Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 688: Clear All-Star Grouping

Competition on the field is in full swing, at the same time, the NBA and TV broadcasters on the new broadcast contract negotiations are also in full swing.

For the employer, the focus undoubtedly lies in two aspects. One is the negotiation with broadcasters ESPN, TNT and other media organizations. According to the current negotiation trend, the broadcast price of the NBA will be at least 2.5% of the previous contract. Times, this time will greatly improve the operating conditions of all teams in the league. There will be no situation where the Thunder team reaches the finals and the total profit is less than 20 million US dollars. Everyone can make money. Some stingy bosses may not Open the purse. On the other hand, it lies in the suppression of labor, that is, players.

As we all know, the labor negotiations in 2011 ended with the suppression of labor by the employer, including the player's share of the league's revenue, which was suppressed from 57% to 50%. The annual net income will increase by at least 1.8 billion U.S. dollars. According to the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement, the labor side may immediately ask the league to increase the total salary. Calculated from the figures, if all goes well, the player’s salary space is likely to be in 2016. 85 million or more in the summer of each year.

Whether it is the alliance or the management, they all hope that the increase in salary space will be gradual. From the perspective of the management, progressive growth can reduce certain costs, but from the perspective of the alliance, they pay more attention to the stability of the development of the alliance, and the sudden skyrocketing Anyone who knows what the salary space means to each team understands.

However, after Jiang Mingliang heard the news, his thoughts were very calm. In his memory, the summer of 2016 was the most chaotic summer since the alliance had shit. All kinds of hot chicken contracts were flying all over the sky. Any cat or dog can get a big contract. Can you imagine signing Durant with the addition of 3 million to the money signed by Barnes? Can you imagine Conley signing the biggest contract in the NBA at the time? Can you imagine that Parsons, who didn't have a high attendance rate with the Mavericks, can also sign a big contract? Parsons, Batum, Turner, Mahinmi, Ezeri, Solomon Hill and even Barnes, countless junk contracts derived that summer, which had a profound impact on the team's follow-up. But at the time, almost all of these signings were overwhelmed by the sensational effect of Durant joining the Warriors.

Although Durant later won two championships + FMVP, and without Durant, the Thunder team fell to the first round for three consecutive years. Appropriately whitewashing Durant, but Chasing Dream Green's sentence "We were the championship before you came" still nailed Durant to the shame column of personality, and the "Green Formula" has since become NBA trash talk There is no one of the most colorful sentence.

Jiang Mingliang is also ambitiously calculating this feat. How much benefit can the introduction of Durant bring? Compared with Oakland or San Francisco, New York has a bigger market effect, 5-on-8 terrifying strength, the only combination of MVP players in their peak period in history, the amount is wrong, the butterfly effect, Durant did not get the MVP, Well, even so, there will be no objection that his strength is at the MVP level. Don't forget, the broadcast contract between the Nets and NBC expires in 2017. If Durant is signed in the summer of 2016, how much money can Jiang Mingliang get from NBC?

It can even be "arrogant" to say that if everything can be done, the Nets will officially surpass the Knicks and become the second-ranked sports team in the city of New York. . . . . . . Why is MD still so cowardly!

It's not that the Nets are not strong enough, it's that the Yankees are too perverted!

It is undoubtedly short-sighted to insist on a one-step increase in the salary cap. However, most people only see immediate benefits. Jiang Mingliang's Nets have a healthy salary structure and New York's super attractiveness , and Curry's trump card, he can attack when he advances, and he can defend when he retreats, without any pressure.

On February 5, the NBA officially announced the 2015 All-Star Game substitute list.

East: Horford, Gasol (replacing Anthony as a starter), Millsap, Irving, Teague, Paul, Wade, Love.

West: Deron, Thompson, Jimmy Butler, Aldridge, Duncan, Hayward, Cousins.

As soon as the roster came out, controversy ensued. The Eagles are the most expensive team in the league. Although they mainly play team basketball, some representatives should be included in the All-Star team, but isn't it a bit too much to directly occupy three of them? When the Nets were No. 1 in the league for two consecutive years, they didn't force a second player into the All-Star team. Wall, Chasing Dream Green and Teague, Millsap have some competition. On the western side, Lillard is considered a victim, and he immediately posted a list of diss All-Stars, which is another "underrated" set.

In fact, most of the time, the All-Stars are very controversial. Most of the time, there will always be two or three players who are capable, but they just haven't been seen. The fifth-ranked Raptors in the East, Lowry and DeRozan also have the strength of the All-Stars, but haven't they been occupied by the Eagles? But no one complained about anything.

However, it is indeed unreasonable for three Eagles players to enter the bench lineup.

A day later, the two captains, Curry and Kobe, selected their respective lineups. Kobe took the lead in choosing LeBron James, and Curry's first choice was Blake Griffin. Kobe then picked Westbrook. Curry took Davis, the thick eyebrow brother. Kobe took Gasol, and Curry played out of common sense and took Howard. In the end, between Harden and Gasol Jr., Kobe took Gasol Jr. and left Harden to Curry.

Except for Howard, Curry's side is mainly young people. And Kobe's youngest is Westbrook.

It seems that this time the selection battle is also a collision between young people and old Jianghu.

In terms of the selection of the bench lineup, Curry and Kobe still uphold this principle. Curry took Thompson, Irving, Hayward, Duncan, Love, Wade and Millsap. And Kobe took Paul, Aldridge, Jimmy Butler, Cousins, Deron, Horford and Teague.

What's interesting is that Curry and Kobe unanimously put the three Eagles players in the end, which can be regarded as representing public opinion and a small protest.

The All-Star Game, which was launched for the first time in the form of captain selection, naturally attracted a lot of attention. The unexpected lineup is also quite interesting. After the league officially announced the grouping, everyone became more interested in the captain selection process. Both the media and the fans proposed to the league to broadcast the captain selection process live through their respective channels.

The all-star reform proposed by Jiang Mingliang to Xiao Hua has aroused widespread attention from the beginning of the selection. For Xiao Hua, this is undoubtedly the beginning of success.

. . . . . .

On February 7th, the Nets faced the Philadelphia 76ers for the third time this season, but they got a "good news" before the game. James stabbed his finger in the training the day before, and after the MRI examination Missed the game due to injury.

The record between the two teams is currently only two games apart. If they can win this game, the Nets may not have the possibility of catching up with their opponents. After all, the regular season is actually a test for the team against weak teams and fake teams Strong team's grasp.

Despite the absence of James, the 76ers' lineup is still not to be underestimated. The starting lineup of Beverly, Harden, Ingles, Mirotic, and Asik still has considerable combat effectiveness. And every time he met Beverly, Jiang Mingliang would repeatedly tell Curry to be careful, this mad dog is not an ordinary mess. Including Dream Chasing Green was also told, Beverly dare to play any moves, and take revenge on Harden.

Compared with lethal tactics, the Nets are not afraid of anyone. If you want Jiang Mingliang to enter the NBA as a management team ten years ago, Bowen dares to step up, and he can make Duncan paralyzed.

Last season, the relationship between the two teams was pretty good. But this season, with such an extreme rivalry, any camaraderie has evaporated.

Remember the scene before the 2009 draft? That rookie class was hailed as the rookie class with the lowest quality in a few years. Except for Griffin, other players did not see the potential to become an All-Star player, and even Rubio, who did not plan to enter the NBA immediately, paid attention. above them. In the rookie years of Curry and Harden, Jennings became the most concerned one with his record-breaking performance of 55 points in a single game. Tyreke Evans became the fourth rookie season to hit 20+4. +4 players, it is estimated that not many people will remember that the player who ranked second on the rookie list that year was Curry.

And Harden's growth trajectory is even slower. Durant, Westbrook, and Jeff Green occupy more shots on the offensive end. Among the rookies in the same class, Ibaka has a lower pick Thanks to the position, he also got more opportunities to perform. In the young Thunder team, Harden silently insisted on training and improving himself. His progress was seen in the eyes of the head coach, who gave him more opportunities to perform and finally let him show his strengths. In the end, when the Thunder and the Celtics discussed the Perkins Garnett Robinson deal, the Thunder would rather send Jeff Green than keep Harden. A strong face appeared in front of the fans.

As for the best sixth man in the 1112 season, it just came naturally after hard work.

Curry and Harden, both rookies in 2009, are neglected and underestimated people at the beginning of their careers, and they have each completed their own career leaps with their own performance.

At the beginning of the game, the Nets took the lead. Two players who were criticized in the starting position, Tyler Johnson and Covington, successfully defended successively. Beverly successfully intercepted the ball and helped the team turn from defense Score quickly.

As a point guard player, Beverly's basic point guard skills can only be said to be mediocre. He was able to start the game, on the one hand, because the defensive end is really tough, and on the other hand, he worked hard enough to adapt to Harden. Make it as 3D as possible, and Stevens's pre-match layout also made special arrangements for Beverly. The vision of passing the ball is average, the awareness of the ball is average, and the brain is prone to heat. Normally, it is no problem to have James and Harden, two field control masters, take turns to help him decompress. But today, only Harden is here, and he has to stay strong Offensively, Beverley's minor shortcomings are magnified by Stevens' deliberate targeting.

Aiming at the defensive weakness of the 76ers, Stevens also made special arrangements. Without James, the 76ers are not just losing an offensive superstar. Known for defense, Asik can do a good job if you let him top the defense and protect the frame, but it is difficult for you to let him fill in for Harden on the outside. Biyombo on the bench has the mobility to help block the outside line, but what about Porzingis on the inside? The difference between Biyombo and Porzingis is almost 20 centimeters. How do you let him defend against this height difference?

Schneider is very good at building a defensive system, but the 76ers' defensive backbone is indeed James. In his absence, the team's defensive end is still easy to be caught by opponents. Not to mention, the Nets have a strong desire to win this game. After all, Curry is not willing to compete for the MVP with a 0:4 matchup in the regular season. , we must take good care of it.

The Nets' strong defense at the start helped them build a double-digit lead, and then Harden started his performance. Apart from the benefits of "James teammates" more or less this season, and his personal performance has been recognized by the media and fans, it is not without reason that Harden has been underestimated or even ignored all year round. He is really loved by his wife. A foul is committed, and no fan wants to appreciate a free throw feast.

In just half a quarter, Harden caused 4 consecutive fouls by Tyler Johnson and Barton, and won a wider shooting space for himself. When Carter came up to defend him, he consciously gave him an extra step.

Relying on the performance of 10 free throws in a single quarter, the 76ers tied the score to 29 before the end of the first quarter.

At the beginning of the second quarter, Stevens made some adjustments in personnel scheduling. Porzingis came on the stage with a rotation lineup, using his height advantage to target the 76ers' two short insiders Biyombo and Grant. There is a bit of a difference in the height of the two players. Even if Porzingis failed to get a particularly comfortable position, he could still hit the ball with a soft touch. This adjustment quickly paid off. In just two minutes , Porzingis made 3 of 4 shots and scored 7 points, forcing Schneider to regain Asik.

Grant, who was replaced, looked helpless. He also entered the league this season. Porzingis had the best treatment. The elder brother took care of him, his teammates helped him, and the team carefully cultivated him. Even the team's main center was injured for him. "Give way". As for myself, compared to Porzingis, I got nothing.

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