Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 694 All-Star Weekend

Jessica and Krystal confirmed with smiles that Jiang Mingliang, who has no interest in the All-Stars, has different interests and hobbies than ordinary people. In their opinion, this kind of wonderful performance is much more interesting than fierce competition.

The excitement finally calmed down. Jiang Mingliang and his sister Hua talked and laughed and went to the dedicated parking lot inside the arena. However, when they just arrived at the parking lot, the three of them stopped at the same time.

"Why are you here?" Jiang Mingliang looked a little surprised, surprised at the appearance of the beautiful woman in front of him.

"Why don't I come over?" Liu Lingfei frowned slightly when she heard Jiang Mingliang's reproachful tone, and then she responded coquettishly, "I'm also your sister anyway, so I can't even come to the ball?"

Although she knew that the two sisters had a good command of Chinese, Liu Lingfei came here today with a protest attitude and chose to respond to Jiang Mingliang in English. At the same time, she also said this for the two sisters.

To be honest, Jiang Mingliang was caught off guard by Liu Lingfei's appearance. He frowned again, then forcibly endured it, and said slowly, "After reading this, go back and rest early!"

To be honest, I really didn't expect that such a bloody drama would happen to me, let alone that it was Liu Lingfei who did such a disgraceful thing. In terms of personality, it seems more likely that Ouyang Mi would do this kind of thing.

"Okay, then tomorrow night, save me a good seat..."

"Hmph!" Krystal couldn't take it anymore seeing Liu Lingfei's coquettish appearance, so he broke away from Jiang Mingliang's hand holding his arm and walked away quickly.

"Krystal!" Jessica yelled. Seeing her sister walking straight to the elevator, she hesitated for a moment, but walked quickly.

The little whore outside came to the door to demonstrate. Jessica, as the main palace, had better face the enemy head-on, but unexpectedly, there was a fire in the backyard, and Krystal blew herself up first. Jiang Mingliang's own attitude is obviously inclined towards himself and Krystal. As long as he is not messed up, Liu Lingfei will definitely have no chance, and Jessica knows the grievances between Liu Lingfei's "sister" mother and Yang Kaiwen. To put it bluntly, other little bitches Maybe there is still 0.01% of hope, Liu Lingfei is impossible to enter the door anyway.

The sisters walked away one after another, and the sullenness in Jiang Mingliang's eyes flashed past. Although Liu Lingfei's face was slightly red, her white and tender hands stepped forward and wrapped around Jiang Mingliang's neck. After raising her head and biting Jiang Mingliang's lips, Liu Lingfei stood upright Xiong chuckled: "Why, are you really angry?"

Unexpectedly, Jiang Mingliang, who has always been gentle, suddenly exploded on the spot, and roared: "Get out!"

Liu Lingfei didn't notice for a while, but Jiang Mingliang pulled his hands off his neck, and took two steps back to keep a good distance.

"Lingfei, this is the only time today. I hope you put away some of your petty thoughts, or don't blame me for being cruel." Jiang Mingliang said, suppressing the anger in his heart.

"I don't want to either? But family, love, career, you have to give me one, right? I don't even have the right to talk to my mother, what else do you want to take away from me?" Liu Lingfei's chest heaved rapidly. said viciously.

If Jiang Mingliang turned a blind eye, then Liu Lingfei would reluctantly accept her current status. Even if she couldn't marry Jiang Mingliang, at least she would be free from Jin Fei, her godfather. It is said that Jiang Mingliang will control it for ten years, but who knows how many things will happen in ten years? Maybe I will accept and get used to this identity, maybe I am comfortable serving him, and he will let me go in advance or lift the prohibition order, maybe I can help some important person to continue to help me out, even if it is the worst result, when being caught Ten years later, Liu Lingfei is only 37 years old. With her wealth and beauty, she can continue to pursue her wonderful life.

But how could she be completely cut off from her mother who had been dependent on her for more than twenty years?

"Only your family love is family love, and mine is not?" In a rage, Jiang Mingliang finally broke out, "Do you know what I have experienced since I was a child, and who gave me all this? Who gave my originally happy family? Destroyed, my mother is still in Vancouver, and she never wants to set foot in the United States in her life, am I not sad?"

"Lingfei, I know that this matter had nothing to do with you at the beginning, you were just a victim of your mother's pursuit of fame and fortune, so from the beginning to the end, I didn't really inflict revenge on you, using you as a tool to retaliate Your mother is also the only way I can think of, it's really a last resort."

"At this stage, your mother lives in the Lion City. Over the years, she has earned a lot from Jin Fei, which is enough for her to live the rest of her life with high quality. It is similar to my mother in Canada. This is for her Yan Yan is a good ending, provided that you are willing to give her a happy ending. If you are not willing, I will use my own power to legally make her bankrupt. At worst, she will be hurt by 8,000 yuan, and I will lose 10,000 yuan to myself. I will compensate you Can afford it, how about her? I just don’t know if she can find another Jin Fei without you as a sign and with an old and decrepit body.”

Hearing this, Liu Lingfei's face changed unsteadily. She knew that with Jiang Mingliang's character, she could definitely do what she said.

"You've got me in a lot of trouble. Remember, just this one time!"

Compared with before, with the growth of age and experience, Krystal has a higher tolerance for the status quo of several women around Jiang Mingliang. Among them are the factors of Jessica's understanding of the advantages and disadvantages from the side, and the factors of detailed enlightenment, as well as the factor of Jiang Mingliang's Chang'e Huang Nvying, who was slept together, which made Krystal no longer so embarrassing.

But even so, Krystal still didn't want to see Jiang Mingliang's other women in front of him, so that the sisters were actually dissatisfied with Liu Lingfei being kept in New York.

Today, Liu Lingfei's blatant provocation at the door obviously broke through Krystal's bottom line. Even Jessica didn't say anything on the surface, but she actually planned to propose some binding terms to Jiang Mingliang.

Back home, Krystal unsurprisingly began to quarrel.

Hearing Krystal's slightly eccentric tone, Jiang Mingliang breathed a sigh of relief.

It's good to be awkward.

He is not afraid of women making troubles, because he can coax them.

I'm afraid that women don't even make a fuss, and being quiet is the prelude to a volcanic eruption.

Even if Jiang Mingliang has coaxed Krystal well, Jiang Mingliang's doting on Krystal can be seen. Even Jessica is very envious of it. After all, Jiang Mingliang is really calm in coaxing!

. . . . . .

The worst effect of Liu Lingfei's fuss was that Krystal didn't want to go to the Barclays Center to watch the All-Star Game with Jiang Mingliang the next day. If it was normal, Jiang Mingliang probably wouldn't have gone there by himself, and stayed at home with his two girlfriends, but today is the host after all, and it would be rude to not show up if there were no accidents. In desperation, he could only go alone.

Jiang Mingliang was resentful in his heart. The originally sweet three-person tour was ruined by the sudden incident that Liu Lingfei made up. It is inevitable to be unhappy.

However, there is no shortage of beauties by his side. Mallory, the daughter of the Bucks, has become his guest of honor today. Eighteen changes in the female college, the more amazing it becomes. The little elf is now growing more and more sane. After going to college, the whole person is completely different now.

Jiang Mingliang and Malorie are also the two most well-matched members of the second-generation NBA management team. The two had a good chat at the draft lottery ceremony, and there was even a scandal. And Ma Luoli once posted a photo with Jiang Mingliang on the social platform, which once confirmed the love story of the daughter of the Bucks who fell in love with the young master of the Nets.

However, who would have thought that Jiang Mingliang officially announced an Asian girl as his girlfriend? This also disillusioned the CP fans of the two. Seeing the two sitting together again today, it seems that the degree of match is better than before, and people can't help but feel "regret" for them.

Although it was the game between Curry and Kobe, after the game started, Kobe, as the captain, failed to get too many shots. On Kobe's side, Westbrook, who intends to compete with Curry, showed a very strong performance. The offensive desire, completely copied his playing style in the Thunder team, just do it with the ball!

With Kobe, James as a check, and the All-Star itself is not a fierce defensive game, it is more suitable for Westbrook to slash and kill.

James, who also intends to compete with Curry, could bear it at first, but as a result, James didn't touch the ball for four or five consecutive rounds, and he stayed in the backcourt decisively to catch the ball for halftime.

James' status in the arena is here, and Kobe is in the team, so it's not easy for Westbrook to make mistakes. James, who is in charge of the ball, did not start the personal offensive mode, but played the role of point guard as a guest, and managed the team's offense in an orderly manner.

The Curry team is relatively united. Harden, Davis, and Howard are all actively playing for Curry and helping him win the AMVP.

Curry has a good personality, and the players in the league are not bad. With everyone's cooperation, Curry did not reciprocate in vain. He created dunk opportunities for Howard and Davis respectively. It is also very important to reward teammates appropriately.

The biggest advantage brought by the captain selection system is that the captain knows what kind of teammates he needs, and the strengths of both sides will approach a balance, which is much more exciting than a simple east-west match. In the past few years, the starters in the Eastern Conference may still be able to compete with the Western Conference. The bench is not at the same level at all. This year, this situation has been significantly improved.

Jiang Mingliang's reform proposals for the All-Stars have all received good results, which has further improved Xiao Hua's impression of Jiang Mingliang. The adjustment for the All-Star Game has also become the best project that Xiao Hua has done so far since he took office.

If Jiang Mingliang is not the son of the owner of the Nets, then Xiao Hua must draw Jiang Mingliang into the league and serve as his think tank.

With scoring and assists, if the Curry team wins, there will be no doubt that Curry will get the final MVP, but the premise is that they have to beat the Kobe team. In the first three games, the Curry team once led by 18 points, but in the All-Star Game, unless the gap is widened to the point where it cannot be pursued, otherwise, when it is time to give face, you have to give face to the opponent. From the second half of the third quarter to the first three minutes of the fourth quarter, the Curry team suddenly lost power and was hit with a 15:2 attack wave, catching up with the score in one breath.

When it came time for the decisive battle, Curry stood up and confronted Kobe and James. Using his skilled dribbling skills and super shooting ability, Kobe and James had nothing to say, and finally led the team to 142. :135 defeated the Kobe team and won the game.

Curry only played about 25 minutes in this All-Star game. He performed very well, scoring 31 points and 8 assists, and finally became the star of the stars as he wished.

Holding the AMVP trophy high, Curry once again expressed his gratitude to Jiang Mingliang. As the league's number one "Jiang Chuan", Curry found a new angle this time. He took out the layout of today's arena to blow Jiang Mingliang, which also made Jiang Mingliang off the field almost accept the cheers of the fans.

The three-day All-Star Weekend has finally come to an end. The All-Stars, who performed to the fullest on the field and swayed themselves, will embark on the journey again. The next two months of competition will be more difficult and the competition will be more intense. Starting from March, more than half of the teams in the league will do their best for the playoffs or the ranking of the playoffs. This is definitely a very important test for the injured Nets. .

In terms of the current record of the Nets, there is naturally no need to worry about the tickets for the playoffs. What they have to do now is to achieve as good a result as possible in the regular season to ensure that Curry can successfully get this season. MVP, and then, the team screens out players who fit the team's future team building ideas.

Jiang Mingliang also rejected several team trade proposals. Some trade applications can indeed enhance the strength of the team, but perhaps the contract will affect the operation of the team next season. The current operating conditions of the Nets are very good, and the team accepts potential failures, so healthy operations have a higher priority at this time.

After McDermott's unsuccessful attempt to buy the bottom, Jiang Mingliang has closed the door to the team's trade in principle. For the team, stability is the most important thing.

Jiang Mingliang didn't have much idea of ​​participating in the trade, but other teams had trades happening again and again. The Rockets and the Heat reached a deal with Dragic and Bridon Knight as the main body. The strength of the Clippers has improved. Although Dragic is a point guard from Europe, he is not a traditional European point guard at heart, but has very American technical characteristics. He likes to use pick-and-rolls to complete personal offenses. Dragic is actually pretty good, and his possession of the ball is not as exaggerated as Paul asked. And Griffin is also very suitable for this kind of offensive point guard.

"Jerry West is really good." Looking at the Clippers' increasingly fit lineup, Jiang Mingliang couldn't help admiring his old friend even more.

Dragic, Harris, and Embiid, who is still recovering from injuries but has an unlimited future, whether they continue to trade or retain, the Clippers can do too much

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