Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 624 The Happening of Tragedy

After a ridiculous night, Li Xin woke up from a deep sleep, and saw that she and Jiang Suying were disheveled, and the instigator, Jiang Mingliang, was no longer in the room.

Just pull up your pants and go! Li Xin was a little annoyed, but facing Jiang Mingliang, she seemed to have no room to resist, just like a piece of plasticine, letting him rub it.

He stretched out his elbow and poked Jiang Suying, only to see the other party frowned and woke up. After seeing Li Xin, he was stunned for a while, and then his mood returned to normal. Compared to Li Xin's gloom, she seems to be more open-minded.

"I've played it all, so what are you pretending to do? Don't worry about Bao Zhijiao, you won't get so many benefits from him." Jiang Suying's temperament seems to be more inclined to Ouyang Mi, and she cares more about being able to benefit from Jiang Mingliang. What to get there.

After finishing speaking, she straightened up, rubbed her waist and said: "I don't know how many times I did it, my waist is almost broken!

Jiang Suying said it very easily, but Li Xin still drooped her head and did not get out of her depressed mood.

To be honest, following Jiang Mingliang, his stagnant career seemed to be getting better. The second seasons of "Gossip Girl" and "This Is Slam Dunk" are relatively high-quality resources, and her current attention is also increasing in an orderly manner. But Jiang Mingliang refused to support her like he supported Ouyang Mi, which was tantamount to treating her more as a plaything instead of raising the level of a partner.

With one kick on Li Xin's shoulder, Jiang Suying kicked Li Xin down on the bed, and then pressed her on top of her. Li Xin subconsciously yelled: "What are you doing?"

"Discuss something with you~" Jiang Suying pressed Li Xin's forehead with a half-smile, full of aggression, "In the future, shall we form an alliance?"

"Huh?" Can this also form an alliance?

"We don't talk about Jessica Jung, we don't talk about Jessica Jung, we don't talk about Xie Qirun, and we don't talk about Taylor Swift from the United States. Guess how many women he has?" Jiang Suying said, counting her fingers.

Ouyang Mi is obvious, there are many beautiful girls in her studio, and these people have a better chance of getting close to Jiang Mingliang than them. Liu Lingfei is willing to "condescend" to take on two TV series in a row. If you say that she has nothing to do with Jiang Mingliang, you will believe it. Supermodel He Sui entered the first season of "This Is Slam Dunk" through his relationship, Lin Yuner was the face of Girls' Generation, Li Xin, Gu Lina, and Jiang Suying all accompanied him. . . . . . .

Well, there are indeed quite a few people who have had relationships with him, but these two chicks really overestimate him. If he really got Xie Qirun, how could he be so blatantly chic?

"I think the two of us will benefit from cooperation, and we will lose from fighting." Jiang Suying said.

The good sentence "Cooperation benefits both, fight hurts both", this sentence really touched Li Xin a little bit.

If the imaginary opponents were Liu Lingfei, Ouyang Mi, Xiaohua from her studio, and other unknown opponents, neither of them had a great chance of winning.

Perhaps, it can really be considered.

. . . . . . .

On July 27, a tragedy happened in the US men's basketball team match. George, the former Nets player and the core of the Warriors, replayed at full speed during a fast break and flew up to block Harden. But then a horrific scene happened. Before George landed in the air, his right foot touched the base of the basket, and his whole leg could not land normally. As a result, the moment George touched the ground, George's right calf turned over 90 degrees, the entire leg was completely deformed, and then fell heavily to the ground. According to the slow-motion replay, the scene when George was injured was extremely terrifying, with his right calf everted 90 degrees. All the USA men's basketball players fell silent when they saw this scene, praying for George together.

James immediately tweeted to pray for George: "The news of George's serious injury makes my stomach hurt. I hope you get better soon, my good brother!"

And Durant quickly sent a blessing to George, "I wish George good luck. I hope God can use supernatural methods to heal you. I am very sad and pray for you."

As George's former club, Jiang Mingliang also expressed his regrets to George on Twitter. George is a player he personally likes very much. In the Curry trade, Jiang Mingliang clearly wanted to keep him in the team. The Warriors sent Curry to the Nets, and there was no competition between the two teams. Jiang Mingliang really felt bad for George.

Fortunately, George reached a five-year 90 million maximum salary contract with the Warriors in advance last summer. At least in terms of money, George does not need to bear too much loss for the time being. This is also a blessing in misfortune.

At the same time, it is also a deterrent to Chasing Dream Green. If a contract extension cannot be reached in advance with the team, and if he suffers any injuries in the new season, his future will not be guaranteed. You know, George is a first-round lottery pick anyway, and the total amount of the first contract has reached 15 million, while Green is only a second-round pick, with a total of more than 4 million in three years. This money may not be able to guarantee his future life.

The Nets' contract extension with Dreaming Green has benefited greatly.

In this World Cup, the U.S. team lost FIBA's biggest killer, Durant, and did not get the favor of James. confidence. In itself, Curry is also a very suitable player for FIBA.

But for Jiang Mingliang, Curry's excessive fatigue is really not good news, but he can't dismiss Curry's patriotic feelings, and he can only pray that the old coach K can reduce the use of Curry.

George's serious injury, the most serious loss is the Warriors. The team just used a middle-class contract to recruit George's old partner Korver this season. It's all gone. In the fiercely competitive West, as strong as the Thunder, I am afraid that they may not be able to make it to the playoffs when the team leader is reimbursed for the season. At present, it seems that the Warriors also need to clarify the team's next strategy in time, whether to choose to give up this season and strive for a high pick next season, or continue to strengthen the lineup to hit the playoffs.

On the third day after arriving in Shanghai, Jiang Mingliang finally saw Krystal, who had returned from filming, in the house of Four Seasons Court. His long-lost handsome face appeared in front of his eyes. Krystal fell straight into her boyfriend's arms without saying a word, with his face A smile filled with joy.

"There are too many things to be busy, so I have time to come to see you today." Holding Krystal in his arms, Jiang Mingliang said distressedly, "I'm a little thinner."

There is a saying that there are three women in one show. The crew of "Gossip Girl" is full of beauties. If Krystal wants to stand out among them, there must be no mistakes at all from body shape to makeup to outfits. Naturally, during this time Extremely disciplined.

However, Krystal is an idol after all, and is very proficient in body management. In contrast, Liu Lingfei, who gets fat every now and then, really needs to learn this skill.

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