Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 287 Breakthrough Progress

Jessica unbuttoned his shirt as he kissed without hesitation.

Comfort welled up in his heart, and Jiang Mingliang felt uncomfortable in none of the 35,000 pores in his body.

"Are you comfortable?" Jessica smiled charmingly.

"Comfortable." Jiang Mingliang sighed contentedly.

The night was full of wind and rain.

The warm sunlight came in through the window, and Jessica naturally woke up. Jiang Mingliang had already sat on the back cushion within sight, started to read emails, and made some notes from time to time.

In this regard, it has long been no surprise. Among all the men Jessica has met, Jiang Mingliang definitely ranks in the top five in terms of workaholic attributes, and, according to him, this is still the state after he has restrained himself.

Know yourself and the enemy, and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles. Earlier, full preparations had been made for the acquisition of Inter Milan. Jiang Shixiao's acquisition plan was closed bit by bit, and the problems in front of him were overcome one by one. The first thing I want to talk about is the matter of building a modern football stadium in the northern suburbs of Milan. After the Milan City ZF put forward the argument of "assuming more social responsibilities", Jiang Shixiao's people quickly found this way, and A promise was made to the other party that as long as there is no transaction of Inter Milan's equity, in the next 20 years at least, the number of Inter Milan club staff will be at least 500, which will increase employment opportunities in Milan.

Statistics show that Inter Milan currently has 377 employees, which means that the club still needs to provide more than 123 job opportunities to others in suitable positions. Based on the average salary of ordinary club employees of about 32,000 euros, that is to say, the annual salary expenditure of the club will increase by about 4 million. If inflation is not considered, it will be about 80 million in 20 years.

At the same time, for Inter Milan's new stadium and its surrounding projects, Italian workers account for at least two-thirds, and at least three-quarters of the project volume is undertaken by Italian companies. This is also normal, after all Well, a big project launched by a club in the country must be aimed at stimulating the vitality of the country's economy.

Once the problem of the new stadium is resolved, it can be said that 80% of the acquisition project has been completed. This is Jiang Shixiao's top priority. Jiang Mingliang has already started to form his own team and is ready to take over Inter Milan!

The operating mechanisms of European football clubs are very different. However, once he takes over, Jiang Mingliang will definitely reorganize the management. Before, Jiang Mingliang was at Harvard Business School, and his graduation thesis was based on the great success of Manchester United in business development. Naturally, he would refer to Manchester United's experience to a large extent, set up the general manager, the football director, follow the Together with the head coach of the team, the three powers are separated in terms of operation, management, and competition.

As for the position of general manager, the first thing Jiang Mingliang thought of was Peter Kenyon, the general manager who created the Manchester United business empire. However, the man who carried the Manchester United dynasty was not favored by Manchester United fans. In the second year after Russian billionaire Abramovich took over Chelsea, Kenyon took Manchester United's scouting information to jump ship, and took a checkbook to buy people one by one. Whoever Manchester United liked, they would buy them at a higher price, abruptly. Smashing out Chelsea's combat effectiveness, this "traitor" behavior also greatly affected Kenyon's reputation in the football world, so that after he resigned from Chelsea in 2009, he left the football circle.

As for others, if any staff member of the Nets leaked the list of rookies that Jiang Mingliang focused on to the opposing New York Knicks, Jiang Mingliang would most likely issue a warrant. But, sometimes you have to be suspicious of the person you use, and you have to use the person you are suspicious of. Inter Milan's financial report last season showed that the loss amounted to more than 80 million euros. To reverse this decline, some ruthless people must be used.

Jiang Mingliang also had some exchanges with Monk who met at the Harvard Alumni Association before. He felt that this junior had a certain foundation in business management and at the same time had his own understanding of sports, so he invited him to join the team as Kenny. En's assistance is not a bad choice either. In time, he might be able to become his direct descendant.

As for the position of the head coach, there have been rumors that once Jiang Shixiao acquires Inter Milan, Guardiola will be invited to be the head coach of the team. It is not surprising that this kind of news comes out. After all, after Guardiola resigned from Barcelona 12 years ago, he has been living in New York, and the foundation of Jiang Shixiao's career is in New York. However, the fact is that no matter Jiang Shixiao or Inter Milan’s revenue, it is difficult to satisfy Guardiola’s “buy, buy, buy” team building idea. Jiang Mingliang’s favorite is Dortmund, which is full of passion and good at cultivating new players. Coach Klopp. Of course, this coach is the "goddess" of many teams in Europe, and he also stated that he will not consider leaving for the time being. Therefore, Jiang Shixiao can only give priority to some Plan B for the time being.

The progress of the acquisition case was sent to him by Jiang Shixiao's assistant. There is another email below, which is sent by Ouyang Mi. Of course, it is not from Ouyang Mi herself. It is a piece of information about a female artist sent by a media company under her name. Needless to say, the purpose is, It must be for the position of basketball manager in each team in the "This is Slam Dunk" project. Ouyang Mi carried the gambling agreement that Jiang Mingliang signed with her, and relying on himself to make money and achieve performance is not a small pressure. He must hope to cultivate new people to share it, and the resources in Lingrui's hands cannot be more important.

Jiang Mingliang only read the beginning of the file and closed the file. However, at such a fast speed, Jessica still caught sight of the photo of the female artist on the iPad, and then coughed twice.

The figure is very hot!

"In Krystal's variety show, someone wanted to find a way from me to see if they could participate." Jiang Mingliang immediately gave an explanation.

He doesn't necessarily have any taboos, but he is not Huang Yaoshi's personality, and he doesn't explain what kind of shit bowl he puts on his head when he is arrogant.

If Ouyang Mi knew that the artist he had carefully selected was labeled as a "shit pot" by Jiang Mingliang's side at this moment, he might not know how he would react.

"How is Sun Xingmin?" Jiang Mingliang asked without thinking, and after asking, he laughed.

Serie A's foreign aid introduction regulations are that non-EU players can only introduce two players per season, and I am still ambitiously staring at Neymar, how can I make a move to introduce the Light of Asia?

"Huh?" Jessica tilted her head, expressing her confusion.

"It's nothing." Jiang Mingliang took back his words.

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