stay.

It's a bit high-profile, after all, players including Bolt, Federer, and Neymar, whose earning power is not inferior to the Dream Team, all live in the Olympic Village honestly. Hard to find these noodles, but it's not interesting.

Among the Nets, players participating in the Olympics include Spain's Fernandez and Australia's Baynes. Not to mention that Fernandez is the main player in the Spanish team. In the Australian team, Bogut did not choose to play, and Baines will naturally be pulled to the main center position. However, this Australian team is also really strong. In addition to Bains and Baynes, the team also includes Dellavedova and Ingles, two players who are still tepid now, but will be able to gain a firm foothold in the NBA and even shine in the future.

International players occupy an increasingly important position in the NBA, which is the general trend of the NBA's development. Jokic, Doncic, Antetokounmpo, and Rudy Gobert will all become strong contenders for the best team and even the MVP. How to make good use of international players to help the team will also be a topic of Jiang Mingliang's next work .

In fact, there is already a "stab" among European players in the team, Fernandez who yelled to go back to Real Madrid when he was upset. But for now, Fernandez is fairly low-key in the Nets lineup.

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Anyone who knows Jiang Mingliang knows that he is a workaholic, and this attribute of him is precisely inherited from his father Jiang Shixiao. Compared with other Chinese families, the father and son are less affectionate and more rational. Even during meals, they mainly talk about work. Occasionally, Jiang Shixiao will have some words to urge marriage, but when Jiang Mingliang and Taylor are dating After being stable and having Jessica by my side, this topic is rarely mentioned

According to Jiang Shixiao's wishes, he definitely hoped that Jiang Mingliang would find a Chinese girl, such as the former Pan Zhengru, which would be great, but it's a pity. . . . . . However, he has no position to issue orders to Jiang Mingliang in this regard. More or less, in this regard, he is also somewhat "inheriting his father's legacy".

But today, Jiang Mingliang really encountered a problem, which was the sale of "Signal of Heartbeat". The current situation is that Blueberry Satellite TV is unwilling to pay a large price for the purchase, and the price is kept so low that there is basically no profit. Several other TV stations are not too optimistic about the project. The video website is willing to pay for it, but the company signed a contract with the sponsor that it must be broadcast on the stars, otherwise the sharp edge must compensate a certain amount of expenses.

"You think your work is a high-quality asset, but your client doesn't think so, right?" Jiang Shixiao began to give lessons to his son during dessert time.

"This is a program with a core." Jiang Mingliang introduced.

"With the core, you have to give it a good packaging~ If the iPhone didn't have such a unique and chic appearance, would they really have the sales volume they have today?" Jiang Shixiao emphasized, "You didn't do enough on the packaging. It hurts the value of the commodity itself.”

Jiang Mingliang nodded and admitted. The entire project was managed by Qin Zhengwei, but Jiang Mingliang, who had the decision-making power, did not give him any opinions from the beginning to the end, and there were indeed problems.

"When you dealt with NBC's broadcast contract, you split the sales of the regular season and the playoffs. Although the final sales results are difficult to judge, I think this kind of modification is very thoughtful. Now, the same problem lies in In front of you, why don't you continue with this idea?" Jiang Shixiao reminded.

"Continue to think like this..." After a pause, Jiang Mingliang finally understood what his father meant. Although there were still some details to consider, it was still a good way, "I see, thank you Dad."

"It's nothing, I'm a bystander. But with your ability, you should be able to solve this problem." Jiang Shixiao tactfully criticized.

Regarding this, Jiang Mingliang was noncommittal, and at the moment when he suddenly realized, he was actually summing up his own problems.

After dinner, Jiang Mingliang did not stay at home, but went to Jessica's apartment in time. There are not a few days left before Jessica returns to Korea. If there is time, it would be better for the two of them to get closer.

When Jiang Mingliang came to the apartment, Jessica was burying her head in her homework, using a tablet to do design. After studying systematically in school, Jessica actually realized some of her own problems, and now she is correcting some of her omissions.

The first thing Jiang Mingliang did when he entered the door was to open the refrigerator and take out two boxes of milk, handed one to Jessica and one to himself.

"This time studying in New York is really rewarding. If I have time, I'd better come here." Jessica was both excited and emotional.

"Well, in addition to New York, Paris and Milan are all fashion capitals. Hong Kong City and Tokyo seem to be okay. The fashion industry in Asia is the core there." These are common sense knowledge, and Jiang Mingliang also gave Jessica Put forward his own suggestion, "The key depends on which side your style suits you."

This is the same as managing an NBA team. It is also very important to select the right talents according to the team's style of play.


"Krystal should be almost an adult, right?" Jiang Mingliang said suddenly.

"There are still two more months." When Jiang Mingliang mentioned this topic, Jessica was not surprised. Krystal's character, as long as they get along for a while, is very likable.

"Have you ever thought about giving her a coming-of-age gift?" Jiang Mingliang tentatively asked.

"...I will make my own preparations." Jessica is not fully prepared for this question, after all, there are still more than two months left.

"I also want to give Krystal a big gift. Or, you give Krystal your Porsche GT3, and I'll buy you a new car." Jiang Mingliang suggested.

"Huh?" Jessica asked puzzled. Her GT3 has only been driven for over a year.

"I don't like when other girls receive presents, but my girlfriend doesn't accept presents. So I'll help you upgrade and give your sister a generous gift." Jiang Mingliang also found a better car for Jessica , Bentley Continental.

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