Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 459 Team Building Core

The Huaxia men's basketball team ended dismal in the Asian Championships in the Philippines. The team lost to Baodao in the 8-to-4 match, and the national team lost to a provincial team of their own. This kind of shame and humiliation has never been experienced by even the national football team. .

For a while, the Internet was full of enthusiasm, and the basketball-related section was full of abuse and wailing. Almost all players are being criticized by fans.

After Yao Ming retired, the decline of the Chinese men's basketball team was visible to the naked eye. Facing the West Asian powerhouse Iran, it was already unable to do what it wanted. This in itself is not surprising. After all, the Iranian team has a very tactical center Haddadi and Asia's No. 1 small forward Bahra Mi, in terms of overall strength, it is indeed on par with the Huaxia team, and it is an indisputable fact that the West Asian team has planned foreign aid, and its strength has increased significantly. Some failures can at least find some excuses. But losing to the provincial team of their own country is really a big joke in the world.

There are many reasons. The team lineup has not changed much since 2007. There are small groups in the team. Veterans including Wang 7, Zhu 8, and Sun 9 have no fighting spirit in this game. Sun Yue scored 8 games. 6 goals, scoring efficiency comparable to Messi's joke is both funny and sad. What's more sad is that this is already the best group of players in China at this stage. From the perspective of CBA games, Guangdong Province and The capital is basically a stand on two legs.

As the core of the team, Yi Jianlian may be responsible for the loss of this game. Last season, Yi Jianlian played more of a center substitute role for the Nets. After returning to the national team, head coach Yannakis also used him in the same way. However, in this game, Yi Jianlian's offensive performance at the center position The core role of the previous few games is missing, and the lack of tacit understanding with his teammates is also the reason why he is struggling on the offensive end. With the CBA able to offer him a more lucrative salary, Yi Jianlian chose to stay in the NBA. To a certain extent, he wanted to polish himself in the NBA and look forward to a better performance in the national team. For the national team, the training of the Nets is not so effective. After winning the championship ring, not making much progress in his NBA career, and having no regrets, Yi Jianlian began to consider more options.

At the same time, the topic of Jeremy Lin's planning is also rising on the Internet. According to the normal process, Jeremy Lin can of course only play on behalf of the Formosa team, but the FIBA ​​planning plan actually allows Jeremy Lin of the Huaxia team to plan, but the premise is that Jeremy Lin needs to give up his American nationality and join the Huaxia nationality.

Judging from Jeremy Lin's own attitude, although he never said anything to death, he basically just put it off, and then used his family as an excuse to refuse. If this is really going to happen, on the one hand, someone who is very close to Jeremy Lin is needed. Come forward, secondly, quite expensive financial compensation is also necessary, after all. . . . . .

In addition to Jeremy Lin, several new stars who have shined in the basketball world in recent years have also been pushed to the fore by the fans. Wang Zhelin from Hu Jian and Zhou Qi from Liao Province have their own strengths and weaknesses in their playing styles, but they performed quite well in the Nike Basketball Summit and the U19 World Youth Championship respectively, and their excellent physical fitness was also recognized by fans. They are optimistic that they can enter the NBA in the future.

But in Yao Ming's private conversation with Jiang Mingliang, Jiang Mingliang said truthfully: "As far as the current situation is concerned, signing them with the second-round pick is basically a waste of picks. They are far, far away from the NBA."

Just as Yao Ming proposed these two names, Jiang Mingliang immediately expressed his attitude. This also shows that the other party has observed the two of them, but he is not optimistic about their prospects at all. This also makes Yao Ming sigh a little. People are worried.

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The summer league is in full swing. Seth Curry performed well in the summer league in Orlando, especially the outstanding touch of the father and brother is also reflected in him, 43.6% of the three-pointers However, the most impressive shooter in this summer league is not Curry, but the European king Bogdanovic who was traded by the Nets this season. This shooter from Eastern Europe He scored an average of 28.6 points per game in the summer league. Whether it is outside shooting or singles after the pick-and-roll, he is quite skillful. His coming to the summer league is simply a "dimension reduction blow" in one word.

The biggest problem for the Pistons last season was that there was no basket on the outside, and the offensive space was too small, which made it difficult for the team to open up the inside offense. This season, they added Korver, Meeks, and Bogdan who proved himself. Norwich, the team's offense has suddenly become three-dimensional, and it is really profitable to exchange the No. 8 pick for so many resources.

And Bogdanovic's excellent performance also made Jiang Mingliang's draft vision once again sought after by fans. Although it is a bit regrettable that the players selected by the home team did not play for the home team, as long as Jiang Mingliang is there, the team is still worried that there will be no steady stream Will newcomers join to strengthen the team?

Curry and Leonard are the core players in Jiang Mingliang's team building plan. Basically, Jiang Mingliang will not consider moving Leonard unless he almost gets Durant. As for Curry, a fool would think he has a bargaining chip Will trade him away from the Nets. The team's future team building ideas, tactics, and personnel structure are also based on these two players, so Jiang Mingliang gave up in this year's draft conference that he needs a lot of ball possessions to practice, and he is not suitable for partnering with Leonard. Antetokounmpo, Antetokounmpo, did not choose the strongest defensive center in the future, the French iron tower Gobert, in his plan, there is a potential insider who is more suitable for the team, the new insider star from Latvia, Boll Zingis.

The inside line with a height of 219 has the range and hit rate of an outside player. Real Madrid pays close attention to the performance of the Latvian teenager who plays for Sevilla in La Liga.

Compared with other teams that focus on James's Wiggins, Olajuwon's Embiid, and Parker, who is also known as the double pride with Wiggins, Jiang Mingliang's draft goal for next season is very clear , is Porzingis, he is also an ideal core player in Jiang Mingliang's team building plan.

(A little popular science, Porzingis had already participated in the draft in 2014, and even got a promise from the Thunder. If Porzingis fell into the pick of the Thunder, the Thunder would choose him, but Later, because there was no way to reach an agreement with the Spanish parent team on the issue of the termination fee, and because the rookies in the non-lottery area received a little less money, Porzingis finally withdrew from the election and re-entered in 2015. Knicks selected)

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