Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 585: Enemy-Friendly Awareness

On March 21, 2004, the Nets ushered in the fourth game of the season against the Cavaliers. This game was not much to watch because of Irving's injury. After Luol Deng joined the Cavaliers, he did lead the team to some victories and led the Cavaliers to get rid of the embarrassment of being at the bottom of the league. However, the performance of the hips too much in the first half of the season has made this team's hope of advancing to the playoffs this season shattered early. James has been away for four years, and the team has been counting down every year. I can't see it, maybe I'm a little angry, but Gilbert didn't let the team fail in the draft year.

Without the top assaulter, the performance of the Cavaliers in this game is not bad. Waiters, the thorn in the Cavaliers, doesn't have a good relationship with most people, but his ability is still very good. With Irving absent and more ball power concentrated in his hands, Waiters played well. I have a sharp breakthrough, and my physical fitness is a bit good. I keep charging inside the Nets, and then shout "and one" no matter what the situation is. At the beginning, I can bluff people. Soon, no matter the Nets players The referees are no longer surprised by his three tricks.

Regardless of the opponent's thorny attributes, just his excellent physical fitness, Jiang Mingliang is actually quite optimistic that he can complement the Nets' bench lineup. Relatively speaking, McCollum, a shooting guard with greater potential, is a bit too advanced for the Nets' bench, burying him, but it doesn't match Curry well when he is put on the starting lineup. Both of them have average physical fitness , When encountering defenders with strong physical fitness, they are easy to be chased and beaten, and they attack together, and they are very likely to fall into the situation of stabbing each other with each other. However, being able to cause internal strife in James' team can really make Durant become "Du Shiwu", Jiang Mingliang is still not optimistic that Curry can subdue these fierce horses. At least for now, he can't deal with this thorny head whose heart is higher than the sky.

Now the Cavaliers are deeply in this embarrassment, whether it is Irving, Thompson, or Waiters, each has the ability to show off occasionally, and they are all very talented, but no one knows how to win. ball. On this point, they are not as good as Luol Deng. As soon as the British came to the team, he brought changes to the team, whether it was offensive or defensive.

However, the cooperation between the Cavaliers and Luol Deng may be destined to be short-term. Luol Deng doesn't have much sense of belonging to the backcountry Cleveland, and the Cavaliers' favorite small forward is not like Luol Deng.

In this game, the Cavaliers' resistance lasted only half of the game, and Curry turned on the day-to-day mode in the third quarter. The season is coming to an end. Apart from the team's running-in, Curry has basically been in his hands. The MVP in the game must also be won steadily, otherwise I will be sorry for my hard work for a season.

It was an easy game to win against the Cavaliers, but the Knicks, who were still fighting for the final playoffs, broke out with good fighting power at the moment when they were about to drown. Anthony and Garnett shined on both ends of the offense and defense , The team fought with the Nets all the way to the last moment. At the critical moment, Leonard faced Anthony's defense and hit a mid-range score, widening the point difference to 5 points, thus ending the suspense of the game.

After this game, the Knicks' playoff hopes are basically shattered, and the competition for the last playoff spot in the Eastern Conference will also start between the Eagles and Wizards.

Not to mention the competition, but from the competition of commercial value, Jiang Mingliang attaches great importance to this kind of game against the Lakers and the Knicks. Speaking of these opponents who also have high popularity and commercial value, the glory of the Nets , will be more dazzling. In his bones, Jiang Mingliang is such a person with a strong sense of enemy and friend. He hopes to see these opponents stretch their hips as much as possible.

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Lingrui tentatively sent out an invitation to S.M, inviting Song Qian to be the flying guest of the fourth season of "Running Man" and participate in the recording of "Couple Special", two days later. S.M officially accepted the invitation to cooperate with Jiang Mingliang, who single-handedly damaged the company half a year ago. This step also marks the initial ice breaking of the relationship between the two parties.

A long time ago, Jiang Mingliang said to the sisters that for businessmen, there are no permanent friends, no permanent enemies, but only permanent interests. However, after a wave of disasters, S.M quickly surrendered to himself, which was somewhat beyond Jiang Mingliang's expectations.

A top-notch production company, super financial support, and strong operational capabilities, Jiang Mingliang's strong self-ability is one aspect. What's more important is Song Qian's attitude. God knows if Jiang Mingliang will take Song Qian away if he disagrees with him. Song Qian quickly hooked up with the other party. Contact, insist on going down, S.M is powerless to compete with Jiang Mingliang.

Forcing S.M to make such a concession. This kind of statement is not easy, because the company's attitude is also a signal to its artists, that is, the company has forgiven the "traitor", and those who participated in coercing Jessica to leave the team will lose face to a certain extent. After all, Jiang Mingliang behind Jessica made the company bow down, let alone them.

In contrast, Lin Yuner, who has maintained a certain friendship with Jessica and also has a certain personal relationship with Jiang Mingliang, is the beneficiary. He got in touch with Jessica very quickly. Needless to say, Jessica and Krystal are getting along very well in China, and Lin Yuner naturally hopes to get some opportunities. For a female idol, 24 years old is already an age that needs to consider transformation, and for an actress, it is undoubtedly the most beautiful time. Yoona's goal has always been in film and television, Huaxia's generous salary and filming environment are very attractive to her to develop here.

This year, the main energy of Lensray must be on the big project "Gossip Girl". This is not only the first TV series invested by the company, but also directly related to the brand promotion of BLANC\u0026ECLARE and the video website Watermelon Video under ByteDance. drainage. In addition, the funds for other projects have been reduced, and the appearance fee of Chinese artists is definitely higher than that of Korean artists. In addition, other Korean female artists, including Jessica, may not be out of the circle, but Lin Yuner and Krystal are definitely the two most popular in China, which can be used.

Song Qian is listed in the list of guests to be invited for the third season of "Signal of the Heart", and Lin Yuner may replace Krystal, who is already full of business, to participate in the second season of the popular variety show "This is Slam Dunk". This is not just trying to figure out Jiang Mingliang's meaning, but also Qin Zhengwei's favor to Jessica and Krystal. Qin Zhengwei submitted the list to Jiang Mingliang, no surprises, and got his approval.

In addition to "Running Man", these two programs achieved excellent ratings and webcast volume last year, and they also sold at high prices this year. However, Jiang Mingliang still entrusted Qin Zhengwei. It is easy to fight the country, but difficult to defend the country. There are already homogeneous programs in China to shake the sharp basics. The program itself needs to be refined.

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