Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 363 Stadium Conflict

There seems to be a natural tacit understanding between Green and Curry. Whenever these two people cooperate on the court, Green will become the person who understands Curry best. In fact, this has also become an important way for Green to gain playing time. Even for the sake of Curry, Stevens must give Green more opportunities to exercise.

The tacit understanding between Green and Curry is not only reflected in the fact that Green knows when to pick and roll for Curry. Curry has a higher shooting percentage in that position. More importantly, he knows every little move and every look of Curry. The tendency represented is whether to choose to go out to find shooting opportunities, or to run back for a layup, and even when Curry will pass the ball to himself, Green can feel it.

Under the joint attack of Curry, Green, and Korver, the Nets completed a wave of 12:2 attacks at the beginning of the second quarter, narrowing the point difference to 1 point in time. At the same time, the Hawks finally Can't sit still anymore, Teague, Horford, and Joe Johnson appeared one after another.

The debut of the starting players immediately changed the situation of the game, but in a rather special way. Curry had just passed halftime, and the two outsiders of the Eagles had long been ignorant. Due to their size, the quality of the Eagles' perimeter defense was not high. Williams has always been a typical example of strong offense and weak defense. The quarter also allowed Curry to find open shots many times, but Curry didn't make a shot.

With a slight side of the body and a quick dodge on the move, Williams' defense didn't even have the effect of slowing down the pace. It was just a skillful step down to change the ball, and Curry easily broke through the past. Let the fans in front of the TV cheer unceasingly, the true combination of human and ball, except for the three-pointer, Curry's dribbling skills have already reached a very high level, as many experts have said, Curry's dribbling phase Compared with Owen, it is not so fancy, and compared with Paul, it is not so stable, but it is not bad at all in terms of practicality.

However, after igniting Teague with a realistic action of a false shot, Curry successfully found the shooting space at the baseline, and suddenly received a thrust on his back, and then lost his center of gravity and fell straight to The cameraman at the bottom line.

"Ah!" A cameraman made his own meat pad, and his body didn't hurt too much from the fall, but Curry's head hit the camera by accident, and the hit really hurt, Curry covered himself The head rolled on the ground, and the wound could be seen through the fingers.

Before anyone else could react, Green, as Curry's loyal guard, slammed into Teague with all his might, pushed Digo and rolled into the auditorium together, and the two wrestled together.

Immediately, Fernandez, the militant in the team, also blocked the Eagles players who went to help punches, and scuffled with Williams, and then, not only the ten players on the field, but also some restless players on the bench Players also rushed into the field.

Fortunately, both teams have veterans and some good-tempered players. West, Ray Allen, and Korver take care of their own people. Horford and Joe Johnson brought the Eagles back to the rest area. , Curry also returned to the locker room first, accompanied by the team doctor, to treat the wound.

Teague, who was viciously hurting people, and Green, who was the first to start, played directly, and Fernandez, who was emotional, was also invited out of the court. This wave of shopping, the Nets obviously suffered a big loss. Jiang Mingliang, who was watching the live broadcast of the game in Seoul, was also very dissatisfied, and he had new calculations in his heart.

There are advantages and disadvantages of having too many good babies in the team, but when the boss of the team is a player like Curry who needs proper protection, the team must have two types of thugs, otherwise there will be some old men who are more aggressive than attackers. It's really hard for you to go down the third road. To put it bluntly, if you, Bowen, dare to touch my boss, I dare to step on Duncan.

This farce obviously suffered a loss for the Nets, but in the second half of the second quarter, the referees were slightly biased towards the Nets in terms of penalty scales, which was a small compensation. In the second half, a five-point advantage was slightly established.

The more favorable news for the Nets is that Curry's injury checkup passed quickly and there was no concussion. Therefore, after the wound is treated and the bleeding is stopped, Curry can reappear in the second half of the game. , This is not good news for the Eagles. An angry superstar will bring more terrifying fighting power. Just ask the Spurs and the Nuggets will know!

Facing Schroeder's strict defense, Curry handed the ball to Ray Allen and plunged into the inside line, then used West's cover to rush out of the inside line and land outside the three-point line in the left corner.

The basketball was immediately passed into his hands, he caught the ball, raised his hand, and shot.

The whole set of movements was completed in one go. When Joe Johnson, who was desperately chasing, came to defend, the basketball had already drawn a beautiful arc in the air.


The Hawks Joe Johnson was the main attacker. Facing Leonard's defense, he used his body to knock out a not-so-sufficient but still enough shooting space.

But the cheers of the Eagles' home fans haven't stopped yet, and the Nets' offense has already launched.

It was still Curry. After receiving Lopez's bottom line serve, he ran towards the Cavaliers' backcourt, and then stopped and jumped outside the three-point line.

Schroeder, who was following him, immediately jumped up and tried to block the block, but unfortunately he was still a little slower.

"Swipe!" Hit again!

Two consecutive three-pointers made the Eagles' home court fall into a brief silence until Joe Johnson responded again on the offensive end. Facing Leonard's defense, Joe Johnson used the dribble rhythm to shake the opponent's defensive center of gravity , Then completed a Harden-style foul and cheated two free throw opportunities.

Regardless of the big contract, Joe Johnson is really a pretty good player. When Williams was hot in the first quarter, he was willing to retreat to the second line as a containment. When he needed to stand up in the third quarter, he could also lead the team to counterattack. However, the unworthy salary and the exaggeration of the media made too many people regard his contract as a junk contract, and also regarded him as a model of high salary and low ability.

The third quarter of the game, for a long time, became a show for Curry and Joe Johnson. Curry maintained his sanity when he scored, played a huge containment force, and assisted his teammates to score one after another. Facing the raging offense of the Nets, he scored eight answer balls in a row, which is completely a superstar-level performance.

It's a pity that his strength alone can't match the Nets team's top-down, united will, broke Curry and Fernandez, and injured Curry's head. ball of fire. When Joe Johnson was magically absent, the suspense of the game was immediately ended by the Nets. At the end of the third quarter, the point difference had been widened to 16 points.

In the whole game, Joe Johnson scored the highest score of 38 points, but it was still difficult to prevent the team from losing. The Nets successfully completed their 12-game winning streak and became another player to complete this achievement after the Mavericks in the 0607 season. Team.

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