Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 266 The Porcelain King Comes Out

Ivy is the point guard of the 76ers, but his job is basically to take the ball safely across the half court, and the ball will fall into the hands of Harden, and even if the game is anxious, Harden Will choose to dribble half court by himself.

Harden's breakthrough is absolutely top-notch in the league. His skillful dribbling, excellent explosive power, and top-level confrontation ability in the same position make him almost invincible in breakthroughs. In addition, his three threats of shooting, sudden and passing are quite comprehensive. , virtually increasing the threat of his breakthrough. Korver's defense is almost defenseless for him. Using his physical advantage, he easily broke through the Nets' first line of defense. Fortunately, Leonard's supplementary defense was timely. Harden, who was caught in a pincer attack, gave the ball to Evan Turner. Turner, who was not accurate in the three-pointer, hesitated for a while. Korver's defense was in place, and the ball returned to Harden. In the hands of Harden, but at this time he has no chance to make an easy shot, Leonard firmly held Harden.

"It's over, it's over, it's over!" Jiang Mingliang closed his eyes and sighed. Before the squatting girl beside him had time to ask questions, the referee's whistle sounded and Leonard was fouled.

Rao was dubbed a "robot", and Leonard was speechless in the face of this foul. The thug is indeed a thug, but it was Harden who stretched his arm under his hand and lifted it up suddenly! There are such fouls!

Shaking his head, Leonard didn't say much. Most of the time, he was indeed a taciturn person.

Steadily hitting free throws, the 76ers' first offense was considered a success.

The 76ers still couldn't solve the threat created by Curry and the inside pick-and-roll. Curry easily rushed into the three-point line, but this time Turner has noticed the situation here. In the moment Curry and Lopez , He has given up Korver to make up for Ivey's omissions. As for his position, other players will naturally fill in.

However, he obviously underestimated Curry's passing ability and Korver's running position. Before he successfully defended, Curry had already handed over the ball quickly, the ball was passed smoothly and steadily, and the ball was very fast. The quickness, when Harden's supplementary defense was not in place, Korver had quickly adjusted the ball in his hand, and easily took off from outside the three-point line.

The game continued, and it was clear that the 76ers were obviously suppressed by the Nets on both ends of the offense and defense. On the offensive end, the team can only rely on Harden's piecemeal play to score points. Although Harden's scoring ability is really strong, especially the lethality of fouls, this scoring method cannot hold back the rapidly widening point difference between the two sides. , On the defensive end, Harden has completely become a loophole in the 76ers. His defense against people without the ball is a disaster, but the Nets are a team that attaches great importance to running without the ball. The vision is also very good, almost hitting the 76ers' dead spot. Even the guest commentator of NBC also believed in the evaluation that the gap between the 76ers and the Nets is definitely not something that Bynum can reverse.

At the end of the first quarter, the Nets led the 76ers 32:21. In the first quarter, seven players from the Nets had scored, all of which were relatively average. The highest was Korver's six points. He only scored 2 points, but he has sent 5 assists. It seems that he has great hope of winning a double-double. The premise is that the 76ers don't let him clock in three quarters.

In the second quarter of the game, Stevens continued to increase the playing time of substitute players in the case of a large lead. Although fans want to see Curry achieve beautiful statistics, as a coach, Stevens values ​​the interests of the team more. The Nets' substitute players are mostly young people. They play more games and feel the atmosphere of the game, which helps to enhance their training enthusiasm and makes it easier for them to understand their own shortcomings. For Curry, there is also more rest time,

Curry's wonderful performance this season has made many people forget that Curry had an injury history that was reimbursed for the season in less than half of the regular season last season. Although under the guidance of coaches and experts, Curry improved his shooting posture and reduced the load on his ankles, but Curry's health is still the most concerned by Stevens. It is even said that Curry now, It is the irreplaceable core of the team.

Jeremy Lin's sharp breakthrough tore through the 76ers' defense and made an easy layup. His highlight performance fell into the eyes of 76ers coach Cheeks, and he also shined. Such a player is placed in the Nets as Curry The substitute, more or less subdued. If the 76ers come, they can directly replace Ivey and serve as the main force.

There are many coaches or general managers in the league who have this idea, and there are also those who try to talk to Jiang Mingliang about the Jeremy Lin trade. However, Jiang Mingliang's attitude is very firm. He wants Jeremy Lin, but next summer. This season, the team will not trade a hard-working backup point guard for an innocuous second-round pick.

In fact, not only Jeremy Lin, but a small forward like Barnes with mature skills and comprehensive skills can serve as a starter for at least one-third of the teams in the league. The thickness of the lineup is also a terrifying weapon for the Nets one.

The substitute players were not recovered too many points by the 76ers, and after Curry returned to the field with Ray Allen Lopez and others, it rained three-pointers directly, extinguishing the 76ers' hope of the game . Under the leadership of Curry, the Nets scored 6 3-pointers in the second half of the second quarter, opening the point difference to more than 20 points in one fell swoop.

The game also lost suspense after halfway through the third quarter. In the end, the Nets beat the 76ers 119:102 and won their first home win of the new season. At the same time, they also raised their winning streak to 5 games. The ranking has also risen steadily to the seventh position in the Eastern Conference.

Although the Nets are only one game ahead of the 76ers, this direct dialogue still reflects the positioning gap between the two teams very intuitively. The Nets are known as the most promising team in the Eastern Conference to challenge the Heat this season. One of the three teams, and the 76ers, after losing Bynum, the team's ideal goal may be just a ticket to the playoffs.

Because the game lost suspense early, Curry scored less than 20 points for the first time this season. However, in terms of assist data, Curry sent the most assists this season. In 25 minutes, 19+12 data , It's really good!

After the game, in an interview, Stevens was also asked about Curry's playing time being controlled.

"Stephen will be happy to tell you that he enjoys the rest of the game, and he is more willing to put his energy on the next opponent." Stevens explained.

Can you ignore it? The next game is the New York Derby!

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