Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 257: The Second Tragedy in Team History

This is the second time that the Nets and the Lakers have had a direct conflict under the platform of the national live broadcast. David Stern is also depressed. In the league, the Nets are one of the more "good" teams. The team is also mostly good people, and the frequency of troubles is much less than other teams. But only when meeting the Lakers, there is a high probability that Mars will hit the earth. I don't know what's going on, but for this fight, the follow-up punishment will definitely not be small.

After returning from a long timeout, Fernandez was replaced by Ray Allen, and the Nets were even more aggressive than before. Especially Curry, seeing Fernandez stand up for himself and force Kobe, he just felt angry and had to vent it in the game.

Facing Kobe's pressing top man, Curry handed the ball to his teammate for a simple back run, disrupting Kobe's defensive rhythm, the basketball was immediately passed into his hands, without the slightest hesitation, he caught the ball, raised his hand, shoot.

The whole set of movements was completed in one go. When Kobe, who was desperately chasing, rushed up, the basketball had already drawn a beautiful arc in the air.


The point difference came to 31 points for the second time.

Curry roared and waved his arms, challenging the Staples Center fans after the goal.

Kobe chose to catch the ball in the backcourt instead of passing Nash. At this time, everyone knew that under Curry's actions, Kobe would definitely use singles to fight back, and Leonard took on the task of defending Kobe.

Dribbled the ball to the right side of the penalty area, Kobe leaned on Leonard with his back, and began to hit in a sitting position. Kobe's core strength is very strong, and he quickly knocked out a space for a shot, and then it was an iconic shot. Leonard tried his best to block the fadeaway jumper. At this time, he wished that his already wide hand would grow another centimeter.

"Bang!" Kobe Bryant's well-known fadeaway jumper missed and did not give an answer ball. However, the whistle sounded again inappropriately, and Leonard made a foul!

"Aww!" Leonard immediately turned to look at the referee, with an innocent look on his face, he really missed Kobe's hand.

Stevens also walked up to the referee and protested to the referee.

That's not how the home whistle is blown!

Faced with doubts, the referee insisted on his own penalty, but he was merciful to Stevens' reaction and did not make a technical foul penalty.

Such pressure is also necessary. For the sake of national live broadcast, the referee will definitely help some teams that are behind, especially in games where the score difference is so large that there is no suspense. But this kind of help must have a limit. If the referee called a foul as soon as Kobe raised his hand, wouldn't that tell the audience all over the United States that there was something wrong with this game?

The foul just now was already Kobe's star whistle. If there is a similar situation again, it must not be blown.

Kobe made two free throws to help the team reduce the point difference to 29 points. However, after only 14 seconds, his efforts became in vain. Ray Allen passed Nash's defense by running, and hit a three-pointer , The ethical combination hit three-pointers one after another, which also showed the attitude of the Nets. Today's game is going to die!

Because of Howard's attitude, he didn't show his inside advantage. On the outside, Kobe was too obsessed with his singles, which really hurt the team. No matter how slow Artest was, he was a genuine small forward, and he forced Jamison to play as a cameo. , The picture is really too beautiful, people dare not look directly at it.

The loss of the Lakers is already an established fact. At the end of the third quarter, the point difference was widened to 44 points. How long has it been since the Lakers suffered this humiliation? Maybe even Kobe himself doesn't remember.

In the fourth quarter of the game, Stevens replaced Curry, West, and Lopez, but Jeremy Lin, Green, and Yi Jianlian who couldn't be mentioned were not soft. Stevens clearly explained that according to the normal game Come to fight, no water is allowed. Jeremy Lin's breakthrough is still sharp, and the ball is still timely. Facing the weak inside of the Lakers' bench, Yi Jianlian finally regained some sense, and can even use the turnaround jump shot that can only be made in the CBA to score. Green hit the first mid-range shot of his NBA career. This is the best reward for his hard work!

143:99! The final point difference also stayed at 44 points. The Nets turned the Staples Center into a slaughterhouse. This 44-point defeat was the second worst loss in the history of the Lakers. The most painful home defeat, in 1995, the Lakers once defeated the Trail Blazers with 46 points in an away game, and the Nets almost broke the historical record.

A game that was originally regarded as a strong dialogue was scheduled to be broadcast at the prime time of the weekend. As a result, the two teams suffered four consecutive defeats at the beginning. It is developing towards a one-sided trend. The Nets are obviously bottoming out, while the Lakers are getting deeper and deeper. Kobe's actions caused violence between the two sides in the game, and this violence made this A massacre throughout the entire game. By the end of the season, if the NBA officially summarizes the regular season of this season, then this game is definitely one of the highlights.

If it is said that Bynum's malicious and serious injury to Livingston planted the seeds of hatred between the two sides, then in this game, the Nets and the Lakers have officially settled the knot. Some people may think that the Nets are not qualified enough to be called the Lakers' old enemy, but so what if they are not qualified enough, the hatred is settled.

How to punish has become a headache for the league executives. In terms of the bad influence of this matter, heavy punishment is necessary. The fight in the nationally broadcast game was more serious than usual, not to mention that Fernandez attacked the pillar of the league and one of the treasures with the most fans. However, things cannot be considered in isolation. The cause of this incident was Kobe's "beheading". After the conflict subsided, it was Artest's sneak attack that intensified the conflict. The Lakers didn't care about it on both sides. What's more, Artest still had an elbow last season. The league has been merciful at that time against Harden's black history. On the whole, you can't punish Fernandez more than Artest. But if you really punish Artest heavily, it will be even more difficult for the Lakers to get out of the predicament in this dead state!

The sentencing is a matter for the league, and Jiang Mingliang is concerned about the physical conditions of Fernandez and Curry. He arranged for Curry and Fernandez to have a physical examination as soon as possible. It turned out to be okay. It doesn't matter if it's Curry's back or Fernandez's face.

"No matter how much the fine is, the team will solve it. I will not let the players do the right thing and have to bear the losses that they shouldn't bear." Jiang Mingliang also called the team leader to give Fernandez a reassurance.

For Fernandez's behavior, he is very appreciative, even admirable. What is not afraid of power, this is called not afraid of power!

No matter what superstar you are, 60E fans, if you dare to bully the Nets, then you can do it!

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