Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 403 Get Three Points

At the end of the two games, the Nets led the Celtics 2:0. There will be two days of rest. This is a respite for the Celtics. At this stage, the physical condition of the two sides , are actually unequal.

The third game was played at the TD North Shore Garden Arena, home of the Celtics. This game was also a test for the Nets players. The North Shore Garden Arena is one of the arenas with the best atmosphere for NBA fans. The extremely hostile atmosphere created by the fans is a test for visiting players, especially young players.

Sure enough, before the start of the game, the players walked out of the player tunnel, and as soon as they came out, the audience was booed immediately, and many fanatical fans who were closer to each other even yelled at their throats.

At the beginning of the game, the Celtics continued the tactics of the second round unsurprisingly. They rushed to the start, established a certain advantage at the beginning, and then relied on tactics and defense to deal with the Nets. This is almost the only Celtics. Chance of victory.

The Nets, on the other hand, changed the tactics in which Curry led the team's offense in the previous few games, and instead began to attack from the inside out. Lopez and West, the inside combination with comprehensive inside offensive skills, took the lead The combination of Nate and Bass packs a punch.

Garnett in his young peak period claimed to be able to defend from the first position to the fifth position. Although such rumors are a bit exaggerated, they also reflect Garnett's defensive ability. When speed, jumping, and explosive power are at their peak, Garnett's speed is not inferior to that of guards, and his speed of assisting in defense and chasing caps is amazing, but that is the peak period of youth after all. With the increase of age, Garnett's defensive ability has declined significantly, especially in terms of athletic ability and coverage in the penalty area. This season, Garnett has made more sacrifices through the transformation of the center position. The core led the team to the playoffs, but Garnett, who was never known for fighting against centers in his peak period, was actually quite uncomfortable facing the pursuit of West and Lopez at this stage.

Curry's super restraining force has made Bradley inseparable, unable to support, and the same is true for people in other positions. If Rondo is on the court, he may be able to respond to the Nets' intentions, but obviously, The Terrys didn't have Rondo's tactical knowledge, and they didn't have such a good brain. They could only watch Garnett being deliberately attacked by the Nets, and his physical strength declined rapidly, but he had no way to deal with it.

Although Rivers is a champion coach, as a coach, he is really known as a master of chicken soup, and his ability to use role players is not bad, but Rivers really has quite a problem with commanding on the spot. According to He really had no idea to make adjustments based on the situation on the court. He watched the Nets lead from the start to a 7-point lead at the end of the first quarter.

In the second quarter of the game, after the Celtics shrunk their defense and began to strengthen the inside defense, Curry began to increase the frequency of mid- and long-range shots and the number of points to the inside. Although he only made 3 of 8 shots in a single quarter, he sent out 4 assists, 2 of these 4 assists were for Fernandez and Ray Allen to hit a three-pointer from the outside, 1 was for an air-cut Leonard dunk, and the other 1 was for Wei Wei in the corner. Sturt hit the mid-range.

At the end of the halftime game, the Nets continued to secure their lead and expanded the point difference to double digits.

In the second half, the Celtics began to develop offensive tactics that were completely different from the first half. Bradley began to find cover to get rid of. This combo guard with a burst of 3D attributes actually has a pretty good shooting ability, not limited to fixed-point catches Shooting, including shooting while running, and even trying to shoot with the ball.

In the regular season, when the Nets were looking for perimeter defenders all over the world, they were very interested in Bradley. It's just that the Celtics valued this player very much and rejected the Nets' trade application. In this round of the series, Bradley also used his performance to prove that he will become the Celtics' Big Three The backbone of the era.

Rivers' ability to develop role players is really good. At that time, letting Bradley pay more energy on the offensive end was equivalent to liberating Curry. The main attack point of the Nets returned to Curry, and Curry did not live up to the expectations of his teammates. First, he scored 2 three-pointers in a row under Bradley's defense, and then broke through and rushed into the interior to cause 2+1. After scoring 9 points, the point difference was expanded to 18 points in a blink of an eye.

After being beaten by the Nets for three consecutive games, the boos from the TD North Shore Garden Arena became more intense, but this time, in addition to putting pressure on the players of the visiting team, it also contained dissatisfaction with their own players .

It's okay to lose to the "shameless" Big Three of the Heat. After all, the other party has done the peak teamwork, so what else is there to say? But losing to the Nets, which has solidly built a team and made consecutive smart trades, and was beaten so badly, it makes people feel a little helpless.

Pierce and Terry's desperate three-point shooting did not help the team reverse the situation in this game. The Nets launched consecutive counterattacks and widened the point difference to more than 20 points with 10 minutes left in the fourth quarter .

With about 6 minutes left, Rivers replaced Garnett, Pierce and Bradley, basically declaring the defeat of this round of the series. After all, in the history of the NBA, no team can come back from a 0::3 situation.

After winning the third game in the away game, the score between the Nets and the Celtics came to 3:0. Basically, in this round of the series, the Celtics have conceded. The next consideration is to Fight for honor, but consider rebuilding again.

Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi. The past six seasons have been the best years for the Celtics in the new century. The team's next plan is to rebuild, then, clear the veteran's contract and earn more draft picks and potential stocks. But the opponent is not a fool, honestly when the picker takes over the veteran, he will give the Celtics his potential stocks and the opportunity to replenish new blood. As for the players that the Celtics need to recruit in the early stages of reconstruction, Angie also has arrangements in mind.

Came to the away game in New York, James' Heat continued to triumph. With James' 33+10+8 data, the team successfully defeated the girl at Madison Square Garden, double-killed the Knicks in the away game, and brought the big score to 3:1. Dolan was not the only one who was disappointed by this result. Jiang Mingliang, who had some expectations for the Knicks, really felt that he made a wrong bet.

If the second round ends with such a posture, then Jiang Mingliang will undoubtedly be a little helpless. After all, I originally hoped that the Knicks could give the Heat some more consumption, but now it seems that it is wishful thinking.

"How to deal with a perfect James?" This also requires Jiang Mingliang to think carefully. .

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