Although Jessica was a little dissatisfied with Jiang Mingliang's arrangement, she didn't have much reason to resist. First of all, Jiang Mingliang let her learn Chinese is not a matter of overnight. Since the two started dating, Jiang Mingliang told her many times, both publicly and privately, that if she could practice Chinese well, she could bring her a lot of resources, but she ignored Jiang Mingliang's proposal, and Krystal, on the other hand, really I have worked hard in this area and made a lot of fans. Secondly, let's not talk about career development, even if we only talk about the relationship between himself and Jiang Mingliang's parents? It is also necessary for Jessica to improve her Chinese level, otherwise, when Yang Kaiwen and Krystal speak Chinese in the future, she can only act as an outsider.

Walking out of the restaurant, the night has completely fallen, and the trees on both sides of the street bloom with colorful lights, charming your eyes. The stores are even more colorful, and all kinds of decorations are placed under the glass walls, attracting customers to linger and stop. The streets were completely filled with people, not to mention cars, even bicycles were difficult to pass, and the three of them were completely surrounded by people, but Peter laughed and played with each other.

"Wow! It's so beautiful!" When passing a street corner, someone in front suddenly yelled, and countless young people turned into that street one after another.

"It's really beautiful!" Jessica said. After Krystal arrived, his eyes lit up, and he said with a hint of joy.

The street around the corner is not wide and looks a bit dark inside, but that just complements the beauty of the sky above. All the shops seem to have been negotiated. A string of colorful musical notes and bells are outlined with a series of small light lines in the sky above the entire street. They are not too high, and even a little jumping is within reach. Walking below, it seems to be able to feel To the crisp and pleasant bell sound. On the wall outside a luxurious coffee shop, countless bright white "snowflakes" the size of human heads flickered, as if snowflakes were flying; and the restaurant opposite this coffee shop was not inferior, the whole restaurant was lit in a dim yellow light. Lighting, countless bright meteors and beams of light on the outer wall are rolling like running water, as if a meteor shower is falling.

"Take a photo! I want to take a photo!" Jessica excitedly pulled Krystal to stand under the cafe and asked Jiang Mingliang to take a photo for them. Finally, she invited other tourists to help the three of them take a photo together.

For the two girls, this year is a year of harvest and change. The love between the two blossomed and bore fruit, but their careers have undergone great changes. Jessica's dream of being a designer has finally come true, but her career as an artist, which she has struggled for for thirteen years, has deviated from the track. With the support of Jiang Mingliang, Krystal went to the completely unfamiliar Huaxia entertainment industry to work hard. It was foreseeable that he could make more money, but he lost S.M's most powerful protection and the best plan, actors, singers, variety shows, how to go, I don't even have a clue in my heart.

. . . . . . .

There are no outsiders in charge of fighting, no inside big center to block the penalty area, and even at a disadvantage in offensive firepower. The Nets faced their first opponent in 2014, the Miami Heat. The worst loss, the away game was defeated by the Heat with a score of 124:95.

The gap in strength is one aspect. The main Heat team is also taking advantage of the weak period of the Nets, which means fighting to the death. The two teams are direct competitors for tickets to the finals, and there is no need to show any affection. However, the Nets have three fewer players who can play, and the Heat have only completed one-half of a 58, EMMMMMM.

Of course. In any case, after the slump in the playoffs last season, the Heat can be regarded as having completed a double play against the Nets. Although there is no way to make up for the regret of losing in the Eastern Conference Finals last season, it can be regarded as a bad breath. However, in the regular season last season, the Nets were also at a disadvantage in the match against the Heat, but in the playoffs, the team firmly restrained the Heat. Perhaps this loss is worthy of the Nets' reflection, but in the case of unequal resources and cards, there is no way to demand more from the team for the time being.

Although the claim period is still one day away, Butler has arrived in New York on January 2nd, looking forward to officially signing with the Nets. Seeing the other party's positive attitude, Jiang Mingliang felt relieved, and even completed the physical examination on Butler in advance, and the result was quite good. Butler averaged 26 minutes per game for the Bucks this season, and his body is indeed not prone to any problems.

Just after the clarification period, the Nets immediately announced the news of signing Butler on the official website. There is no doubt that this is a good addition to the Nets lineup, especially when Leonard is injured. stage. Many experts and media have expressed their appreciation for the signing of the Nets, thinking that this is a very timely lineup reinforcement. Butler's joining, whether as the main force or after Leonard's comeback, Whether it is returning to the bench, it is an upgrade.

Although he is nearly 34 years old, Butler still maintains a good state. This can be seen from his active running up and down during training. There are other reasons for Butler's extremely hard work in training. of. For most of his career, Butler rarely played for teams that could hit the championship. The Mavericks did win the championship in 2011, but it was the most surprising championship in the NBA in recent years. Since the Western Conference semifinals, the Mavericks have been underestimated in almost every round and won the championship all the way. Butler rarely gets the chance to play for such a league-leading team. He hopes that if he has the opportunity, he can sign a contract extension after the completion of this contract and continue to stay in the Nets and New York.

"This is a great signing. Thank you for your hard work, Jerry." On the sidelines, Jiang Mingliang also expressed his thanks to West.

"Perhaps, this is the last thing I will do for the Nets." West patted Jiang Mingliang on the shoulder, "issac, I will only participate in the team's management, the team's signings, It is inconvenient for me to participate in rookie inspections and transfer policies."

Before the season, West had already told Jiang Mingliang that this would be his last season with the Nets, and now, it was time to hand over his rights.

"OK, anyway, thank you for your help to me and the Nets over the past few years. Without you, there would be no first championship in team history." West made this decision to avoid suspicion, and Jiang Mingliang did not intend to refuse His kindness, and sometimes a decent breakup is also a kind of respect.

"If I can really help you a lot, Issac, I won't leave the Nets." West said, "This Nets team has been polished by you very well, and I want to try to beat him."

"You mean, you have already booked your next home." Jiang Mingliang understood West's voice.

"What do you think?"

"Warriors? Clippers?" Jiang Mingliang gave his prediction, and then confirmed the answer from West's eyes.

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