Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 662 All-Star Game Restructuring (Subscribe at 12:30)

Chapter 662 Restructuring of the All-Star Game (1230 subscriptions)

In a blink of an eye, 20 games have been played in the season, and the Nets tied for first place in the Eastern Conference with 15 wins and 5 losses, just because of the advantage of the relationship between the winner and the loser. In the back, the Bucks led by Paul were only two games behind, and their performance also exceeded expectations.

This season, the overall upward trend of the Eastern Conference teams is very obvious. Not only the above four teams, among the teams ranked 5th to 8th, the Raptors and Pistons have already started last season, and the Magic and Cavaliers have introduced strong support before the start of the season, which has improved the team's strength. strength.

There is no need to repeat the situation of the Nets. The pain caused by the adjustment of the team's lineup structure and the impact of major injuries have made this team lose the unique strength of the league last season. new suspense. After the Nets and Thunder were not favored due to core injuries, the 76ers with Harden and James became the most promising team to hit the championship this season. The combination of James and Way overlaps to a certain extent. Wade must make sacrifices to play off the ball, and James must also gain weight and play more of a power forward position. The 76ers' lineup configuration is quite reasonable. The mad dog-type point guard Beverly's offensive performance is relatively average, but his progress has become more and more obvious. This season's three-point shooting percentage has reached 34%, which is not qualified, but with His defense is good enough for a starter. Mirotic at the power forward position is the biggest discovery of the team this season. He has a low-post single on the inside, and his shooting range extends beyond the three-point line. He is also very bloody on the defensive end. As a star-level insider, Asik is a bit buttery at the center position, but he is strong enough on the defensive end. There are also configurations such as Neto, Crabbe, Grant, and Ingles on the bench. I have to say that James' catharsis by the club this time is very correct.

The Bucks team that Jiang Mingliang attaches great importance to has also shown a combat effectiveness that exceeds the media's expectations. Under the leadership of Paul, the performance of all players has improved. With the performance of the whole team, Paul also occupies the second place in the MVP list s position. However, the problem of this team is still obvious. It relies too much on Paul. Antetokounmpo is still a blue-collar player on the outside, and his offensive skills are relatively rough, while Middleton relies heavily on his shooting touch. Cry, when the iron is up, the home fans can listen to a feast of ironing.

On the whole, the 76ers are currently the strongest team, but Jiang Mingliang doesn't think the team is hopeless. JR and Porzingis are all points that can greatly improve their status.

Near the end of the year, Jiang Mingliang is also checking the financial situation of several teams in his hands this year. Under Jiang Mingliang's command, the Nets have now developed into a money printing machine. After paying a luxury tax of 5 million yuan in bonuses and losing the share of other teams' fines, the team's profit this year was as high as 190 million US dollars, ranking first among NBA teams. A luxurious arena, a competitive lineup, a huge market, and a management team capable of making atomic bombs. Today, the market value of the Nets has accounted for more than a quarter of Jiang Shixiao's net worth. Compared with when he bought the Nets, it has quadrupled!

The financial report of the other team, Inter Milan, is also gratifying. Of course, if the transfer fee for selling Neymar and Benatia is deducted, the team’s operation is still at a loss. The team still ranks second in Serie A, and will soon usher in Uncle Klopp next season. Coupled with the fact that the new stadium will be put into use next season, it is expected that Inter Milan's problems will be fundamentally reversed soon, which is not in vain for Jiang Mingliang's painstaking efforts over the past two years.

He also really likes his current job now. While Jiang Mingliang was happy, he received a call from Ouyang Mi unexpectedly, and the news from the other party shocked him.

"I'm getting married!"

To be honest, Jiang Mingliang was a little conflicted when he heard the news.

He clearly knew that his desire for Ouyang Mi was greater than his love, not just Ouyang Mi, except for Zheng's sister Hua and Liu Lingfei who had just spent 300 million yuan to accept, all other women were like this. His requirement is that he can be there whenever he is called, that they can serve him wholeheartedly, and that it is enough for the host and guest to enjoy themselves. I can't manage other things, and I don't want to.

How long does it take for him to return to China every year, and how many times does he contribute to each of them? Let them be widows in an environment full of handsome men and beautiful women. Do you think you can write novels?

But letting her fly, he felt a little bit reluctant.

After a long time, love ah! Counting it, Ouyang Mi and Jiang Mingliang were earlier than Jessica, and earlier than Taylor Swift! If we count by the time when Jiang Mingliang became Jiang Mingliang, he should have completed the great harmony of his life for the first time in Ouyang Mi. If this has no emotion at all, it must be fake.

However, the reality is very clear, he has to consider his own selfishness more, this selfishness is if Ouyang Mi really becomes a wife, can he accept it?

To be more realistic, if Ouyang Mi is married, can Jiang Mingliang hook her up so casually?

Jiang Mingliang nodded slightly: "January 8, Bali, right, I will go there then."

What should come will always come.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Mingliang was obviously in a bad mood, and took Jessica into the bathroom. The two tasted all kinds of cheese, and Jiang Mingliang injected a lot of positive energy into Jessica.

The Nets played against the Celtics for the second time this season. The Nets were weaker than the last time they met, but the Celtics seemed to have a bigger problem. Angie once tried to use Rondo to trade Paul, which caused a gap between Rondo and him. Once the eccentric Rondo has emotional problems, he will be very unstable. In addition, he has obvious flaws in his style of play, and his potential seems to be limited. It's not easy to cash in. Therefore, the team's desire to trade Rondo has become stronger, and the team has also reused Smart, who is more hardworking on the defensive end and more popular with Angie, in more games.

Will this season continue to suck? It may be a bit humiliating for the Celtics who have just experienced the glory of the Big Three, but this is also something that can't be helped. Who made this world have Jiang Mingliang and Billy King slaughtered pigs for Angie? The purpose of the Celtics this season is to train more. If they can train Smart and Randall, and use the draft pick to win a high-ranking pick, they will use Joe Johnson's expiration next season. The contract is a fuss, and the Celtics may not be without the possibility of getting out of trouble.

The threat posed by the Celtics and the Nets, who are aiming to train troops, is not too great. The team's poor offense is really difficult for the Nets to play. No matter how good Rondo's organization is, he can't stand the fact that his teammates can't count on anyone except Joe Johnson on the offensive end, and his own offensive ability is poor.

Looking at the pleasing offense of the opposing Nets, especially Curry, who shot crazy three-pointers, Angie was envious for a while, and felt that "Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi", the NBA is really different.

Scoring 20 points in the second quarter, Curry's performance was dazzling enough. After just one game adjustment, he recovered his state, which also made the fans of the Nets very happy. And JR Smith's state arrow in this game went up again. Not only did the defensive end improve, but the offensive end also shot 3 of 8 shots and scored 9 points.

Little by little, slowly recover!

At 112:95, the Nets won at home and avoided a losing streak.

With 16 wins and 5 losses, the Nets regained the No. 1 position in the Eastern Conference. The adjustment ability of this team was also greatly praised by fans and the media. After this game, the Celtics and The Kings reported a deal, and the Celtics traded Rondo for Isiah Thomas of the Kings.

In the Kings team, there are 3 scorers averaging 18+ per game, Thomas, Cousins, and Gay, but they can’t lead the team to the playoffs. The team traded for Rondo, and the lineup looks a lot more reasonable. Rondo doesn’t need it Green wipes his ass on the defensive end, and at the same time can distribute Cousins ​​and Gay well. Green has the ball, and the Celtics also need a point guard who can open up the team on the offensive end. Both sides can be said to have what they need.

. . . . . .

At the NBA headquarters in New York, Adam Silver convened his own think tank and held a special meeting on the restructuring plan for the NBA All-Star Game.

This season's All-Star game is held at the Barclays Center. Jiang Mingliang naturally hopes that this All-Star will become a historic one, so he proposed a plan for the All-Star restructuring. More importantly, Curry is playing at home, and it was last season's MVP+FMVP. James has just made a decision 2. With so many favorable factors, Curry is quite sure that he will beat James to win the top spot in the Eastern Conference. , Can really allow Curry to hit the position of the first man in the James League.

He has successively provided restructuring plans for the Skills Challenge and the Three-Point Shootout Competition, all of which have achieved very good results. Jiang Mingliang's reform of this plan has been approved by Xiao Hua, and after careful discussions by the think tank, this season The reform of the All-Star program has also been officially implemented. The selection rules are as follows: the top voters will be selected first, from the 8 starting players from the East and West and the 14 substitute players from the East and West. Finish.

This is a reform that the NBA has never had before. After Xiao Hua took office, his actions were indeed not small.

The news officially announced by the NBA has caused quite a stir. First of all, the competition for the top ticket will become more intense. In the past, fans would still choose the lineup they want to see when they choose the All-Star. Only extreme fans will It appeared that Curry fans did not choose James, and James fans did not choose Curry. But for the face of the vote king, I am afraid that the two fans will not choose each other, and whether the selection process will be broadcast live is also a suspense. The change is too big in one go, but it also depends on the price given on the TV broadcast. After all, as long as the money is in place, it can be said at any time.

From the record point of view, the Nets are not bad, but the team still has only one Curry who can participate in the All-Star Game. Leonard has missed the All-Star Game for two consecutive years due to injuries. It has to be said that it is a bit tragic. With his strength and performance, at least a substitute position is very stable.

The schedule before Christmas is still in progress. The Nets challenged the Pacers in the Eastern Conference, which had a record decline this season. With this group of ordinary players, they made consecutive playoffs. Some can't hold on anymore, the talent of the players in the team is so good, except for the players selected by him in the draft, most of them are discarded generals that other teams look down on, and Granger is traded away, some injuries The morale of the team has improved, and the Pacers really caught up with all the bad things.

The Celtics train for the sake of training, while the Pacers are completely lacking in strength. Although the players in the team performed very hard, the gap in talent is really obvious. Subjectively, the Pacers are not willing to give up this season, but if the team's record continues to decline, the Pacers are still very likely to make a decision to rebuild, trade valuable players in the team, and then rebuild team.

Small market teams are indeed having a hard time!

Box's violent style of play caused him to suffer injuries, and Stephenson became the core of the team's outside line. However, it turns out that using him as the core is a very mysterious thing. Problem children cannot be cured.

It is said that he once fought with Hibbert for the first shot of a young model, which can be regarded as an anecdote.

In the first half of the game, the convulsive Stephenson scored 14 points, barely helping the Pacers to control the point difference within 10 points, but in the second half, the team couldn't hold back. Except for Curry, Porzingi Si also took advantage of Hibbert's inability to defend and scored 20 points, becoming the second contributor to the team's victory.

The record of the Nets has steadily improved, and Curry's MVP list is at the top of the list, and his sitting is becoming more and more stable. The Nets seem to have gotten out of the haze of Leonard's injury and are back on track.

Following the Celtics of the Celtics, the Cavaliers also made adjustments to the team's lineup. The Cavaliers traded Waiters, the team's unstable factor, to the Thunder in exchange for the 76ers' first-round pick and An Andre Robertson, only the Thunder know how serious Durant's injury is. The team continues to attack points other than Westbrook, so they don't hesitate to trade draft picks. And Andre Robertson, an excellent defensive offensive player It seems that the wing that can't do anything is tasteless for the Thunder. It seems very suitable to play with the right to shoot, and to be able to share the pressure on Westbrook's side holding the ball.

Originally, the Thunder still wanted to bring in the Nets and play Crowder's idea. Jiang Mingliang, who was somewhat interested in Robertson, even considered this trade proposal, but finally gave up the possibility. Although Robertson's defense is good, the offensive end is too much room! Besides, he is the kind who can't learn no matter what, which makes people more desperate.

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