Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 295: The Deal Is Closed

Compared with Jiang Mingliang's Chinese plot, if they can strengthen the team's shortcomings, Stevens and West have no problem with trading Jeremy Lin, but the two have no problem dealing with Jeremy Lin as the main body to trade the Thunder's Seful Rosa. There is opposition to this deal. Obviously, this deal is a bit of a loss. Although both Jeremy Lin and Sefulosa have expired contracts, and even if Jeremy Lin is traded to the Thunder, there is a high probability that he will not stay with the team, but Jeremy Lin’s deal The value is not equal to one Sefolosha.

"I would like to remind one point that the health of our other backup point guard Livingston has always been a relatively big problem, and Coach Stevens has also used him very conservatively. Once there is a problem with his health, then we Only Curry is a point guard." West calmly reminded.

There was a brief silence in the room. After lowering his head and sorting out his thoughts, Jiang Mingliang raised his head and asked, "Coach, I heard you said that the team can look forward to the championship, right!"

Stevens thought for a while and replied: "I can't guarantee it, but I think we have the strength to confront the Heat head-on, and we are not afraid of them."

"I think so too. The Thunder is the Thunder, and we are us. Who says that young people have to experience failure first before they can succeed? Recruit Sefulosa to strengthen their weaknesses. It's good to win, but even if we lose, we can't win." I can more clearly know where the gap is. Compared with a player with high potential but who will never be able to compete with Curry as the main point guard, I think this experience is more valuable." Jiang Mingliang said.

"But there's going to be a vacuum at the point guard position. Do you have any other recommendations?"

"You don't need to bother looking for this. The Thunder's bench has a good player, but it's relatively immature and requires you to spend time teaching it."

"Reggie Jackson?" West blurted out, calling out the name Jiang Mingliang said.

"Well. It's him. He seems to have a lot of shortcomings. However, he has good physical fitness and certain offensive and defensive abilities. If he is trained, it will be no problem to use it." If it is before the start of the season, Jiang Mingliang can still Taobao, see if there is a better option. At this stage, Reggie Jackson is already the best option, and the difficulty is not high. After the Thunder got Jeremy Lin, there is Maynor at the point guard position, so they should consider it. Reggie Jackson's.

Jiang Mingliang and Stevens took over the Nets, which was a reconstruction from the ruins. It is normal to give newcomers a chance. Didn't Jeremy Lin practice from being drafted to the position he is today? Reggie Jackson has the body, can also contribute on the defensive end, and maybe even bring surprises. Taking a step back, the Nets still have Livingston in their pocket.

The next day, after reaching an internal consensus, Jiang Mingliang talked to Presti again and reached an agreement on the deal. The Nets sent Jeremy Lin and Simmons, and traded Reggie Jackson and Sefulosa from the Thunder.

Before officially confirming the deal, Jiang Mingliang called Jeremy Lin first, informed him of the deal decision in advance, and wished him good luck in the future.

Jeremy Lin was also a little sad about leaving New York, but as an undrafted pick, he was able to receive such careful care at the beginning of his career and slowly gain a foothold in the league. Jeremy Lin is still very grateful to the Nets, especially Jiang Mingliang, for his support. Everything I do, although Oklahoma City is not a big market city, but following Dewey and the youngsters, at least they can continue to win, so it is not a bad place to go.

And Simmons, who has been unable to get a chance with the Nets for a long time, also thinks that the Thunder is a good place to go. It is recognized that Durant has no good substitute. Simmons going to the Thunder definitely has more opportunities than bringing the Nets.

The transaction documents are submitted to the league, and the players involved in the transaction go to the new club for a physical examination. After the league confirms and passes the physical examination, the transaction is officially completed.

WOJ took the lead in exposing the transactions of the two teams. Calculated, the two teams were the runner-up team and the top four teams of last season respectively. Transactions between teams with this positioning are relatively rare. Especially the Nets, which seem to be losing money, are suspected of strengthening their opponents. However, being slapped in the face by Jiang Mingliang countless times, the fans of the Nets did not have much resistance to such a "small" deal. Maybe Reggie Jackson is the next Jeremy Lin?

On China's forums, there were quite a few complaints about the Nets' deal, but it was quickly suppressed under the analysis of some football masters. Jeremy Lin's rookie benefits will disappear at the end of this season. Next season, the Nets will carry Curry, Lopez, and West with three tens of millions of contracts, Korver, Fernandez, and Ray Allen. There is also Leonard's contract renewal task, and the salary pressure is not small. Reggie Jackson's rookie benefits will not end until 15 years, which is more in line with the Nets' team building ideas.

. . . . . .

According to a number of Italian media reports, Jiang Shixiao will officially take over Inter Milan on January 3, 2013. Jiang Shixiao and Moratti conducted several rounds of negotiations. Last week, Jiang Shixiao visited Milan again and basically reached an agreement with Moratti. After nearly a month of related preparations, Jiang Shixiao will enter the European football after the winter transfer window begins. Host Inter Milan.

Soon, the official website of Inter Milan also confirmed this news. Inter Milan is in the process of acquisition, and the team will complete the transfer of all assets within one month. At that time, the Moratti family will temporarily withdraw from the history of Inter Milan.

The official website gave this news, which basically confirmed the fact that the rich Chinese have entered Inter Milan. For Moratti, the chairman who gave his heart and soul to the team, the fans of Inter Milan gave the greatest respect, and discussed together to pay tribute to him in the next round of home games. Of course, this has nothing to do with Jiang Mingliang for the time being. Relationship, the first thing he needs to be involved in is to use the power of Real Madrid to complete the transfer of Neymar.

"You want to go to Rio with me?" Jiang Mingliang said in surprise when he returned home and saw Jessica packing her bags.

"Of course~ I'm on my own, and I don't dare to go to Brazil yet." Jessica said firmly, "It can be regarded as a check-in."

"In Brazil, maybe my work will be harder, and it won't be easier than during this time." Speaking of which, Jiang Mingliang is also a little sorry. During this time, he was busy with work, and he really devoted himself to it. How to accompany jessica.

"It's good that you know!" Jessica reproached. "So in Brazil, if you have time, make it up to me!"

Sighing lightly, Jiang Mingliang nodded, "OK, I'm done with work, and I'll stay with you for a few days no matter what."

Jessica felt sweet in her heart, but reason told her that there was no chance this time. She will stay in Brazil until the 14th at most, and then she has to return to South Korea to join the team's itinerary. Girls' Generation, the schedule is still very busy during the New Year's Eve.

It's good to have this heart!

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