Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 434: Death Arrives

After halftime, Durant's physical strength recovered a bit. Just after halftime, Westbrook handed the ball to Durant, who was already stuck with Leonard outside the three-point line.

The rhythm of Durant's possession of the ball suddenly became faster. With a behind-the-scenes guide, half of his body has appeared on Leonard's right side with his diagonally straddled right foot. Leonard's defensive judgment was very precise. He was already prepared the moment the opponent started, but he didn't expect the opponent's breakthrough to be so simple, without even the slightest extra preparation. In a hurry, Leonard immediately put his body on it, blocking Durant's breakthrough movement. The collision between the two sides was not fierce. Durant did not rush forward forcefully, but used the strength of the rebound to pull away from the opponent. Leonard's distance, shot directly, although he missed, but Durant's slightly exaggerated action induced the referee to whistle, and Leonard made a defensive foul.

Normally, Leonard doesn't have any opinion on the referee's judgment. However, in this game, he was abused by Durant so badly that the robot couldn't help stretching out his hands to appeal to the referee.

Durant made two free throws and widened the point difference to double digits again.

Light footsteps, skilled ball-handling skills, in front of Curry, Holiday always seems to be half a beat behind, and Curry's extremely fast shot from beyond the three-point line made Holiday fail to react , The ball crashed into the net, and Curry led the team to close the score again.

Brooks shook his head helplessly at the scene, this time it wasn't entirely the defense's mistake. It’s really that Curry’s shooting ability is too exaggerated. Damn the shot just now, when Curry made the last shot, he was at least one meter away from the three-point line. He just raised his hand and hit it. The stage of the finals Didn't put any pressure on him at all!

The Thunder made several passes from the outside, but never found a chance. In the end, Durant chose to get stuck inside and singled Leonard in the low post. Immediately, the Nets double-teamed one after another. Fernandez's double-team made Westbrook run out of open space, received a point from Durant, Westbrook made an outside shot, the ball hit the neck of the basket and bounced high, and then fell into the basket impartially middle.

Not even luck is on the side of the Nets!

This dribble really affected the morale of the Nets. In the next round of offense, Lopez's handling was a little irrational, and he forced a single to play par when the card position was not dominant and his teammates did not take away the defender. Kings, as a result, failed to score the ball under double interference.

At this point in the game, Jiang Mingliang was really a little worried. After all, being ahead and falling behind is not a problem, but against an opponent like the Thunder, it would be really troublesome if you get caught with ups and downs in mentality.

Fortunately, the whole team cheered up and successfully defended against the Thunder's next attack.

The two sides went back and forth. The Nets were waiting for the opportunity for the Thunder's juniors to decline in physical strength, or to take a break, or to drop in efficiency. However, the Thunder's dual juniors took drugs like TM today. They played from the second half until the end of the third quarter and did not end. rest.

No matter how many troops you have, I have a pair of king bombers!

At the beginning of the fourth quarter, Durant and Westbrook finally disappeared from the Thunder's lineup. Ray Allen immediately led the team to launch a counterattack. In two minutes, they completed a wave of 7:2 spurts, and the points were scored. The difference was narrowed to 5 points, and then there was a dead ball opportunity, Westbrook went into battle again, and it seemed that unless the game was spent, he was not ready to end.

"It's awesome~" Although he knew Westbrook very well, Jiang Mingliang couldn't help expressing such emotion after seeing his never-tiring physical fitness on the spot.

You know, Westbrook is full of vitality on the court. Among other things, just looking at his point guard position and 7 rebounds shows how active he is in the game.

Half a minute later, Brooks called a timeout, and when the timeout came back, Durant also reappeared. The Thunder's strategy was already very obvious, which was to use the pair of king bombs in their hands to fight the Nets to the end.

Curry, Leonard, and Green all appeared together. At this point, Stevens has a showdown too. If you want to fight, you can fight!

Curry took the ball to the frontcourt, protected the ball in the middle to face Holiday's defense, and passed it to Ray Allen on the right who was covered by Green and ran away from Westbrook. Ray Allendo took the ball and shot it immediately. The arc of the ball was perfect and it went into the net hollow. The point difference was narrowed to 2 points.

Westbrook is really active, and as a point guard, his physical talent is too good. But off-ball defense requires not only hardware, but also concentration and basketball IQ.

The outside combination of Curry and Ray Allen can be called the strongest shooter alliance in history. If it weren't for Korver's habit of pulling his hips in the playoffs, the off-ball running and shooting abilities of these three people could shoot through opponents alive.

The Thunder attacked, teammates pulled away, Durant received the ball from the low post on the right and singled out Leonard. Relying on his height advantage, he received the ball firmly with his back, leaned against Leonard, turned to the middle and jumped with one leg, and made a jump shot with a large fallback. Durant's move doesn't need a feint, and he doesn't need to shake his opponent away. With his height, wingspan, and take-off height, the opponent can't cover it no matter what. Leonard took off with all his strength, and couldn't even close his eyes, and the ball went into the net hollow.

Curry moved to the frontcourt, and Green went to the side to cover for Ray Allen, and there were misplacements everywhere. After Ray Allen moved, Curry feinted and didn't make a pass. He suddenly started to change direction to the left and broke through from Holiday. After Green made an air cut, Ibaka stood relatively outside and did not get stuck. Facing Perkins' supplementary defense, Curry jumped high and passed the ball from the underarm to Green, who made a layup with ease.

The Thunder's offense continued to focus on doubles. Durant got to the basket, leaned on Leonard to turn to the right, and easily scored with a cricket.

The main lineup is aligned, and the Nets' offense is really pleasing to the eye, but Durant is really helpless. Even in the face of double teams, he can always get the ball in. This really broke the mentality of the Nets.

In the future, when counting the classic battle of "one man destroys one team", Durant's game will definitely be mentioned repeatedly like "World Soccer" counting Istanbul Night.

The performance of the Nets is not bad. Curry sent out a large double-double data of 39 points and 14 assists in the whole game, and hit 8 three-pointers in the whole game. The superstar is quite good. However, in the face of Leonard who successfully restricted James, Durant almost slammed Leonard's head in the whole game, scored 46 points, the highest score in the finals of his career, and took off 11 points by the way. 1 rebound, plus 4 assists, 3 blocks of BT data, really "single-handedly" completed the kill of the Nets.

112:107, the suspense of the game was maintained until the last minute, but it was the Thunder who took away the victory.

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