Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 521 Christmas War

In the last game before the Christmas game, the Nets defeated the Denver Nuggets in an away game. While conquering the plateau at home, they also improved their record to 22 wins and 7 losses.

Stevens reduced Curry's playing time in this game. Curry, who played 36.8 minutes in the season, only played 32 minutes in this game without garbage time. As a supplement, Sheved got more The playing time of the game is to run in with teammates in actual combat. Although the efficiency of scoring 7 points on 3 of 8 shots is not very high, but judging from the scene, the Russian has found some feeling of playing for the Nets.

In fact, there are still many players in the league who have strength and characteristics like Sheved, but because of their obvious shortcomings, they were abandoned and buried. The Nets have done a good job of developing this type of players. Danny Green, Fernandez and Reggie Jackson were both "rescued" by the Nets. With their growth and progress, the Nets have achieved better results, and at the same time have better trading chips. Good team culture.

But to be honest, when facing opponents of the same level, the team with a better team atmosphere has a better chance of winning, but facing last season's opponents in the finals with unequal resources, almost everyone was not optimistic about the Nets before the game. The team can win the Thunder.

The loss in the finals last season made the Thunder have a strong sense of revenge against the Nets. If the loss to the Heat in 2012 was young, then the loss to the Nets last season was obviously a loss in strategy. The Nets took advantage of the schedule to bring down the Thunder. If this is placed in a militarized war, it can certainly be regarded as a classic case, but if it is placed in a competitive sports that requires blood and passion, it is more or less "victorious without force"? However, this season, both the Thunder and the Nets have a common situation, that is, the thickness of the lineup is obviously weakened. For the Nets, veterans such as West, Hill, and Ray Allen have all declined significantly, and Lopez is a little tired in terms of statistics. As for the Thunder, except for Westbrook, Durant, and Holiday, all the players are blue-collar. In terms of discovery, there are also some. The center Olynik selected by the team this season looks pretty good. In time, it may be able to support the team's inside line in the future, but right now, it still needs to grow, and the Thunder's next two It is inevitable to continue to be subject to Perkins' contract during the season.

Since the Thunder owns Durant, Stevens put Carroll in the starting lineup at the small forward position, with Fernandez and Carroll defending Durant together. No way, even if Leonard is there, he is not a suitable candidate to defend Durant, let alone he is still missing due to injury. As for McCollum, if he was the starter, a misplacement after a pick-and-roll, he would be beaten to death by Durant.

Players from both sides jumped the ball in the middle circle. Although Lopez is also a floor player, he is taller and longer than Perkins, easily surpassing Perkins. After halftime with the ball in hand, Curry reached out and gestured for his teammates to run tactics.

Fernandez, who was already standing on the three-point line in the left bottom corner, immediately took action, slipped the baseline and ran around, then came out from the other side with the help of West's pick-and-roll, and ran straight to the three-pointer next to Curry. 45 degree angle position outside the line.

The Saints will not lose to the same move twice, but Westbrook's off-ball defense is always trustworthy. When he reacted and rushed to Fernandez, the latter had already received the basketball and jumped up.

Whether Fernandez is super god or super ghost today determines whether the Nets can win the Thunder. Judging from the opening goal, it was a good start.

The basketball hit the net crisply, Durant frowned slightly, but there was nothing he could do. Westbrook's defense against the ball holder is still a bit oppressive, but defending off the ball or defending against pick-and-rolls is a disaster.

In the transition between offense and defense, Westbrook dribbled the ball across half court, then honestly handed the ball to Durant, and quickly ran to the bottom line to stretch the space.

Facing Carroll's defense, Durant made half a big loop, made a false sudden shot, and made a steady hit from the mid-range.

Durant's figure is really ugly to look at. It's a bug on the basketball court. It's the most perfect interpretation of the word "misplacement" when hitting anyone.

The ball returned to the Nets, and it was still Fernandez who used the required movement to complete hand-to-hand cooperation with West. However, when West was about to hand the ball to Fernandez, he suddenly turned around and flashed past. Ibaka missed and made a close-range shot.

Dewey's pick-and-roll appeared for the first time in this game. Using Durant's pick-and-roll to pass Curry's defense, and at the same time use the speed to pass Carroll, who was making up the defense, Westbrook rushed into the inside dunk and scored, full of momentum.

Curry finally found his chance, a series of dizzying feints opened up the shooting space, and Holiday succeeded.

After Westbrook pick-and-roll, Ibaka passed back, and the latter used his height advantage to hit a mid-range jumper.

The offensive efficiency of the two teams was very high at the beginning, and the score was also growing steadily and rhythmically.

In comparison, Stevens' mentality is more even. First of all, Leonard's Nets team is a dog in this game, and there is a reason for the loss. After all, the main small forward who is a quasi-All-Star + defensive team is lying in the hospital. Whose family's second leader can't cry when facing the opponent in the finals? And if he wins, that guy will blow it up. Based on the mentality of fighting against opponents, the performance of the Nets players is not bad, especially Fernandez and West, two contract-year players, performed quite well in this game.

And it is Curry who really supports the Nets' offense. In addition to his personal offense, Curry's extremely strong off-ball threat has a great containment effect on the Thunder.

Seeing the Nets row upon row, the orderly offensive formation and the changeable but consistent tactics, Durant felt a little envious in his heart. From the bottom of his heart, Durant likes basketball like the Nets, not his singles that will always be 1VN. A big problem for the Thunder is that after James Harden left the team, the team's offensive routine only left Dewey with doubles and singles to create a more comfortable offensive environment for his teammates. There was no change at all, and Westbrook was not The kind of point guard who can activate his teammates. Jeremy Lin is not very able to drive his teammates, but even after he left, no one on the bench scored.

This is also the reason why Durant averaged 30+8+7 per game this season, but the Thunder's record has declined. On the Nets side, Curry's off-ball threat allows him to have a good output environment for his teammates when he is not directly involved in the team's offensive end. And Fernandez and McCollum can really use the space Curry created for them to attack and score.

In the first quarter, the Nets led the Thunder by 1 point at 32:31.

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