Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 263 Smart Extinguishing Operation

"Xika has her own direction, and she is working hard towards her dream designer. I may not be optimistic about her, but I will definitely not interfere with her. Secondly, I have made similar proposals with her, but Jessica I don't have much interest in learning Chinese, and I don't plan to force her. Everyone has his own ambition." Jiang Mingliang's answer was very pertinent, and he clearly explained why he chose Krystal instead of jessica.

"However, Chinese is really difficult." Based on the principle that English is the world's language, Krystal herself does not need to learn other languages, just as she, as a Korean idol artist, often communicates with foreign fans , but usually choose the same as English.

"The first goal is listening and speaking, reading and writing. I don't force you. Whether it's your company or Song Qian around you, they can help you. Moreover, the Chinese in Seoul are really good. If you are willing to learn, the environment is not a problem." Jiang Mingliang encouraged, "If you practice Chinese well, I can give you a lot of help. In terms of work arrangements."

Jiang Mingliang also stopped pretending and had a showdown.

"OK, I...try it." Krystal originally said "Think about it", but blurted out "Let's try it". After speaking, he was a little dissatisfied and wrinkled nose, looking at Jiang Mingliang even more unfriendly.

"Don't look at me like that. China's market is huge. If you can operate there and gain popularity, it won't be a problem to have an extra zero in your bank account." Jiang Mingliang is really not talking nonsense, even his NBA team The bosses are actively exploring the Chinese market, Krystal is an idol, why not pay attention to it?

After finishing Krystal, Jiang Mingliang also increased his personal attention to the project "This is Slam Dunk" in private, and the points of attention were more detailed. Strive to make this basketball-related variety show the best.

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The last stop of the Nets' trip to California was Curry's old team, the Golden State Warriors. Compared with the Warriors, the rudimentary dynasty in history, the current opponents have changed beyond recognition, but their strength is still not to be underestimated. The starting lineup of Deron, Belinelli, George, David Lee, and Bogut is quite strong. The 5 wins and 2 losses since the start of the game have given fans hope, and they are ranked fourth in the Western Conference just because of the disadvantage of point difference. And these, no doubt thanks to George sent by the Nets, changed the team's deformed lineup. It is also because of the mutual restraint of Deron and Curry that even if Curry shines in the Nets, the Warriors' management and fans still have no regrets about this deal.

For George himself, this deal also has a considerable boost to his performance. With Deron by his side, George does not need to take on the task of singles with the ball or organize the whole team. He can allocate his physical strength to scoring and defense more calmly. In addition, although the Bay Area cannot compare New York is as prosperous as it is, but it is more friendly to blacks. Perhaps in all respects, this is really a win-win deal.

The lineup structure of the two teams has some similarities, but it seems that the starting lineup of the Warriors is stronger, and the bench strength of the Nets is stronger. This game should also be a tough battle for the Nets in California. up.

Facing Bogut, whose physical fitness has deteriorated significantly, the younger Lopez rarely won the jump ball and won the ball for the Nets for the first time. Curry quickly took the ball across the half court, and against him The defensive player is Deron Williams. The relationship between these two former teammates is not bad, but there is indeed some discord on the court. This group of matchups is also one of the highlights of the game.

The ball kept guiding his hands under his crotch, and Delong was two steps ahead of him, waiting for him. His slightly bent body was like a stretched bowstring, and his outstretched right hand was constantly changing directions.

Curry didn't dare to be careless at all, his slightly bent knees kept shaking, and every change of direction was actually a preparation for a start.

The moment Deron watched his teammates quietly, Curry suddenly activated it, and in an instant, he dodged to Deron's side. Deron subconsciously moved sideways, but Curry took a light step back, dodging the shot space , without hesitation in the mid-range shot, the ball flew out of his fingers lightly and fell steadily into the basket.

Deron frowned slightly, a little regretful, Curry's biggest threat was still shooting.

However, tragedy happened when Deron Curry focused on defending his shots. Curry's physical fitness is indeed not the best, but his dribbling rhythm and control of the ball are absolutely top-notch. Let him enter the inside and play big. He has 100 ways to wash away Boguts.

Although Deron's strong front and strong strength capital also made the Nets quite uncomfortable on the offensive end, but this kind of confrontation is the rhythm that the Nets like, and the Warriors are obviously at a disadvantage. Unlike the previous coaches of the Warriors, Mark Jackson paid great attention to defense. He called a timeout in just 3 minutes and adjusted the team's defensive strategy.

Back on the court, the Warriors switched to guarding Curry with the tall and long-armed George, Deron Williams was in charge of Ray Allen, who had just been replaced, and Belinelli had to withstand Leonard's impact.

Judging from the performance of the past few games, Curry is the barometer of the Nets' offense. His state geometry directly determines the fluency of the Nets' offense on the court. The team will suffer.

Does Curry really shy away from this move? unknown. Because Stevens has already made plans for the Warriors' evolution in advance. He didn't let Curry prove himself in front of George, but made Curry a cover. When he restrained the Warriors' defensive core from beyond the three-point line, it also meant that the Warriors' defensive loopholes were completely exposed to the Nets. in front of the other players on the team.

Deron, Belinelli, and David Lee have never been good at defense, let alone you let Deron, who is so heavy, run with Ray Allen, and let Belinelli, who is known for his softness, top the heavy small forward Ray Leonard. Mark Jackson's unsuccessful change of tactics not only failed to reverse the situation on the court, but even allowed the Nets to achieve a double-digit lead, ending the first quarter of the game.

Wrong assessment of the strength of other Nets players is an important reason why the Warriors fell into a passive position. Leonard, in particular, has improved beyond George's expectations, especially in terms of strength. Although his offensive skills are still very flawed, but if you let Belinelli take charge of defending him, it is like letting the Cambodian women's football team compete with the Chinese men's football team. No matter how smelly their feet are, they can rely on their physical advantages to win a crushing game. .

The first quarter against the Warriors was Leonard's best offensive quarter so far this season.

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