It can be said that Stevens did not pay attention to the formation of troops, but it has to be said that Spoelstra was more fully prepared for this game.

In fact, after the media exaggerated the concept that "the Nets and the Heat are higher than other teams in the East" for a season, it is impossible for Spoelstra to not have in-depth research on the Nets' personnel composition and tactical play. Stevens' small lineup in the third quarter of the second game is considered a master hand, but the victory in other times is ultimately due to the characteristics of the lineup, plus the bonus of home court advantage, back to the Heat's At home, under the ebb and flow, the Heat took the initiative in the game. Wade, Bosh, and Battier changed their silence in the past two games and were all revived. In the state of being crushed by the Heat's superstars, James seems a bit unstoppable.

Stevens' defensive strategy against James is very obvious to cut off the connection between James and his teammates. James can score high points, but it is absolutely impossible to let him drive his teammates. However, in the second half of the second quarter of the game, The Nets didn't even do this. The Heat's role players were driven by James. At halftime, the Heat led the Nets by 12 points 60:48.

The Heat's lineup is indeed flawed. Although the duo of James and Wei are close in cooperation, they absolutely overlap in type. Then again, doesn't the OK combination conflict? Kobe needs the ball, and O'Neal needs space, but the two can still play the entire league. Don't Dewey and his younger brother conflict? Durant may be the most suitable partner for Westbrook, but is Westbrook the most suitable point guard for Durant? This is really rare. But this does not prevent the two from creating their own legends. In the third quarter of the game, when the Nets caught the loopholes on the defensive end and scored again and again, James and Wade attacked the Nets' inside line like wolves and tigers, using free throws to retain their advantage. Wade made 7 of 8 free throws in a single quarter, and James made 6 of 6 free throws. This explosive penalty not only withstood the offense of the Nets, but also made Fernandez, Chasing Dream Green, West They all committed 4 fouls, and Leonard and Barnes also had 3 fouls.

In the last quarter of the game, the Heat fought back in their own way, copying the practice of the Nets in the second round at the beginning of the fourth quarter with all the main force to end the suspense of the game, widening the point difference to 19 points in one fell swoop , the game looked to miss the suspense. However, Spoelstra was a little overwhelmed. Ray Allen hit two consecutive three-pointers after his debut, and instantly narrowed the point difference to 13 points. Leonard's waist beat Battier to score 2+1 , The point difference once came to 10 points, and also brought James and Wade back from the bench to the court. At the critical moment, James singled Leonard and also scored 2+1. With 3 minutes left in the game, he once again widened the point difference to 13 points and kept the result until the end of the game. In the end, the Heat scored 107 points. :96 defeated the Nets and pulled back a victory. The total score of the two sides also came to 2:1. The Nets still have some advantages.

The results of this game are also worthy of Stevens and the coaching staff going back to sum up. Including Jiang Mingliang, they also need to do some homework to think about the direction of the team's reinforcement this summer.

There is no way to promote the reinforcement of the Nets for the time being, and the adjustment of Inter Milan's lineup is already in full swing. After negotiating with the team, the veteran Cambiasso confirmed that he has no place in Inter Milan in the new season, and announced on social media in advance that he is about to leave the team, ending his 7-year Inter Milan career. The Argentine iron waist reached the peak of his career at Inter Milan. Although he was criticized for directing traffic on the defensive end and forming gangs in the locker room in the later stage, when it was time to leave the team, the fans still sent him blessing of.

Cambiasso also left with Argentine veteran Samuel and Serbian midfielder Stankovic. Samuel chose to go to Basel, Switzerland to enjoy his few careers, while Stankovic chose to hang up his boots directly. So far, among the main players of the Triple Crown in 2010, only the captain Zanetti, who the management dared not move and couldn’t move, left the team in either good or bad ways.

Counting the group of veterans who were purged in the winter, after Jiang Mingliang took over, Inter Milan's total salary has dropped by 60 million euros (before tax), which is of great benefit to the team's financial health. As for the lost image points, it can only be made up through the later record. It's like a rich family who cares about face and disdains petty profits, but if the family is really in trouble, it's for money and for survival, so they don't care about face!

To Jiang Mingliang's relief, although Inter Milan's fans complained about the team's cold-blooded drive away of heroes, they also expressed their understanding. After all, strictly speaking, the salary of the three veterans can be compared with Neymar, but their role is obviously comparable to that of Neymar, and Jiang Mingliang spends a lot of money for the team. In the case of leading the team to the Champions League and taking the first step of revival, let's be merciful for the time being.

The cleaning work was so cold-blooded and ruthless, and in terms of player inspections, Rangnick also gave Jiang Mingliang some player information within two days.

"The information you gave me before, some players have already become famous, and some players are still relatively quiet, so it is better to send you the information first." Rangnick's working ability is not bad, and he will soon "Gerry "Zman", "Lukaku", "De Bruyne", and "Sun Xingmin" were sent to Jiang Mingliang, and his own comments were added behind.

"Antonio Griezmann, currently playing for Real Sociedad, performed well last season. He scored a total of 10 goals and 5 assists. He is very fast and can provide the team with more options on the offensive end. He has a keen goal With a sense of smell, outstanding anticipation ability and superb shooting skills, he has the hope of becoming an excellent striker."

"Romelu Lukaku, a Belgian monster, is currently playing for Chelsea. Last season, Lukaku played 35 times in the Premier League on behalf of West Bromwich Albion, scoring 17 goals and contributing 7 assists. The body is very good, and he has good technical ability, and he is also very talented in offensive running. But Chelsea is very optimistic about him, and there is a high probability that they will choose to continue to rent him out instead of selling him directly.”

"Kevin De Bruyne, who also played for Chelsea, was loaned to Bremen in the Bundesliga last season. He completed a double-double of 10 goals and 14 assists throughout the season. Browne passes the ball accurately, has a wide vision, and has a good set-piece skill. Being able to shoot left and right greatly increases the threat of shooting. Generally speaking, he has the main qualities that an attacker should possess. Quite Compared with Lukaku, Chelsea may be willing to sell De Bruyne, but the possibility of staying in the team is not ruled out."

"Sun Xingmin, a South Korean player, is currently playing for Hamburg. As an attacker, he is quite decisive in shooting. He has speed, breakthroughs and passes. He has a comprehensive performance and can seamlessly connect between various positions. At the same time, he has the toughness of the Koreans. , strong fighting will and super running ability. It is worth mentioning that Sun Xingmin has negotiated with the Hamburg club and will leave the team after the end of the season. The transfer fee is roughly around 10 million euros."

As expected, the management talents, technical characteristics, player data, and even the current situation are marked in great detail by Jiang Mingliang himself, making Jiang Mingliang look clear at a glance.

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