Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 446 Operations before the draft

After the three-day celebration, Jiang Mingliang's season is not over yet, and there are still four days before the 2013 NBA Draft. The teams will conduct a lottery draw at the Barclays Center. For strong teams, this is the key to continuing their glory, while for weak teams, this is an opportunity for Xianyu to turn around.

Before the start of the draft, the Nets and the Pistons officially announced the deal between the two teams. The Nets sent Korver, the 18th overall pick, the 30th overall pick, and the European player Borg Danovic's signing right was changed from the Pistons to the No. 8 pick.

The Nets were able to complete the triple jump from a big team to a championship in three years. The team's operations in the draft conference contributed a lot. George, Bledsoe, Leonard, Dreaming Green, etc. After joining the Nets, the player quickly showed a level of strength beyond the level that this pick should have, which has greatly helped the team. As a result, this wave of rookie benefits has not been finished yet, and the pig teammate sent him High draft picks, Heat, Thunder, Spurs, Knicks, etc. The team management who regards the Nets as a strong enemy scolded the 18th generation of Pistons general manager Al Gore's ancestors.

However, in the transaction rating given by ESPN experts, the Pistons received an A rating. Although Korver could not be reused in the Nets, his outside shooting ability is beyond doubt and definitely strengthened the Pistons. Weakest outside shot. Bogdanovic performed very well in Europe. If he hadn't been concerned about the Nets' strong flank strength and felt that he had no position, there is a high probability that the Nets would not give up. The quality of this year's rookies is uneven. For a lineup like the Pistons, which is already good, and the focus is on checking for omissions and filling vacancies, it is acceptable to lower the pick in exchange for immediate combat power.

The Nets also received a B+ rating. As Curry's 5-year 80 million maximum salary contract begins to be fulfilled, the Nets' salary pressure for next season will greatly increase. They can send Korver's contract and improve the draft. The draft position is beneficial and harmless, avoiding the salary pressure brought about by the bloated lineup, and I also look forward to Jiang Mingliang's continued insight in the draft to discover undervalued talents.

The experts gave their expectations. However, Jiang Mingliang is more willing to use the value of the No. 8 pick to make a trade than making a fuss in the draft. The target of his trade is still Klay Thompson of the Utah Jazz.

No. 8 pick + Mavericks first round pick next season + Barnes + Fernandez, Jiang Mingliang made his own offer for Thompson. Then, he was flatly rejected.

In the Jazz, the big contracts of Millsap and Al Jefferson will expire, and the team has enough salary space to renew the contracts of young talents such as Hayward, Thompson, Favors, and Kanter , At the same time, the team is also very hopeful to chase Jeremy Lin in the free agent market, so there is no interest in trading away its leading scorer.

Basically, Jiang Mingliang will offer Thompson every season, and every offer will be directly rejected by the Jazz. Maybe, Splash Brothers, it will be a lifetime if you miss it!

Quin Snyder, assistant coach of the Nets, who has been chased by several teams, has finally chosen his next home. The Philadelphia 76ers who own James Harden, a young talent, has become his destination for the new season. In order to change to Harden And Bynum, the Philadelphia 76ers have overdrawn the team's future to a certain extent. This season, the team has only one pick with the 29th overall pick, and next season, the team has no picks. Snyder's job may be It's difficult, but with his ability, he should be sure to select suitable role players for the team and build a team around Harden.

The team announced the news on the official website, and also expressed their blessings to Schneider. Philadelphia is not far from New York, so Schneider's move this time is not troublesome. If he has the opportunity, he can come to New York to see old friends!

"With Quinn's strength, he should be able to lead the 76ers to rise soon." At the small meeting of the Nets' management team discussing the draft, Stevens said with a little regret. In terms of construction, training arrangements, and the design of offensive routines, he is very good, and he is definitely a ruthless character.

"If he goes to the Heat or the Thunder, of course it will be very threatening. But the 76ers, I am not particularly worried. Even if Howard really went to the 76ers." Jiang Mingliang expressed his opinion.

Bynum's contract expired, and he didn't play a game for the team after coming to the 76ers. It is tantamount to saying that the 76ers played Iguodala in vain. Fortunately, his contract is only one year. Now, the 76ers have a lot of salary space and can directly upgrade the center position to Howard.

"Let's wait and see!" Jiang Mingliang knew the ending of the modern group. Although the times have changed, he didn't think the mentality of the two of them had changed much. Besides, Howard had really passed his peak.

On June 27, the NBA Draft 2013 was held as scheduled at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn.

As in previous years, the owners, general managers and head coaches of the major teams will be present. This is also the first time the Nets have the opportunity to host the draft.

Compared with the solemn and solemn Madison Square Garden, the biggest feature of Barclays Center is the sense of technology. From the facilities to the lighting and even every small detail, it is unique. Stern, who presided over the draft for the last time, also spoke highly of Barclays Center.

Compared with the expectations of the outside world, the Nets' internal management is more optimistic about this draft. Basically, with the quality of this year's players, no matter who is selected by the Nets, they have to start from the bench. Sit up at the end, so the Nets also revealed the possibility of a trade before the draft. After the draft started, a phone call came.

The first call came from Anji, the general manager of the Celtics, a person Jiang Mingliang was concentrating on defending against!

Historically, during this offseason, Angie and Billy King completed the worst deal in the history of the Nets, which directly caused the Nets to fall into the worst stage in history. If possible, Jiang Mingliang just wanted to hang up the other party's phone and block it.

The deal proposed by Angie is really to use the team's veterans to rob the Nets' draft picks. Garnett + next year's second-round pick will be exchanged for West and the Nets' No. 8 pick this year.

To be honest, from the point of view of selling tickets, Garnett must be stronger than West's appeal, or the role of comprehensive offensive and defensive ends. Last season, Garnett ensured a fairly stable performance on the defensive end. Sending out the data of 15+8 per game, it is not a big problem to say that he is better than West. Even considering the age factor, it is not impossible to discuss this deal, but the gap between the two is as big as eighth Is there a gap between the pick and the second-round pick?

In comparison, the contract issue is a small one. The Nets will not be able to escape the luxury tax next season. After Curry came, the plan for the summer of 2014 was basically aborted. Although Garnett’s three-year contract of 39 million It will only expire in 15 years, but Green and Leonard will also fulfill their new contracts in 15 years, so it will not have much impact on the team's salary policy.

It was precisely because Garnett was still somewhat attractive that Jiang Mingliang had a few words with Anji, but after confirming that the other party was here to cheat, he decisively ended the negotiation.

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