Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 560 Positioning

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Mingliang turned his head to see that Liu Lingfei had recovered his blood, so she recovered, and she heard all of her own call just now.

"Krystal?" The voice on the other end of the phone was a little girl, Liu Lingfei ruled out the possibility of Jessica, and asked.

"Other friends." Jiang Mingliang shook his head. Although he didn't need to be afraid of anything, he might even talk to Jessica in this situation without worrying that Jessica would be unhappy if there was any accident, but only Krystal, Jiang Mingliang was determined not to Some things will be clarified, even if there are some things that everyone knows, but they must maintain a basic decency. Because no matter whether it is him to Krystal or Krystal, there is a real expectation for love.

"On the one hand, you hate me and my mother because of these things. At the same time, you are messing around. Do you think you have a double standard?" Liu Lingfei asked naively.

"First, Mallory and I are indeed just friends, and she is still underage. I don't like to cause trouble for myself. Second, I am not married so far. At least at this stage, you are messing with me after marriage. It’s a bit too much compared to other people, maybe the relationship between you and me will only last until I get married. Third, I don’t deny my double standards, such as towards you. If you don’t have such a beautiful face, I shouldn’t treat you like this You're welcome, do you understand what I mean?"

Ever since the two of them rolled onto the bed, Jiang Mingliang seldom said harsh words to Liu Lingfei, and he was much gentler to her. Perhaps it was this change in attitude that made Liu Lingfei a little unaware of his closeness, and even thought about going further. That being the case, Jiang Mingliang didn't mind saying something straightforward to pierce the opponent's psychological defense.

Don't blame Jiang Mingliang's words for hurting others. On the other hand, if Jiang Shixiao is not what he is now, if Jiang Mingliang has not achieved today's achievements step by step, Liu Lingfei will rush to apologize and repair the relationship, and even climbed into Jiang Mingliang's bed ? They have long since stopped interfering with each other!

So sometimes Jiang Mingliang often praised Ouyang Mi for being smart, and it was not a lie to describe her as his partner. People are very clear about this kind of relationship, mutual benefit, each get what they need, and at the same time, more physical communication.

Being humiliated by Jiang Mingliang like this, Liu Lingfei glared at him with mist rolling in his eyes. When she was seducing Jiang Mingliang, didn't she know that the other party was probably just lusting after her body? Or maybe it's not even greedy, and there must be a vengeful mentality? Don't you know that Yang Kaiwen's past experience made it impossible for Yang Kaiwen to accept her, and she couldn't enter the gate of Jiang's family at all?

Thinking of this, Liu Lingfei propped up her arms and was about to get up. Unexpectedly, I was pushed back when I sat up halfway.

Jiang Mingliang turned over and held her down, and each other immediately breathed and staggered. Liu Lingfei struggled twice, but couldn't break free, so she simply turned her face away instead of looking at him.

Jiang Mingliang stretched out two fingers and pinched her chin back forcibly. The great strength made Liu Lingfei's jaw hurt a little, she frowned and moaned, "It hurts".

But when he turned his head, he met Jiang Mingliang's eyes again. However, he discovered that the villain's eyes were very gentle, and he didn't look like a villain who was complacent after ruining a girl... a little dazed.

"Don't fight for anything. You will have what Ouyang has, but if you really want to think about it, I suggest you get rid of these thoughts earlier. It's good for you and me."

"Hmm~" Liu Lingfei was still thinking about what to say. Jiang Mingliang had already started his basketball skills show, holding the ball in both hands to break the tight press, and repeated it one after another. Liu Lingfei is like an angel who comes to purify the devil. It's just that the power of the angel is too small, and instead he falls into the abyss and cannot extricate himself. Since then, under the temptation of the devil, she has gradually degenerated into a slave girl of the devil.

. . . . . . .

As the defending champion, Curry played in the skills competition, but failed to deliver the same satisfactory answers as last year, and the way he made mistakes turned out to be because of. . . . . . "Layup" link. Curry made a one-time hit in the previous few passes, which made many people see Curry's hope of defending the title. However, he was a little bit flustered when he was complacent. He tried to solve the part that could be solved with a layup. He made a dunk, but the basketball was dunked to the back eaves and bounced far away. When he picked up the ball back, he completed the second free dunk. The time loss was nearly 10 seconds, although his next dribble and three-pointer shot They all performed well, but they were still blocked in the final.

The Jazz's backup point guard Burke finally won the skills contest, but the rookie's look was not very good. In the Jazz this season, he was firmly suppressed by Jeremy Lin on the bench. This is not a good start for Burke, who sold his immediate combat power to enter the league. But because of the high-ranking rookie and the child labor contract, the team valued his transaction value very high, and it is not easy to trade him out.

On a certain level, a point guard like Burke is also an ideal candidate for the Nets' backup point guard. It is much better to be a substitute for Curry than to be a substitute for Curry's substitute. However, whether there is a chance to get this player, we need to wait for the opportunity in the future. At least this season, unless there is a particularly good opportunity, the Nets' lineup should not be changed significantly.

The competition system of the three-point ball contest has also been modified. The participating players can freely choose a point and set all of them as flower balls to increase the score. This reform also made the game look more exciting. It was helpful to pay attention to the three-point contest. In the end, Belinelli of the Eagles hit the most three-pointers and successfully scored three points. King's award.

For role players, this may be the only trophy of personal honor in their careers, and Belinelli is still very excited.

The reform of the three-point contest has brought at least a positive effect. Changing the slam dunk contest to an East-West matchup is a bit of a fool's errand. Regarding this year's dunk contest, it may become the most non-existent dunk contest in history. Even Barkley, who is in charge of the commentary, doesn't know where to start. How Adam Silver will continue to reform the NBA All-Star Game next year is really exciting.

Unlike Jiang Mingliang's quiet and restrained villa, Ma Luoli's house was brightly lit outside the gate, with colorful lights hanging everywhere. Those who didn't know it thought there was a party here.

"Hi, Issac!" Mallory made a special trip out of the room to greet Jiang Mingliang.

"Is your father not at home?" Jiang Mingliang looked up at Ma Luoli upstairs and asked.

In someone else's home, alone with an underage girl, it's best to tell the host about your visit.

"Not here, my father also has a lot of work. What's the matter, are you afraid that I will eat you?" Mallory waved at Jiang Mingliang, urging him to come up quickly.


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