Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 652 Plum Orchid Bamboo Chrysanthemum

Playing in the nbdl, the salary is very low. If some players who have the task of supporting their families cannot get the nba contract in time, they will often choose to go to Europe or come to the cba to play. Especially the cba has fewer games and a short schedule. The "exercise value" is great. Ideal for many players.

Marshan Brooks originally had the opportunity to play in Italy, but he himself gave up this opportunity with the idea of ​​chasing his dream in the NBA. However, it is a pity that as of now, he has not received an NBA contract.

For going to cba to play, Brooks has doubts. However, after learning that he was joining Jiang Mingliang's team, Brooks' willingness became much stronger. An after-tax contract with an annual salary of $1.5 million. The fee is higher than the basic salary in the NBA, and the intensity of the game is reduced by half. After the playoffs, you can return to the NBA to find opportunities. For Marshan Brooks, it is almost the best choice at this stage. .

The reason why Jiang Mingliang offered such a big contract to Marshan Brooks also had his own plans. Many times, fans will also notice that some players who seem to be average in strength can always get CBA contracts, while many foreign players who are good in strength and seem to be suitable for CBA cannot come to CBA. There are a lot of tricks between the team management and the foreign aid agency team headed by Yang Huahua. There is no doubt about the strength of Marshan Brooks. As long as he stays in the CBA, at least in the next five years, he will be able to rank in the top three in the strength of foreign players. This is a once-and-for-all choice. Even things that affect the team's combat effectiveness happen.

Unlike Brooks, the Surin team offered Oden a non-guaranteed, monthly salary contract with a monthly salary of $200,000 after tax. If the team can make the playoffs, Oden will receive an additional bonus of 200,000 US dollars in addition to his salary for the month of the playoffs. No way, Oden's injury history is here. It is unknown whether Ma Weilai will have a chance to return to the NBA, but Oden will definitely not go back.

After weighing for a long time, Oden finally agreed to the contract offered by the Surin team.

Compared with the CBA teams in the past few years who successively recruited all-star players such as Tracy McGrady, Arenas and Artest, Jiang Mingliang's two operations did not seem to be as destructive as expected, but Jiang Mingliang I have always been more interested in actual profit than fame, and the most important thing is suitability.

As for the coaching candidates, the most ideal candidate is of course Li Chunjiang, the seven-time champion coach. However, people are flourishing in Guangsha, so vicious poaching and causing trouble are unlikely for the time being. Jiang Mingliang put the alternative plan on the "Humph Vichy" who has received a lot of praise in the future. The biggest advantage of Liu Weiwei's coaching is that he has great trust in young players, which is consistent with Jiang Mingliang's goal.

In three days, in addition to the contact work with foreign aid, Jiang Mingliang also reorganized the top-down structure of the Su Lin team to make it more standardized.

After being busy until late at night, Ke Yan and Xie Qirun returned to the Greenland International Hotel together. As soon as they entered the lobby of the hotel, they were stopped by a crisp voice.

Liu Lingfei and Ouyang Mi are filming "Zhu Xian" in Hengcheng. Jiang Mingliang only sent a text message to Li Xin to inform her of his location, but it was Jiang Suying who did not expect to come. Well, not too bad.

"I have something to do, you go up first." Jiang Mingliang explained to Xie Qirun, and then heard the other party secretly complaining, "Hungry ghost in color!"

Actors have their own careers most of the time, Ouyang Mi and Liu Lingfei have their own careers, so does Li Xin, and even Jiang Suying does the same. However, she was more open-minded and seized the opportunity to squeeze out time to ask for leave from the crew.

This is also normal. Jiang Mingliang, who is rich and handsome, has never lacked girls to devote himself to. If it wasn't for him to get to the point, it would basically be a one-shot annihilation, and there would be no end indefinitely. For example, Jiang Mingliang never looked for Gu Lina who was with Li Xin at the beginning.

. . . . . . .

In the hotel, Jiang Mingliang came out of the bathroom with bare feet and a bathrobe. He looked at Jiang Suying who was still lying on the bed, his eyes were a little blurred. It was obvious that he had just experienced a high-spirited applause.

"Are you free in the next few days?"

Jiang Suying was still intoxicated by the aftertaste, when she suddenly heard Jiang Mingliang talking to her, she sat up straight, and then realized that she belonged to Hongguo, and subconsciously pulled up the sheet again, trying to cover the already gone spring.

"I took two days off from the crew." Jiang Suying "complained", the point was to let Jiang Mingliang remember her sincerity.

"OK, let's forget it. Professional ethics should be guaranteed."

Jiang Mingliang was used to business affairs, and blindly catering to curry favor was not his style. This is the conclusion drawn by Jiang Suying after analyzing his cooperation with Ouyang Mi. Although he also enjoys women, he values ​​Ouyang Mi more, mainly because Ouyang Mi has a strong career and can make money for him.

The discord between the generals in Dortmund's locker room is getting worse. Rangnick believes that this is the right time to get in touch with Klopp, at least to gain the initial favor of the head coach, so Jiang Mingliang is also going to take a look at the cottage and go to Ruhr Industry District, pay a visit to Klopp.

It would be great if there were beautiful women in the company. But these girls who are with me seem to have their own careers to be busy, so forget it.

Jiang Mingliang sat on the sofa, took out his IPAD, and casually watched the news from the United States. In the past few days since he left, the Nets played two games. The team first defeated Phoenix, which was still rotten and hopeless. The Suns, though, suffered a loss in Memphis. The hard bone of the Grizzlies seems to have been the pain of the Nets in recent years. The Nets have never been able to relax in the face of the Grizzlies.

At this time, the east and west divisions are very critical. The Nets don't need to worry about the fact that the lineup is somewhat restrained by the Grizzlies, because the Grizzlies can't break through the West in the series. Of course, as the situation where the West is strong and the East is weak is slowly easing, this advantage of the Nets will slowly disappear.

Lifting her head to look at Jiang Suying's movements through the translucent glass wall, her bathing movements are very standard, from head to bottom...

The design of this bathroom is very good, quite interesting, still holding a pipa half-hidden. I can't see the specific beauty clearly, but I can vaguely see the graceful figure.

Jiang Mingliang couldn't bear it anymore, so he pushed open the door and walked in.

"How did you get in?"

"I'm worried you've fallen."

"Don't... um!"

Among Jiang Mingliang's long-term holdings of several women, although Jessica is a genuine girlfriend, she has a mistress temperament and a variety of styles. Krystal is cold on the outside and hot on the inside. Liu Lingfei is a German orthopedic surgeon with a sense of taboo. Li Xin has been associated with the classical sense of opera since childhood, and the combination of slightly bitter facial features is very convincing. Jiang Suying is a different Their imperial sister's face.

Plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum are all different.

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