Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 510: You're Done (look again at 12:30)

Chapter 510 You're Done (1230)

If Lu Han and Wu Fan's termination of the contract is understood by many people to be a matter of time, and this group of people came to the Korean boy group to be gilded, take a shortcut, and then return to China to make money, then Jessica and Krystal will formally discuss the termination of the contract with the company. It's completely unexpected.

The official statement is that there was an irreconcilable conflict between Jessica and the company on the promotion and profit distribution of Blanc\u0026Eclare before, which eventually led to the termination of the contract. In the end, she was full of anger against the company, and there was always someone behind Jessica helping her.

Many illegitimate fans and paparazzi have unfavorable information about Jessica is also constantly flowing out. For example, he likes to play unilaterally in his private life, likes to hit people with his hands, and has a dark history of paddling on stage, etc. The intention is obvious, to destroy Jessica's image. And South Korea's three major TV stations, as well as mainstream media websites, are trying to eliminate traces of Jessica,

In response to this, "Jessica" responded with a public letter of apology on the scarf and INS. The letter clarified the company's domineering and the betrayal of teammates, and almost used the most obvious pronoun to bring the parent to the company to do things. members of .

Those who are cleared are self-clearing, with reasons and evidence. Jessica quickly redeemed some "maomaosi" hearts. In addition, Korean companies have always been ruthless in treating artists, which also made many Chinese passers-by and netizens side with Jessica to eat melons.

D Agency, which has a close relationship with S.M, immediately came up with an "Eighteen Questions" to question Jessica's ingratitude, disregarding fans' expectations and only focusing on her own interests. Another argument in the article is that Jessica puts too much thought into fashion brands. I didn't care enough to dance in the training, I didn't perform well, and so on.

"Jessica" quickly posted Girls' Generation's itinerary for the past two years and her own itinerary. Through software comparison, Jessica is the artist with the highest attendance rate in the past two years, and the probability of participating in Girls’ Generation activities exceeds 97.5%. In other words, Jessica has only missed one team activity in the past two years. The so-called distraction is pure nonsense talk.

The famous cross talk artist Mr. Cao said that it is best to post a screenshot if you don’t agree with a word, and it is best to post an invoice, and everything else is false.

When S and M's public relations personnel were defeated by "Jessica" and finally started to talk about "relationships", everyone knew that Jessica had won, and she finally got back her bib account from Jane.

Jessica, Krystal, Lu Han, Wu Fan, this is what Jiang Mingliang gained from his trip to South Korea. Through various terms, Jiang Mingliang finally won all four of them's brokerage contracts by only paying a termination fee of 24 million RMB. This is a lot less than Jiang Mingliang's estimate of about 50 million. Jiang Mingliang was not stingy, and distributed a bonus of 15 million to the employees who participated in this work for them to distribute.

This group of elites took a trip, and in addition to the previously negotiated remuneration, they each received a bonus of more than 120,000 US dollars.

. . . . . .

Jiang Mingliang returned from South Korea with a full load, while the Nets experienced a decline in record during this period. After a wonderful start, it is inevitable for the team to experience a decline in performance after Leonard was injured. After losing to the Heat, during the week when Jiang Mingliang was absent, the Nets achieved two wins and two losses, and their performance was really mediocre. Fortunately, the winning advantage accumulated in the early stage makes the Nets still occupy the first place in the league, although this position is no longer stable under the impact of the Spurs.

Of course, Jiang Mingliang's return does not have much practical significance for the team. It's not even as great as the help that Ray Allen's comeback brought to the team. The second shooter in history is still at least a week away from his comeback, and I hope he can still catch up with the Christmas game.

"Want to go to the football game with me?" In the office, Jiang Mingliang asked Jessica beside him.

After dealing with the issue of the contract, Jessica and Krystal followed Jiang Mingliang to New York, temporarily avoiding the limelight, and then went to Hong Kong City when the impact of the matter was lessened.

"Let's not take it for now. Now, I'm really too hot." Jessica bit her lip and shook her head.

"It's okay. This is America." Jiang Mingliang said nonchalantly.

"I'd better get busy with my own things first. Now, for me, doing a good job of Blanc\u0026Eclare is the most important thing."

Heroes are judged by success or failure in everything. This is true for Jessica, and it is also true for Jiang Mingliang.

Although Jessica stayed in the office and did not come to the arena, a couple of Chinese star black and Fan Fan appeared at the Barclays Center, the home court of the Nets, to watch the game. In fact, Jiang Mingliang doesn't know them very well. He only knows that black people have been invited to participate in "Running Man", and he has performed well. His specialty is that he takes pictures with whomever he is with and looks familiar to everyone, including Jiang Mingliang, who was also invited by them. A group photo was uploaded to Facebook, signed "Me and my brother".

Of course, low-level artists need this to increase their popularity. If they don't steal or steal, it's very common for them to get popular, and Jiang Mingliang doesn't mind. And the other party really likes basketball, so he paid a high price for tickets to the front area of ​​the inner factory, which is more worthy of respect for Jiang Mingliang.

It is undoubtedly lucky to usher in such an opponent when the Nets have lost their two-dollar heavyweight.

But is the strength of the Nets the Cavaliers can touch porcelain? At least Stevens doesn't think so.

In the game, the Cavaliers are definitely a strong team. Irving is the strongest guard in the league, Waiters has super potential, and Bynum is still the top three at the center position. But in reality, it’s not just about missing the values ​​in the game. With several consecutive 2K games, Irving will grow into the strongest point guard, but in reality, Irving's performance this season has not improved but decreased, and he really didn't practice much during the offseason. None of Waiters, Bynum, and Bennett performed as expected. The team's most successful transfer operation this season can only use a two-year middle class to get Jack. The chaotic master is already a good player for the Cavaliers.

However, how else to say that Cavaliers coach Byron Scott really has a problem? He saw that Jack was doing well in the team, and then he was eager to get Jack into the starting lineup, especially when facing the Nets?

Let two point guards who are less than 1.9 meters tall deal with Curry, imagining that the picture is a bit brutal.

Sure enough, in the first quarter of the game, the Cavaliers' basket was like the Pacific Ocean. No matter how they shot, everyone knew that there was a price to be paid for not paying enough attention to Curry, but Scott didn't believe this evil, and he just didn't study his opponent , Let Curry's personal offense, choose single defense, but the team does not have a defender like Tony Allen, isn't this courting death?

Curry hit 4 three-pointers in the first quarter, and Fernandez also made up two shots. It was almost the first quarter of the game, and the suspense had been lost by the Nets.

The next step is to see if the Cavaliers can organize a decent counterattack.

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