Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 678 Profit Growth Point

Of course, in addition to naming rights, the new stadium will bring many other benefits to Inter Milan. The first is match day revenue. The taller stadium brings a better viewing experience, and the ticket price will also increase by 10%. There were only 23 VIP boxes in the Meazza Stadium that Inter Milan shared with AC Milan before, but in the new stadium, this number will increase to 180. If all the properties can be rented out, the income will increase to more than 6 million euros. The surrounding area is covered with themed stores, themed restaurants, a museum and a small theme park that is still in progress. Potential income, these are new profit growth points.

Even if this is achieved, due to the backwardness of the overall environment of Serie A, Inter Milan's revenue should be able to increase to about 550 million euros. If there is a further improvement, there are only two ways to introduce superstars and stimulate market fans; Win more championships and slowly become fans. Well, there is a third way. The youth training system produces a football champion like Messi or a commercial bug like Beckham. This is something that cannot be met.

Of course, in sports, performance is still the core. If there is no support from good results, the attendance rate will drop, the appearance rate will decrease, and the number of fans will decrease. Many existing ideas will become castles in the air and have no feasibility. This is why Jiang Mingliang tried his best to find Klopp to coach. And in this summer, he has made a lot of money in the transfer market in the past few years, and he has also prepared the idea of ​​​​opening his pockets, allowing Klopp to spend extravagantly and bring in strong support.

He wants Inter Milan to return to the top position next season, with the strength to hit the league and the Champions League. After keeping a low profile for so long, what he has been waiting for is this summer!

After the winter break, the 20th round of Serie A kicked off as scheduled, with Inter Milan playing against powerful Naples at home. Naples has the strongest trident in Serie A, Cavani, Lavezzi, Hamsik. Even when Higuain was there, Inter Milan's striker's cards were slightly worse, not to mention the age of playing Higuain was replaced by the "declining" Van Persie. However, such a strong offensive combination of Naples cannot bring the team a championship. The reason is that except for the striker, the strength of the other three lines of the team can only be said to be first-rate or even second-rate in Serie A. In comparison, Inter Milan, except for the two sides In addition to the weak defender, other positions are ranked high in Serie A and even Europe.

And Mendy's joining in the winter window has largely filled the position of the team's left back. The Frenchman is strong, has excellent explosive power, and has a strong ability to go back and forth from the left. After the opening, the fans at the Meazza Stadium realized this. a little.

Especially in the case of supporting each other back and forth and interspersed with running, Naples couldn't prevent Inter Milan's attack at all. In the 32nd minute of the first half, Naples' counterattack was interrupted, and De Bruyne made a very penetrating pass. The ball was handed over to Griezmann, who took the ball and faced the Naples defense head-on. Van Persie and Mane formed a tacit counter-run. An easy push to score, 1:0!

After a dreary start to the second half, Inter Milan scored again in the 63rd minute, a direct free kick from Griezmann.

After Neymar left the team, the Frenchman took over the No. 10 jersey left by the Brazilian and became the core of Inter Milan's frontcourt. More diligent, more active, more professional, and his off-ball movement is more flexible, which makes him even more eye-catching than Neymar in terms of statistics.

In the 76th minute, Gretzka received a long pass from De Bruyne in the middle after a back row plug-in. Although there were some mistakes after stopping the ball, he still made an easy pick and picked the ball past De Santis who was attacking. , broke through the goal guarded by the opponent again, 3:0!

And Naples only relied on Hamsik's goal in the 90th minute to recover a goal. In the end, Inter Milan defeated Naples 3:1 and continued to rank second in Serie A.

Robin van Persie and Mendy played well in this game. Although Salah, who came off the bench for only 11 minutes, did not make a statistical contribution, he also made an outstanding performance. Inter Milan made money in the winter window. The thickness of the lineup has also improved, and even the performance has not deteriorated. Considering that Serie A is very friendly to veterans, many people gave Jiang Mingliang high marks for Inter Milan's operations.

The Inter Milan fans who had been silent for four years finally saw the dawn, and this dawn was even brighter than what Moratti brought, because the team had the right management direction and no longer relied on one person's financial resources to build the team. Inter Milan fans and Nets fans all bragged Jiang Mingliang to the sky, not only in sports forums, but even on the female-dominated scarf, there were a large number of fans bragging for him.

In extreme cases, there have also been a large number of people who use Jiang Mingliang to pull, trample and tear onions. How should I put it, Jiang Mingliang himself is low-key enough, and fans can't stand the high-profile for him! Most public figures, especially those who have reached their level, have long had the mentality to treat netizens' words as jokes. If you really look at netizens and can affect your mood, isn't that the same as Durant? Even Jiang Mingliang didn't take this matter seriously. However, the richest man really has such a personality. He dared to complain about Rebus, who had nothing to do with him, let alone Jiang Mingliang, who was used as a weapon to trample him.

"I bought two players for 24 million euros, and I bought a horse for 300 million euros. This is Mr. Jiang's investment philosophy." Tie Cong reposted a post by an Inter Milan fan Chuan Jiang Mingliang, and posted the encyclopedia page of Hongxingwu Company by the way. This sentence is attached.

As soon as these words came out, the whole Internet was shocked! Although Tie Cong's mouth has never been clean, but in some respects, on certain channels, it is true that some amazing inside stories in the entertainment industry are often revealed. "Jinbao Jiayin and Xueqi" can be called the most classic Fan Ye Speech, no matter what Fan Ye tried to deny, it seemed that it was difficult to disentangle himself from the relationship between these three people. And the connotation of his wave is also to connect Jiang Mingliang and Liu Lingfei, two people who are incompatible on the bright side, and to put it too much, it even expressly shows that Jiang Mingliang is currently the golden sister of "Sister Immortal" Liu Lingfei. Lord this matter.

For a while, the entire Internet was caught in discussions about this important revelation.

Jiang Mingliang's image has always been very positive. Even if she fell in love with the American villain Taylor Swift, Taylor Swift's reputation during that time was also the best stage of her artist career. Sang a song for Jiang Mingliang, which made almost everyone, including Taylor Swift's female fans, think that Jiang Mingliang was really good. But this revelation seems to have disillusioned Jiang Mingliang's image of a "god" aloof.

"Behind every goddess you think about day and night, there is a man who wants to vomit every day."

"For a while, I don't know who to envy!"

"In front of capital, singing, dancing and acting are no different from playthings."

"The richer the place, the more attractive it is to people, and the richer people are, the more qualified they are to do evil. This is human nature."

"The top capital circle is just that the magnifying glass is not as big as the entertainment industry. If capitalists have product needs, the entertainment industry includes media, model agencies, and public relations companies are the first-hand origin."

"Have you seen The Wolf of Wall Street? That is the true portrayal of Wall Street."

Rumors in this area may have some impact on the image, but Jiang Mingliang didn't even bother to "clarify". His real popularity comes from the changes his professional ability has brought to the Nets, Inter Milan, and even the Surin team, rather than being an idol drama hero who is absolutely infatuated with rich and handsome. To put it bluntly, for a rich man of his level, he is already clean and self-sufficient.

But for Liu Lingfei, this is of course a huge blow to word of mouth. But while Xiao Nizi was distressed, she was also somewhat happy to see the result. After all, in a sense, it is better to be tied to Jiang Mingliang than to be involved in Jin Fei's affairs. At least Jiang Mingliang is handsome, rich, and big.

Besides, in a word, if there is any stone hammer, fans should lie to themselves, or they will lie to themselves.

Maybe it was scolded by Lao Wang, and the news about Tear Cong's scarf lasted less than two hours before it was taken down voluntarily. The real rich each have their own decency, after all, whose wealth didn't come from blood-sucking? It's not good for anyone to tear your face off! That is to say, Jiang Mingliang was "magnanimous" and didn't care about him, otherwise Lao Wang wouldn't know how to deal with him!

Is Jiang Mingliang really generous? Of course not, otherwise he wouldn't have hated Liu Lingfei for so many years. He just won't talk nonsense to the opponent, looking for opportunities to give the opponent a real blow is his way of counterattack.

. . . . . .

On January 17, the Nets came to Detroit to challenge the Pistons away.

The Pistons last season were the most improved team in the league, and many players ushered in a new starting point for their careers here. The Pistons this season are just the opposite, and their performance has declined in a mess. After Jennings contributed the most stable season in his career last season, he once again lost the balance between personal offense and team organization this season. Too many low-efficiency offenses hurt the team a lot, and the team ranks Josh Smith, who has the biggest face, also formed the Iron Brothers with Jennings. He averaged 5.5 three-pointers per game, and his shooting percentage was only 28%. He was obviously so strong and so confident.

Drummond, who the team has placed high hopes on, does not seem to be the right one. Maybe a bad training environment really has a bad impact on young people. Drummond also has a lot of brush attributes, which is really nothing good sign. Among the Pistons, only Bojan barely maintains his efficiency, but a player of his level really doesn't have that much impact on the game.

Monroe, who abused the inside of the Nets last season, was basically abandoned because of making troubles in the locker room, and leaving the team after the end of the season is already a certainty. There are rumors that this potential insider has already found his next home, and now he is so confident, but this is normal, it is difficult to find a good insider, this is a fact, the strength that Monroe has shown is worthy of many teams. Bet on him.

The duel between Porzingis and Drummond, two potential insiders, is also one of the highlights of this game. In the jump ball, Drummond won the victory and hit the ball into Stuckey's hands. The latter rushed to the Nets' formation at the first time, trying to catch them off guard. Unfortunately, the Nets were well-prepared. , forcing Stuckey to re-dribble the three-point line. . . . . . However, before Green could recover, Stuckey turned around and passed Green again, broke into the penalty area, and caused a foul by Porzingis.

The former prince of the Pistons was relegated to the sixth man position last season, and he showed a good performance. After Korver left the team this season, Stuckey returned to the main position. Stuckey's performance was quite satisfactory, but he must Admittedly, he played this shot very smartly.

For the Nets, they generally don't immediately concentrate the ball in Curry's hands at the beginning of the game, or have Green organize the offense, or let JR hold the ball to find opportunities. The team does this to reduce Curry's loss.

Jr played Stucky in singles, and continued to change positions in disguise. Stakis was unmoved and just guarded his own square inch, but he got stuck in Jr's breakthrough route several times.

Although jr did not succeed in breaking through, the players had already run in place. A wonderful pass from behind was handed over to Curry. Curry made a running jumper and helped the team recover the score.

Jennings passed the ball to the inside Drummond, and Boshen posted it immediately.

His left shoulder desperately resisted Boshen, and he dribbled the ball with his right hand while pushing backwards. His inside confrontation ability is very good, but in essence, his upper body strength is stronger than his lower body strength. Actually average.

His kind of inside line, in fact, should play more pick-and-rolls. I don’t know if it was influenced by O’Neal’s saying that “centers should dominate opponents in the low post.” Drummond also prefers to get the ball more and more from the position. There are indeed some problems in Porzingis' confrontation, but Drummond, who was barely approaching the basket, did not take advantage. Porzingis is tall, and his athletic ability is not what a 221 big man should have. Yes, successfully interfered with Drummond's attack frame and controlled the rebound in the first place. Jr's awareness of fast break is very good, Boshen sent a long pass, pay attention to jr showed a back kick in the frontcourt.

The Pistons attacked. Bo Yang, who was more of a turret on the outside in the first two rounds, took the initiative to go around the screen to catch the ball, and took the first shot before Covington's defense was in place. He hit a three-pointer and helped the team overtake the score.

Bo Yang is also a wing selected by the Nets, and Jiang Mingliang also values ​​him very much. It's a pity that the high-spirited Bo Yang is really unwilling to compete in the talented Nets, which makes the two sides have no chance.

Of course, Boyang has some thanks to the Nets for letting go and sending himself to the Pistons, who can play the main force immediately.

The tempo of the two teams was relatively fast, and the half-quarter game ended at 16:14. The Nets relied on Curry's 5 points to maintain a slight advantage over the Pistons.

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