Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 493 Cooperation plan?

Just like an invincible team in the NBA will not last long, it is difficult for a team like the Running Men's Team, which has brought Jiang Mingliang a very high income, to maintain it for a long time. First, the growing popularity of the members makes their ambitions bigger and bigger . The side cafes want to upgrade to be the main cafe, and the main cafes want to get higher income. Secondly, it has always been easy to fight the country, but difficult to defend the country. With more and more programs of the same type, no matter how good "Running Man" is, it will inevitably decline over time. It is better to take advantage of this glamorous resume earlier to jump out of this circle and develop more macroscopically and comprehensively.

After comprehensive consideration from the perspectives of playback volume, discussion, commercial value, and word-of-mouth, Jiang Mingliang evaluated the seven members separately. The captain Deng Chao, Chen Chichi in charge of intelligence, and ACE Ouyang Mi were positioned as irreplaceable core members by Jiang Mingliang. Among them, the tacit cooperation between Deng Chao and Chen Chichi is a big killer for the effect of "Running Man". Ouyang Mi doesn't talk about her deep cooperative relationship with Jiang Mingliang. As the only female MC, she has good looks, good figure, popularity, and open personality. There is no reason to give up.

As for others, each has its own value and characteristics, but they are not irreplaceable.

Jiang Mingliang let go of his mouth. Although Qin Zhengwei did not have the opportunity to kick Ouyang Mi away and support his own people, the four vacancies are also a great resource for him, which can provide him with a good job for himself.

It is impossible for Jiang Mingliang not to know about Qin Zhengwei's personal gain from it. In the original plan, Jiang Mingliang still planned to reserve the right to make decisions, but thinking that Qin Zhengwei had completed one project after another for him, there was some oil and water, and what should be let out should be let out. When the water is clear, there will be no fish!

. . . . . .

I got off work until the evening and was about to go to dinner when I suddenly received an unexpected invitation.

Zhang Kangyang invited him to dinner!

With the cooperation between Su Lin and Inter Milan, Zhang Kangyang and Jiang Mingliang have established a good personal relationship, and Jiang Mingliang readily agreed to this invitation.

In the luxurious private room of a high-end western restaurant, Zhang Kangyang was sitting next to another short middle-aged man. When they saw Jiang Mingliang coming in, they got up at the same time.

"Isaac, long time no see!" Zhang Kangyang greeted him first, and then introduced him, "This is Mr. Shen Jiawei, the president of IT Fashion."

"Hello!" Jiang Mingliang smiled and stretched out his hand.

Because of the relationship between blanc\u0026eclare, Jiang Mingliang has done research on fashion brands and single-product stores in Asia. Shen Jiawei's IT fashion has a considerable scale in China and even the whole of Asia. NIGO, which was very popular in Japan, is now also a store under IT Fashion, and Shen Jiawei owns 90% of the shares.

"It's an honor to know Mr. Jiang Mingliang." Shen Jiawei gave people the impression that he was humble and polite, very easy-going, without a strong aura.

After exchanging pleasantries, the three sat down.

I don't know the purpose of Zhang Kangyang and Shen Jiawei's invitation to dinner, Jiang Mingliang didn't rush to ask, and chatted along the topic of the two.

It was soon discovered that the protagonist was Shen Jiawei, and Zhang Kangyang gradually withdrew from the chat.

"I heard that Issac is injecting capital into a fashion brand?" Shen Jiawei talked about the business after drinking and eating.

"A friend around me has always had this idea. I saw a lot of her designs, and I thought I could push them to the market to see the response, so I invested money." Jiang Mingliang did not deny this.

"In this matter, I think I can help." Shen Jiawei said.

"There are many places for cooperation, such as stores, factories, and joint names between products. There are many aspects." Zhang Kangyang also helped to speak, "IT fashion also has a flagship store for direct sales of products on our Sulin e-buy platform. When the time comes, your brand issac will also be able to enter, and it will be a win-win situation for both of us.”

Cooperating with a mature company like IT fashion can certainly save Jiang Mingliang a lot of detours.'s domestic shopping website brand can be considered to have a certain market share, and it is also expanding steadily by taking advantage of the large-scale publicity in the entertainment industry. The cooperation between blanc \u0026 eclare and Surin is not a bad choice. However, there is no doubt that there is no free pie in the world. First of all, due to the stores and promotion capabilities of IT fashion, Jiang Mingliang's original plan for the steady development of blanc \u0026 eclare fell through. Especially in the production line, we must increase investment . Secondly, using the other party's store certainly reduces the cost of sales network deployment, and the sales performance must give the other party a considerable percentage of commission. It is not known how much this percentage is, but it will undoubtedly damage the profits of Jiang Mingliang and Jessica. These two points are only a matter of cost and benefit. What worries Jiang Mingliang even more is that once IT encounters any troubles in the future, it is very likely that blanc \u0026 eclare or even Jiang Mingliang will be dragged into the water.

"For this brand, I don't have that much ambition to be like NIGO. You know, I now have to manage the basketball team and the football team. My father has also assigned me new jobs, so, in itself My friend is only in charge of the management, and her ability is equal to those few stores plus an online store. Therefore, for me, it is a bit big gamble to cooperate with IT." Jiang Mingliang said To put it mildly, to put it simply, he rejected the other party's proposal.

"I personally believe in Issac's investment vision. Our cooperation may have great potential." Shen Jiawei still wanted to insist on persuasion, but was stopped by Zhang Kangyang.

In comparison, Zhang Kangyang is a little more familiar with Jiang Mingliang, knowing that what he is looking for usually will not change. To put it simply, Jiang Mingliang is already confident of making a profit, has made a comprehensive plan, and is not going to share the cake. It may be that he really doesn't plan to make a big investment, but only wants to make small troubles. After all, this is a very rare investment by Jiang Mingliang for his own woman. He has never been a person who does not distinguish between public and private.

Although the matchmaking plan was declared bankrupt, Zhang Kangyang did not get nothing. "Gossip Girl" invested by Jiang Mingliang's Edge Media included Zhang Kangyang's investment, and would give Su Lin some advertising, which was a small compensation for the other party.

Jiang Mingliang's investment projects rarely lose money. Although Zhang Kangyang is worth a lot of money, he is still willing to earn pocket money without bothering at all. And more important than money is Jiang Mingliang's attitude. Only when you treat friends will you think of these compensations.

"The friend I met in Hong Kong City is really good at doing business, so he helped to make a connection." After the dinner, Zhang Kangyang followed Jiang Mingliang's car to his residence and explained.

"Well, but my investment in Jessica is really just a tentative investment, and I still have to take it step by step. If it really develops to a certain level, I will have more confidence on my side when I come to a joint name or something." Jiang Mingliang waved his hand to show he didn't mind.

For Zhang Kangyang, Jiang Mingliang is indeed a good learning object for him. A very important point is that his choice and judgment will always seem so logical after the fact. It's like he rejected Shen Jiawei today, and then gave him such an explanation afterwards. The order is clear and the reasons are very tenable. The key is that in a short period of time, he can make a judgment that minimizes his own losses. It is really worth learning from him. .

Amway's "NBA System Urges Me to Repay My Money", which is very funny and unique novel, much better than mine.

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