Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 243 Calling on Real Madrid

"We may have a team with the strongest outside shooting ability in history!" In private communication, Snyder said to Kerr.

In just one week, Snyder saw the potential hidden in Curry. His views were much bolder than Stevens. It can be concluded that Curry's future achievements outside the three-point line must be better than Curry's. Ray Allen.

"Curry is a natural shooter. He has a very good sense of the ball and is integrated. The most terrifying thing about him is that most players need to get the chance to shoot three-pointers through specific tactics, but Curry doesn't use it. He can create his own chances, and the hit rate is quite high."

The technical terms are long range, wide range, quick shots, and relatively high hit rate. The most popular saying is translated into Mandarin, you can cast from any distance and anywhere, and you can cast fast without hesitation, and the chances of making a good shot are relatively high.

In training, the core players including Leonard and Lopez were stunned by Curry's repeated shots. It was luck once or twice, but many times, whether the defensive player blocked his eyes or not, Curry was still able to hit a three-pointer stubbornly, but it was not luck.

Jeremy Lin originally had the idea of ​​fighting for the starting point guard position, but now, he has no such ambition at all.

"issac may have made another successful deal. As long as Stephen is not injured." Stevens looked enviously at Jiang Mingliang's eyes. Really, no one except him would dare to make such a deal.

"But in terms of defensive arrangement, we have a problem." Snyder said, "Stephen's defense can only be said to be average. Especially facing fast and strong defenders, it is more difficult to deal with, and we are in the second position. The lack of a player who can replace Curry's defense, coupled with the lack of defense ability of the inside players, will be very troublesome when facing some players."

As expected of an assistant coach who is good at defense, he quickly saw the crux of the matter. In the training game, Jeremy Lin was able to use a pick-and-roll to break through Curry's first line of defense. In the regular season, how can he defend against Westbrook and Wall, whose physical fitness is beyond the charts?

If in the previous seasons, small forwards with outstanding offensive skills such as Anthony and Durant were veritable nemesis of the Nets, then when the lineup could not be adjusted, Westbrook, Wall and even Bledsoe It will have a relatively large impact on the Nets' defense.

This problem requires the coaching staff to think about countermeasures.

. . . . . .

A dazzling Bentley Continental appeared in front of my eyes. Although I had been mentally prepared, but the real thing was in front of my eyes, Jessica and Krystal both opened their mouths.

I have to say that Bentley is still very high in style! It will save face when you drive out!

"That's too generous!" Krystal envied.

"Do you know why Issac gave me a Bentley?" Jessica was like a child who got a new toy and couldn't help playing with it.

"I like you! You're still showing off to me!" Krystal rolled his eyes, not liking this kind of showing off.

"He asked me to give you my Porsche." Jessica said.

"!!!" Krystal immediately took Jessica's arm sweetly, "Sister is the best!"

FX is not as popular as Girls’ Generation, and the money Krystal earns can’t be compared with Jessica’s. Apart from the savings in the plan, Krystal’s goal is to buy a Land Rover after getting his driver’s license. Jessica took over the Porsche.

"I can let you drive the car. But I have two conditions, you must agree to me." Jessica demanded.

"Oh! Issac didn't put any conditions on you to buy a car for you!" The little girl was also smart, knowing that Jiang Mingliang could turn Jessica down.

"That can't be helped, don't regret it~"

"xiba~" Krystal swears, and then Jessica punches her arm, and then she honestly agrees, "Say what you say~"

"The first is that you are only allowed to drive after you get a driver's license, and you are not allowed to drive too fast." Porsche's car, power. Acceleration is very strong, out of consideration for the safety of her sister, Jessica made this request as a matter of course.

"Of course." Compared with the United States, driving in Asia requires more attention. Population density is here.

"The other thing is, you pay with me to buy a return gift for issac. The price is a little higher." Counting these two cars, Jessica received a lot of gifts from Jiang Mingliang back and forth, the total value It may already be more than 300,000 US dollars. This kind of pursuit of girls is still relatively fierce, and it also makes Jessica feel a little embarrassed. If this continues, I will feel sorry for myself. This time, I must prepare a generous gift .

Originally, Krystal wanted to say: "Issac doesn't lack anything, just give him my sister." But after all, there are other things involved, and it is not convenient to say this sentence, so I had to ask Jessica for her opinion.

"Maybe some weight is needed. Issac may not be able to use things that are too cheap." Jessica explained.

Expensive things? What to buy, Krystal was a little confused, and blurted out, "Ginseng?"

"This is a good suggestion." Jiang Mingliang still pays more attention to physical maintenance. Korean ginseng is a very safe gift. Besides, Jiang Mingliang doesn't need it, so he can give it to his parents. The elderly always need some supplements.

"I'll think about it again."

Here, Jessica finally received the Bentley and began to enjoy it, while on the other side, Jiang Mingliang had already proposed to go to Spain ahead of the big team to meet with Real Madrid's chairman Florentino.

Because of the relationship between the European Cup and the Olympic Games, there was not much movement between the two clubs in the summer of this season, but this did not affect the friendly relationship between the two clubs in the slightest. For this guest, Florentino's hospitality was also very attentive, and he even set up the Bernabéu stadium in advance, the VIP box for this round of La Liga.

Looking at Ronaldo galloping on the field, Jiang Mingliang was also a little envious of Real Madrid. In terms of attracting football players alone, Real Madrid is even stronger than the Lakers attracting basketball players. And Florentino is definitely one of the initiators of this situation. At the beginning of the 20th century, he single-handedly created the Galaxy Battleship and put forward the theory of the superstar policy. Although it ended in failure due to some problems, he marketed a Concept, "superstars" join Real Madrid, and all those who come to Real Madrid are superstars.

It's true that the security guards at the gate of the Bernabéu are paid more than other clubs!

In contrast, Jiang Mingliang's operations in the NBA naturally cannot be linked to Real Madrid. Jiang Mingliang's personal thinking is to pay equal attention to business and competition, and walk on two legs.

A team has only achievements, no market, no revenue, and is doomed to have no future. But too much emphasis on business has affected sports itself, which is like Real Madrid's previous nickname "Circus", which ended dismal.

Florentino is taking a warning, while Jiang Mingliang must avoid this situation from affecting him.

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