Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 452 See you in half an hour

After completing the loan work of Coentrao, Jiang Mingliang's transfer work in Italy has also come to an end for the time being. Although the team still has some transfer funds, Rangnick needs to find more suitable players to supplement the team's central defender position when De Bruyne's transfer is temporarily unable to make any progress. Jiang Mingliang handed over the work to Rangnick. Of course, if De Bruyne's transfer in August turns around, or if there are other good opportunities, Jiang Mingliang needs to return to Italy to continue these tasks.

The completion of the transfer work is only one aspect. Jiang Mingliang will then need to go to China and Japan to investigate the team's summer training schedule in Asia. At the same time, there are some other aspects of work that need to be dealt with by the way.

Unlike going straight to the magic capital in the past, Jiang Mingliang's first destination in this trip to China was the capital, for one person, Yao Ming.

In private contact, Jiang Mingliang learned from Yao Ming that he plans to sell the equity of the Shanghai Sharks, because in October this year, he will be promoted to the chairman and manager of the CBA China Vocational League Company, responsible for the entire CBA operation.

In Yao Ming's eyes, Jiang Mingliang is the most suitable to take over the Shanghai Sharks.

Has financial resources, understands sports, understands business operations, has a passion for basketball, has a pair of eyes that are good at discovering talents, and can cultivate new talents. Is there a better candidate than Jiang Mingliang?

However, Yao Ming did not disclose these words to Jiang Mingliang on the phone, but talked with Jiang Mingliang in detail when he was going to communicate face to face.

After all, although Jiang Mingliang knows how to play football, he is also a master of business.

Arriving at Beichen Intercontinental Hotel, Jiang Mingliang went directly to the front desk, "Hello, I'm Jiang Mingliang, and I have a friend who booked a room for me."

"I... I'll check!" The girl at the front desk seemed to know Jiang Mingliang, and she was very excited. She was typing on the computer, but she kept making mistakes and kept saying she was sorry.

"Yes, Mr. Jiang, your room has been booked, here is your room card!"

"Thank you!" Jiang Mingliang nodded and took the room card, then handed the luggage to the waiter, and walked towards the elevator.

Just as he walked through the hall, he saw a beautiful woman waving at him from a distance, with a smile like a flower, all dressed in black, with a black tight-fitting camisole on the upper body, and a pair of skirts underneath. The black pencil pants set off the exquisite figure.

"Why are you here?" Jiang Mingliang frowned, speaking in a bad tone.

"I should ask you this question!" Liu Lingfei walked over with a smile, "This is the capital, my territory, not New York!"

"I'm here for work, so I don't have time to deal with you." It sounds like these two people are having an affair?

"So your job is Ouyang Mi?" Liu Lingfei smiled slyly, with an attitude of "everything is under control".

"I don't need to explain this to you." Jiang Mingliang has nothing to hide, and he has nothing to do with Liu Lingfei, or in other words, nothing improper.

When he came to the door of the room, Jiang Ming gave a tip habitually and sent the hotel staff away. After making sure that Liu Lingfei had no intention of leaving, he opened the door and let her into the room.

"You are such a decent-looking person, and you like to play this game." Liu Lingfei looked at Jiang Mingliang, smashed it, and couldn't believe it.

This guy has a real girlfriend, Taylor Swift.

"At least I'm not married yet, and I haven't interfered in other people's marriages, have I?" Jiang Mingliang doesn't like others to poke his painful feet. Of course, from the perspective of class, this is not a painful foot. "At least you are blaming me. Before, you had to drag your mother to soak the pig cage."

"You said you wouldn't talk about this topic." Liu Lingfei was taken aback for a moment, and then rose up to retort.

This stain cannot be washed clean.

"OK, let's not talk about this. I don't know how you know about my itinerary, but if you have any purpose, you can talk about it directly, because I really didn't come to play, I have something to deal with." It's really not fair to blame it on his daughter, Jiang Mingliang restrained himself in a timely manner.

"I just knew you were coming and wanted to treat you to dinner." Liu Lingfei looked at Jiang Mingliang, wondering if he would agree.

"I won't be in the capital for too long this trip. I'm not sure if I can spare time. Let me finish my work. Or you can go to Shanghai, can you?" Jiang Mingliang thought for a while and replied.

"That's fine." OK, Jiang Mingliang at least released some kindness, and Liu Lingfei felt a little better.

"I have to take a shower first, then have a rest, and I have to meet friends in the evening, so I won't see you off." Jiang Mingliang "gently" issued an order to evict the guest.

Sighing, Liu Lingfei nodded, got up and left the room.

Before the bathtub was filled with water, the doorbell rang. Jiang Mingliang wrapped up his bathrobe helplessly and complained, "Why are you here again!"

But when he opened the door, he found that it was not Liu Lingfei standing outside, but Ouyang Mi.

When the Beijing Hutong girl saw the door open, she immediately stepped in and locked the door from the inside.

As soon as Ouyang Mi entered the door, as if his whole body was burned, he pressed Jiang Mingliang against the wall, and offered a sweet kiss

As soon as she pulled her hand, the bathrobe fell off, and her own clothes were quickly removed.

"Do you find this exciting?"

After finishing the work, Ouyang Mi sat on Jiang Mingliang's waist fruitfully, and the two still maintained the most intimate posture, but her entire upper body bent down, kowtowing with Jiang Mingliang.

"Exciting, who expected you to attack suddenly?" Jiang Mingliang laughed, but I have to say that Ouyang Mi is very provocative.

"I'm here to check, to see if you met someone first!" Ouyang Mi pointed.

"I don't care how you wronged me, but let her forget it. As I told you, she is my sister."

"Come on, don't lie to me. If you like it, I can call you dad in bed!" Ouyang Mi didn't believe it at all.

It sounds like I really like it~

"You guys, couldn't it be negotiated?" Jiang Mingliang was a little skeptical.

The previous time, when Jiang Mingliang came to China, Ouyang Mi really didn't have time to accompany him, so he wanted to solicit customers for him. It's just that Jiang Mingliang is not a hungry ghost, and he doesn't like grass beside the nest, so he resolutely refuses. This time it's not impossible~

"The relationship between the two of you, do you think it's easy for an outsider to meddle in me?" Ouyang Mi kept prodding Jiang Mingliang.

Sure enough, the rhetoric of German orthopedics was constantly being mentioned, and somewhere in Jiang Mingliang's body was indeed becoming more and more energetic. I don't know what this means, but at least Ouyang Mi is blessed today.

She was fed by Jiang Mingliang today, but Jiang Mingliang really dragged his tired body to the restaurant to meet Yao Ming. Not just physically, but mentally as well.

"Isn't it in the morning?" Seeing Jiang Mingliang's listless look, Yao Ming doubted.

Does jet lag matter to Jiang Mingliang?

"There are also many things in Italy, and it's really a headache."

"Hehe, those who can do more work."

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