Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 334 Hardliners

The Indiana Pacers are a team that Jiang Mingliang himself admires.

It can be said that the butterfly effect triggered by Jiang Mingliang, the two most influential teams have always been the Warriors whose pillars have been taken away from the potential dynasty, and the Pacers whose opportunity to rise has been robbed by Jiang Mingliang. In comparison, the Warriors have at least been compensated by Paul George, at least the team's competitiveness has been maintained on the board, and at least there is a pair of pretty good star combinations. As for the Pacers, the two most important players in a tough team that can only compete with the peak Heat for 7 games were intercepted by Jiang Mingliang, but this team still did not choose to be bad, but relied on a tough team. The lineup that others don't like very much has become a spoiler in the East.

George Hill, Stephenson, Granger, Landry, Hibbert, entering the free market, I'm afraid they are all just plans B and C of each team, but this is a set that is a little bit civilian and a bit sloppy The lineup, but completed the blocking of the Nets at home. Use another style of basketball, say "NO" to the gorgeousness of the Nets.

Although there are not those talented players in hand, Vogel's development of players in the team is also worthy of recognition. Stephenson, a second-round pick, completed his ninth triple-double of the season in this game. With 3D point guard George Hill, Stephenson has sufficient ball rights to show his talent. It can be said that Stephenson got the most A good growth environment, perhaps, a junior who is not brain-dead, is God's compensation for the Pacers.

Losing a game will not shake the fans' confidence in the Nets. In this game, in addition to the fact that the Pacers played really well, there were also factors in the Nets' own poor performance. But in the long season, players are not robots, and their status will always have ups and downs. The important thing is to adjust their status in place in time when needed.

That is, after the Nets lost this game, the NBA officially announced the starting list of the East and West for the 2013 Houston All-Star Game. Curry suppressed Irving without pressure, and became the starter with the second place in the Eastern Conference guard vote. His teammates included Wade, James, Garnett, and Anthony. In the West, the Lakers, with poor results, continue to occupy the two starting positions with their strong prestige. No matter how well Kobe and Howard perform, they are popular here anyway, so they can't accept it. Griffin and Paul are also from Los Angeles. The only non-Los Angeles star left is Durant.

Although it is meaningless to discuss strength in an entertainment-like game like the All-Stars, but if we insist on analyzing the pros and cons of the East and West lineups from the performance of this season, the East still has some advantages. James ranked first in the MVP list, Curry ranked second, and Anthony ranked fourth all came from the East, and only Durant ranked third in the West. Garnett's appearance in the starting lineup can indeed be said to be a plus point for feelings, but Kobe is called an iron god this season, Howard's performance is mediocre due to injuries, and the Los Angeles duo ranks fourth in the West and tenth in the West, but they occupy four. The number of starting places also objectively proves the disadvantage of the lineup.

In addition to Curry, Stevens of the Nets became the head coach of the Eastern All-Star Game, and Popovich was in charge of the Western Conference. Leonard, Green selected for the rookie game. Curry chose the latter in the three-point contest and the skill challenge. When Ray Allen also rejected the three-point contest, Korver represented the Nets under the dual competition of the league and the team. Fernandez, who had a strong voice to enter the slam dunk contest, was not selected in the end. Of course, he himself was not very happy to participate. After all, the slam dunk contest in recent years has been really boring.

. . . . . .

After two consecutive victories, the performance of the Nets has stabilized. In fact, this is the normal state of most teams in the league. If suppression of strength can really bring victory steadily, then 72 wins are not Such an unattainable dream.

Thinking of the first record of 73 wins created by the Warriors, Jiang Mingliang was actually a little tempted. However, the team building idea Jiang Mingliang designed for the Nets did not completely follow the Warriors team, and at present, he may not be able to exchange for Klay Thompson, who has flourished in the Jazz. As far as the team is concerned, finding the gap with the Miami Heat is the most important thing to really be sure of a decisive battle with the opponent.

Compared with the Nets, the Heat's performance has been more stable so far this season, or in other words, they know better when to exert their strength. Fans can find that the Heat's game is not as exciting as before, it looks better, simpler and tougher, and Wade will choose to rest in games against weaker teams. James, who is strong and strong, also imitates frequently during the season Curry clocked in three quarters and had to make more adjustments. The reason is also very simple. The super outside oppression and rotation consume too much outside players, and James, a small forward, often has to undertake the defensive tasks of power forwards and even centers in the Heat. , In order to adapt to this, James is also constantly gaining weight. There is no doubt that this is an extremely heavy burden for him.

"The biggest problem for the Heat is the health of the outside players." Jiang Mingliang told West after watching a game between the Heat and the Grizzlies at home.

Compared with the previous life, the Heat lost a very important rotation player, Ray Allen! The veteran has no problem starting some games. There is one less player with such a role in the team. Once Wade takes a rest, the burden on James will be even heavier!

"Pat Riley..." West and Pat Riley used to be partners of the Lakers' management. One of the most important reasons is that the amount of training is too large, which makes the players unbearable.

I don't know if this Heat team can maintain their health until the playoffs.

The Heat have hidden dangers from the Heat, and the Nets also have injuries from the Nets. Lopez, who missed the team's playoffs for two consecutive seasons, can be said to be a pain in the hearts of Nets fans. This center is the player who has played for the longest time on the team, and he has personally experienced the rebuilding of the Nets. The fan base chases him very high, and even his jersey sales this season are second only to Curry in the team. However, after another rehabilitation check, Jiang Mingliang and Stevens got the news that the recovery of Lopez's left foot was not as smooth as expected, and it will take at least two weeks to recover.

Although Jiang Mingliang was not satisfied with Lopez and complained about the other party's insistence on asking for a big contract, he could still clearly feel the importance of the other party after his injury. His continuous injury will also bring some negative effects to the team.

Despite this, Jiang Mingliang told Huang Zhengxuan that, no matter what, make sure Lopez's left foot is fully recovered before letting him come back. The Nets cannot do without Lopez for the rest of the season.

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