Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 276 The most hated opponent

After a little quiz, Xie Qirun answered the questions fluently, and even expressed his own understanding of the open-type questions. Although some ideas are a little immature, but for a sophomore student, it can be regarded as a manifestation of real talent and practical learning up.

"Why are you looking at me?" Staring at the roof, he tried his best to give his own interpretation. When he came back to his senses, he found that Jiang Mingliang was staring at him, and he couldn't help being "annoyed".

"Both talented and beautiful, amazing~" Jiang Mingliang praised sincerely.

"That's it~" Xie Qirun replied arrogantly, "After passing your test, I believe I can win a scholarship this year~"

"Not at all, Wharton is still different from Harvard." Jiang Mingliang said modestly.

Although they are not from the same line, the type of knowledge they have learned is relatively close, and there is indeed something Xie Qirun in Jiang Mingliang is worth learning from, and the two of them chatted quite well.

Not far away, Taylor Swift and KK also noticed the contact between Jiang Mingliang and Xie Qirun, "Who is that girl?"

"Theresa Tse, a Thai Chinese, one of the successors of a pharmaceutical group." Joshua quickly gave an answer. The outsiders who came to attend the Harvard Alumni Association had different identities, and all of them were prominent figures. This is not difficult to answer.

"Sounds amazing~ Do you want to go and have a look?" Little KK looked at Taylor Swift and encouraged her.

"It's not necessary~" The social circles between Jiang Mingliang and Taylor Swift are not completely open to each other. When they meet, Jiang Mingliang will naturally introduce, but if they squeeze past abruptly, it will inevitably cause discomfort. Besides, Jiang Mingliang and Xie Qirun But it's just chatting casually, there is no need to bother in the past.

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Mingliang also saw Taylor and KK not far away staring at him. He was taken aback for a moment, and then he reacted. He gestured to Xie Qirun, got up and ran over, bringing Taylor to him. He came over and introduced his girlfriend generously.

"Lucky you!" After paying tribute to Taylor Swift, Xie Qirun patted Jiang Mingliang's arm, but there was not much "congratulations" in his eyes, but doubts.

Jiang Mingliang's family is a native Chinese family, how could it be so easy to have a forever relationship with a white female star!

. . . . . .

After two days of rest, the Nets ushered in the last opponent of the shock ten-game winning streak at home, the Chicago Bulls. Derrick Rose is basically reimbursed this season. Obviously, the Bulls' positioning this season has dropped from a challenger to the Heat to a contender for the Eastern Conference playoffs.

But despite this, the Bulls are still an opponent that Stevens is more taboo. Thibodeau's team is very particular about confrontation. After Rose was injured, he was barefoot and not afraid to wear shoes. The number of conflicts caused by the action is not small.

Of course, Rose's absence still greatly increased the Nets' probability of winning. Rose's type of player can be said to be the best against the Nets, and Curry can't guard him at all. Now that Hinrich is replacing him as the main player, Curry will not be so strenuous to cope.

Hinrich is a standard point guard with floor flow, and his personal offense is not strong. Although he started this season for the Bulls, his average playing time is less than 30 minutes per game, and he can only score about 8 points per game. And the confrontation is not particularly strong.

On the Bulls side, the team's tactics are very simple, lock Curry. At the beginning of the game, all members of the Bulls followed this principle and targeted Curry everywhere.

Hamilton, who is known for his inability to run to death, is always defending Curry against him, preventing him from receiving the ball comfortably. If Curry chooses to break through, he can, and the defenders on the inside, including Noah and Gibson, will immediately expand the defense .

Team battles can be lost, but Curry must die! The Bulls' defensive strategy is very resolute. However, the excellent defensive skills of the Bulls and Thibodeau's accomplishments on the defensive end allowed them to put tremendous pressure on Curry while not allowing other Nets players to shoot. Ah, Gibson has a very strong ability to protect the frame, including the impact of Leonard and West who have repeatedly suffered setbacks.

The defensive end has successfully restricted the Nets. On the offensive end, the Bulls are also actively seeking physical confrontation, not seeking offensive efficiency, but only consuming the physical strength of the Nets players. All kinds of confrontation are used to force the Nets. The team entered the rotation time early.

"The Bulls are really the last opponent I want to meet!" The intensity of this game full of confrontation may be greater than that of the playoffs. challenge.

Compared with other opponents, it can be clearly felt that the Bulls are playing with you. So much so that before the first timeout, the two teams didn't even score 10 points. The Nets only led by 1 point 9:8 and entered the official timeout.

After the timeout, Ray Allen and Green went into battle and replaced the Nets. The tactics also changed accordingly. West, who served as the center position, stood at the center on the defensive end and was responsible for the last line of defense. Take a step outside the free throw line and take Noah out while taking on the task of supporting the high post. Curry, Ray Allen, and Korver, three historical shooters, dragged each other and used Green's pick-and-roll to hit the wall. Take the opportunity to find a good shot.

Green's role is not limited to the enthusiasm of the offensive end. On the defensive end, he is also the most suitable person in the Nets team to compete with the tough guys like the Bulls. Although it is only a second-round pick, Green's status and importance in the Nets team are obviously slowly improving.

But the Bulls are still unswervingly sticking to the tactics of strictly guarding against Curry. Hamilton, who can run away and vomit, will consume Curry today. He will never give Curry any chance to make an easy shot. Once he chooses After breaking through, the inside defense will resolutely rush over, even if Curry passes the ball, the player who receives the ball will be completely open.

At the end of the half, the score of the two teams was 44:41, and the Nets led by 3 points. This half-time score was also the lowest score of the Nets this season, and no player from the Nets scored in double figures in the half-time game. Li only made 2 of 7 shots and scored 7 points with 2 free throws.

After the start of the second half of the game, the Bulls used Boozer more. The status of this power forward holding a 19 million contract in the Bulls is declining day by day. At this stage, even the starting position is not stable. represent. However, after Boozer's debut, he significantly improved the Bulls' offense. With Rose absent, Boozer played comfortably with Hinrich, a pass-first guard with good tactical literacy.

The home fans also smelled a hint of danger.

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