Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 300 Third Edition Chapter Eighty-Seven Workaholics

In the second quarter of the game, most of the time, Curry reduced his personal offense and put more thought into the team's offensive organization, which also allowed Leonard, Yi Jianlian, and West to gain With more opportunities for performance, under the full bloom, the Nets have achieved a relatively large advantage in the first half.

This season, the Nets are the team with the most halftime leads of more than 15 points in the league, and so far, after achieving a lead of more than 15 points in the first half, the Nets have never lost. This can show that many players in the team are good at playing with the wind, but it is also a skill to play well with the wind. It is better than turning a tailwind into a headwind and forcibly increasing experience at the decisive moment. Moreover, objectively speaking, the Nets have encountered a lot of tests this season, especially in the period after the ten-game winning streak, all opponents have tried their best to block the Nets.

At the beginning of the third quarter, the Trail Blazers tried to end the record of the Nets. Lillard and Batum hit three consecutive three-pointers within two minutes, reducing the point difference to less than 10 points. Aldridge continued Firepower, his singles in the interior steadily suppressed Lopez, or hit a mid-range shot, or caused Lopez to foul, and the two sides once entered a stalemate.

However, this balance changed after the appearance of one person. Chasing Dream Green replaced West in the second half of the third quarter. Mobility, enthusiasm for grabbing rebounds, and the ability to distribute the ball when pushing counterattacks make it easier for the Nets to score. In positional battles, Green also has a good vision. His appearance has an obvious positive effect on activating Curry. Affected, Ray Allen also benefited from his appearance. In the second half of the third quarter, the ethical combination hit 5 three-pointers, which widened the point difference to more than 20 points, and basically ended the suspense of the game.

The fourth quarter of the game basically became a time for training. Stevens intentionally accelerated the integration between Reggie Jackson and Severosa with the team, allowing them to play the entire fourth quarter, and made a detailed review of their performance. Relatively speaking, Sefulosa's role is more obvious on the defensive end. His own 3D attributes are reflected in the "D", but the "3" is more obvious than the Thunder during the Thunder. slide. Of course, it's understandable. After all, the Thunder has Dewey and his young masters to open up space for him.

Reggie Jackson, on the other hand, played well in this less stressful game rhythm. To the surprise of Stevens and Schneider, after being "alone" for a while, Reggie Jackson began to actively seek to follow up. Teammates cooperate and know to pass the ball to teammates inside.

113:99, although Lillard recovered some points in the fourth quarter, the Nets still firmly accepted the victory of this game, and the record also came to 18 wins and 6 losses, ranking second in the Eastern Conference. At the same time, continue to put pressure on the Miami Heat, which leads by one game.

. . . . . .

Once again, she completed a stage of her tour, and the female workaholic finally returned from Australia, and returned to New York, which she had missed for a long time. After leaving the airport lobby, she took the nanny car back to Manhattan. Taylor went straight to her residence, took a rest, changed into a tights that showed her figure, and took the gift she bought for Jiang Mingliang, and drove to Jiang Mingliang's villa excitedly. .

Gently pushing open the heavy door, Meimei stooped in like a civet cat, she wanted to give Jiang Mingliang an unexpected surprise.

There was no one in the living room. After changing her slippers, Taylor went to the master bedroom and saw no one. Then she went to the activity room and still didn't see Jiang Mingliang.

"I'm not at home." Taylor murmured in a low voice, a little discouraged, wasting her thoughts in vain.

Turning back and walking two steps, passing the study, Meimei glanced over and saw Jiang Mingliang sitting upright and concentrating on tapping on the laptop, seemingly oblivious to her talking to herself.

This is really a familiar and unfamiliar scene for Taylor Swift, Jiang Mingliang who is always working.

For Jiang Shixiao’s newly purchased Inter Milan, after completing the great business of buying bones with a lot of money, after purchasing Neymar, the team’s attraction to other potential newcomers and capable leaders has greatly increased. Resurrection and work hard, so, for Inter Milan, the difficulty in the next time is not buying people, but selling people!

High salaries and low abilities. There are too many veterans who have been unable to maintain their form in the long football season. This is the reason for Inter Milan's poor record and heavy financial losses. The most famous team in the team is of course the Argentine barbecue gang. The Inter Milan club has a considerable historical connection with Argentine players, and in the past summer, the Argentine BBQ Gang drove away the Brazilian BBQ Gang in the team. Time for the group to turn their guns on them.

Argentine players including Cambiasso, Samuel and Milito, as well as Sneijder and Stankovic, have received notice from the club to find their next home. These veterans took more than 50 million (before tax) from Inter Milan every year. In terms of their current strength, taking this salary is a bit exaggerated.

Jiang Mingliang planned to clean up these people first, firstly to reduce the team's expenditure and reduce the financial deficit, and secondly to make room for the newcomers who were about to steal. However, the cleanup work was not very smooth, except that Sneijder found For the next home, Manchester United is willing to sign the Dutch midfielder for 10 million, and only other meritorious players do not intend to leave the team in January. Even if they want to leave, they only accept a decent departure in the summer.

Damn, it's true that you want to be decent, but if you make you decent, the team's results this season may not be decent.

Monk, who represents Jiang Mingliang's will, continues to put pressure on the agents of several players. Jiang Mingliang is also suffering from a headache. After all, this is only his first step, and it is so unsuccessful. Next, it will not be easy. ah!

Jiang Mingliang was searching for some young people who would become famous in the future based on his memory, and was preparing to recruit his subordinates in advance and cultivate them slowly. Suddenly, he felt a pair of delicate and smooth palms pressing down on his temples and sliding slowly.

Don't even think about it. No need to guess, there are not many people who can freely enter and exit this room. Immediately, Jiang Mingliang pushed away the computer and put his arms around Taylor's waist, "It's a little stronger."

"Growing fat" is a euphemism.

"There must be enough energy!" Swift explained.

"It's okay, I accept." Pay attention to Jiang Mingliang's wording, accept, not like. Relatively speaking, he still prefers the slender Taylor Swift.

After a few sloppy words, Taylor Swift walked around behind Jiang Mingliang and gave him some massage.

Before Jiang Mingliang took her to a massage parlor in midtown Manhattan, now, she followed suit and imposed it on Jiang Mingliang.

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