Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 499 Reserved

After the game, Jiang Mingliang and Stevens were not in the mood to be happy for the victory of this game. They didn't even attend the press conference after the game. They went straight to the hospital to learn about the injuries of Leonard and Ray Allen. .

According to Jiang Mingliang's judgment, Lei Allen's muscle strain is a hard injury. Although the pain is severe, most of the time this kind of injury only needs medication and self-cultivation, and it will not have much impact afterwards. It is more serious for Leonard to step on the opponent's foot in the fight. It is possible to have a bone fracture or even a ligament strain. In extreme cases, it is not impossible to be reimbursed for the season.

Leonard has made significant progress this season. If he suddenly encounters this kind of injury, he doesn't know how hard it will be. Jiang Mingliang can only pray along the way, hoping that nothing will go wrong.

When he came to the hospital, Leonard just finished his MRI and went to the ward with the help of the nurses. It is common for athletes to be injured. After Leonard came to the Nets, he was generally healthy. Even if there were minor injuries and ailments, he received the best treatment, so even if the injury may be serious this time, he I am generally emotionally stable. Jiang Mingliang and Stevens said a few words of relief, and immediately went to Bi Oscar's office to find out the specific situation.

"The situation is not very good. There is a bone fracture in the ankle! But the ligament is not damaged, which is a blessing in misfortune." For athletes, fractures are not as scary as ligament damage. This loss is already for Jiang Mingliang It is acceptable.

Stevens' face became ugly, and he asked, "How much time do you need to rest for the most pessimistic words!"

Oscar thought about it and said: "It will take about two and a half months, and optimistically, it will be one and a half months!"

"Basically, I'm going to rest until after the All-Star Game." Jiang Mingliang said with regret. Originally, with Leonard's state and the record of the Nets, he had the hope of hitting an All-Star this season. As for the status, once this incident happens, it will definitely be gone.

The luck in the misfortune is that, firstly, it will not affect the playoffs, and secondly, before the playoffs, Leonard can be given 20 or 30 games to recover his game state, so that he will not play more intensely as soon as he comes back. High playoffs.

"Excuse me, doctor." Jiang Mingliang sighed, and looked at Stevens, each with their own helplessness.

Leonard's injury is bad news for the Nets, but for other teams in the league, it seems to be a good thing. Leonard's progress this season has further improved the stability of the Nets. Last season, the Nets relied heavily on Curry for their offense. It has grown into a "core", making the Nets even more terrifying. The Clippers, Spurs, Grizzlies and other strong teams have all been defeated by them, and it seems that there are only those two teams that can fight against them.

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The projects of blanc\u0026eclare and "Gossip Girl" are under intense preparation. Qin Zhengwei is naturally in charge of the latter project, and the related work, design, collocation and packaging of blanc\u0026eclare are done by the designer team hired by the brand plus Jessica We can do it together, but it is impossible for Jiang Mingliang to do the work of store selection, supply of goods, factories, and promotion by himself. He must find an agent to help.

Fat water does not flow to outsiders. Usually when there is a need for talents around him, Jiang Mingliang will recruit suitable candidates from among his Harvard alumni for interviews. In addition to the so-called alumni relationship, part of the reason is that there is a partial consistency in the way of handling affairs. Sex, the rhythm of cooperation between the two parties is easier to step on one point.

For Harvard alumni, Jiang Mingliang can be regarded as someone they admire and admire, and at the same time they are willing to follow. There are many back waves, and there are even more back waves who got a degree from a prestigious school. However, Jiang Mingliang's ability to manage and operate, and his decisiveness are still very admirable. Soon, Jiang Mingliang found a Chinese alumnus Xu Feng with strong business ability. After several interviews, he showed very good business ability. Immediately, he handed over the job of choosing a store for blanc \u0026 eclare in Asia and contacting factories. At the same time, Jiang Mingliang also has a high degree of supervision over Xu Feng's work. After all, this matter should not be careless.

Gangcheng, Shanghai, Jiangcheng, Beijing, Bincheng, Seoul, and Lion City are the seven cities where Jiang Mingliang initially plans to set up stores. Jiang Mingliang also asked Xu Feng: "If possible, you can buy the store directly. Real estate investment In these cities, you don’t have to worry about losing money for twenty years.”

In the past few years, Edge Media has made a lot of profits. After deducting costs, dividends, exorbitant taxes and other expenses, Jiang Mingliang earned more than 500 million RMB in funds. Jiang Mingliang previously received a free investment quota of 30 million US dollars from Jiang Shixiao every year. The performance is outstanding, and this year it has been raised to 50 million US dollars. In addition to the investment in the brand, the operation funds for the next year, and the investment in "Gossip Girl", Jiang Mingliang's funds are sufficient to support him in purchasing stores in these places and making long-term investments.

Another thing that Jiang Mingliang needs to plan ahead is the issue of Inter Milan and Neymar's replacement. It is the general trend for Real Madrid to take away Neymar in the summer, and Jiang Mingliang has no reason to stop him. Considering that they will hold a lot of money at that time, the difficulty of recruiting will definitely increase greatly. It is particularly important for Inter Milan to decide on a replacement in advance this winter.

The Senegalese Mane became the replacement of Neymar handpicked by Jiang Mingliang and Rangnick. Mane, who is still playing in the Austrian League, does not have one-tenth of Neymar's reputation, and his abilities in all aspects are also far behind, but in terms of physical fitness, he can be called Drogba in the winger position. Fast speed, strong stamina, and stable confrontation. Although his skills are not very good, he can turn many balls that are not opportunities into opportunities by virtue of his animal-like physical fitness. With him replacing Neymar, the team's tactics will definitely change dramatically. And Griezmann is expected to become the team's new frontcourt core.

After some bargaining, Inter Milan finally introduced the left winger from the Salzburg Red Bull at a price of 15 million euros, a record transfer price in the Austrian league. Compared with Neymar's liquidated damages of 150 million euros to Real Madrid, it is only one-tenth. And Mane is also very happy to sign the European giants Inter Milan. He is also very satisfied with a contract with an annual salary of 1.5 million euros after tax plus bonuses that can reach up to 2.5 million euros. Red Bull's salary is 4 times more.

With the joining of Mane, plus Griezmann, Suso, who are already in the team, and De Bruyne who can top the frontcourt, at least Inter Milan does not need to be in the seller's market after Neymar leaves. Let anyone blackmail you.

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