Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 696: Chinese New Year Party

On February 22, New Year's Eve, Jessica and Krystal returned to Los Angeles to spend the New Year with their parents. For Koreans, the Spring Festival is second only to the Mid-Autumn Festival, so they should go back.

Jiang Shixiao was in London negotiating an acquisition, and it is expected that he will be back tomorrow, so the New Year's Eve dinner will definitely not be finished. There is also a Chinese friend Wu Xiangwei who invited Jiang Mingliang to participate in the Chinese New Year party. However, Jiang Mingliang is not a completely Westernized ABC after all. The combination of the two words Spring Festival and party is a bit awkward for him.

"Would you like to go to a party with me so that you can meet some friends." Jiang Mingliang called Liu Lingfei and asked her what she thought.

Unlike Los Angeles, where it is more convenient to eat, drink, and have fun, New York is a city where struggle is the main element, and it is difficult for people without a career to make friends here. For Liu Lingfei, attending this kind of party is a good way to expand her circle of friends and at least make her life in New York less boring.

Liu Lingfei's initial reaction was exactly the same as Jiang Mingliang's. In his bones, he felt that the Spring Festival should be spent with his family, not a large group of people. But after thinking about it, the person who can invite Jiang Mingliang during the Spring Festival must be someone very close to him. Being able to attend such an event as Jiang Mingliang's female companion is also a recognition of his status, so he readily agreed. .

When night fell, all preparations were made in the spacious hall of Wu Xiangwei's home. In the courtyard, fireworks were specially prepared, and they wanted to light them at midnight, so that everyone could have a good experience of the Chinese New Year. The buffet style in the hall The food here is also a bit of oriental cuisine, and the dumplings that are essential for the Chinese New Year are also prepared, but they don't look so authentic.

"Mr. Jiang, hello!"

The moment Jiang Mingliang and Liu Lingfei arrived, four or five people surrounded them.

"Hello." Jiang Mingliang nodded one by one. It's not arrogance, but some people he doesn't know, that's all he can do.

"Hi! issac~" At this moment, a young man came over, and following the words, his eyes shifted from Liu Lingfei to Jiang Mingliang, "Bringing beautiful women here again."

Wu Xiangwei, an old friend who has had a long relationship with Jiang Mingliang, is in the champagne business at home, and Jiang Mingliang made his first investment during college, and it was his connection to invest in a winery in France.

"Liu Lingfei, also called crystal," Jiang Mingliang introduced Liu Lingfei's English name with some annoyance, and it was exactly the same pronunciation as Zheng Xiujing's Krystal, "William, Wu Xiangwei, my good friend."

"Mr. Wu, hello." Liu Lingfei greeted with a smile.

After Wu Xiangwei praised her politely, he led the two of them to the middle position, which was the circle where their old friends were.

Jiang Mingliang has been doing a good job over the years, and he has greatly helped Jiang Shixiao's wealth. Some people are jealous of him, while others want to make friends with him or even cooperate.

"How do you feel?" Jiang Mingliang asked after leading Liu Lingfei away from the crowd.

"It feels very corrupt." Sticking out her tongue, Liu Lingfei said.

The food and wine made the guests more and more interested, including Wu Xiangwei himself. He picked up the wine glass and drank with some familiar guests or guests he didn't know at all. "Spring Festival" is just a prefix for holding a party, and the focus is still on the word "party".

"There must be some fun items in the room upstairs. If you are interested, you can go up for a walk." Jiang Mingliang said, "Don't worry, I brought you here, you're fine."

"That's good." In this kind of environment, there are some people worth making friends with. Liu Lingfei nodded, and then she was ready to go for a walk alone.

And Jiang Mingliang walked to a corner of the courtyard, where there was a tall figure.

"He Sui~" The appearance of Jiang Mingliang helped He Sui obtain the long-lost purity. Up to now, He Sui has been surrounded by crazy bees and butterflies.

Of course, appearing on this occasion, He Sui herself is also here to catch a rich man. If there is a suitable one, she doesn't mind development. It's just that those who surround her tonight are either not strong enough, with an eight-figure net worth. It's enough, or you just have the idea of ​​having fun, at least on this occasion, He Sui has no idea of ​​ons.

"It's not easy to bring the fairy sister over here and still notice me." He Sui also knew that Jiang Mingliang's personality was actually very good, so he could take a joke, so he teased him.

She knew about Jiang Mingliang's relationship with Krystal.

"Sister Immortal is as good as Elder Sister Immortal, and Aunt He Xiangu is as wonderful as Aunt He Xiangu." Jiang Mingliang said back, and then ended this somewhat ambiguous topic, "The Frozen-themed Victoria's Secret show in Los Angeles before, I was on the Internet. Look, it's really beautiful."

When it comes to Victoria's Secret Show, He Sui's complexion is not very good-looking.

There are two reasons, one is that the performance of Victoria's Secret itself has declined, which has slowly reduced the income of their models. This industry is becoming more and more unpalatable. After all, the annual income of models is roughly 2 million It ranges from US$5 million, but the amount of money to maintain the body alone accounts for a large part of it. The second is the maliciousness of the entire industry towards Asian models. Well, everyone understands this.

And after "This Is Slam Dunk", He Sui also appeared on some domestic variety shows one after another, but he never recovered to the popularity that he had during the previous "This Is Slam Dunk". Without the operation of a brokerage company, there is no strong network of contacts. Apart from the professional skills of the model, other aspects are not suitable for the showbiz. After making a quick sum of money, it is difficult to receive any announcements.

However, I am still very grateful to Jiang Mingliang, at least the wave of enthusiasm he once brought to me made me earn half of my current net worth.

Chatting casually, Jiang Mingliang could also hear the hidden meaning in He Sui's words, and wanted to get help from his side again. But, it's not that easy yet. How should I put it, Jiang Mingliang has a little more women in charge now. Even if the Korean ban was issued shortly after, and Jessica and Krystal's jobs were banned, Liu Lingfei, Ouyang Mi, Li Xin, Jiang Suying, and Song Qian were eagerly waiting to take over. He Sui, who is neither close nor old, can only wait for the "just" right time to make arrangements.

After the conversation between Jiang Mingliang and He Sui was over, Liu Lingfei appeared at the right time. Soon, it was the New Year's Eve time, and the staff lit the fireworks that had been placed. When the fireworks lifted into the sky, everyone in the courtyard cheered in unison.

"Lingfei! Happy New Year!" Jiang Mingliang hugged Liu Lingfei, and suddenly kissed her on the cheek. . . . . .

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, Liu Lingfei, who had been tossing around in the middle of the night, slowly woke up from her sleep, only to find that the person beside her had gone to the bed, feeling a little lonely.

She dared to protest against Jessica and Krystal, but she knew that because of her mother, she would never be able to enter the gate of Jiang's house, so she would feel a little sad. Jiang Mingliang treated her well, but it could only go so far.

The door of the room opened suddenly, and Jiang Mingliang, who had just prepared breakfast, opened it and shouted at her: "I prepared something casually earlier, do you want to get up now and eat with me, or wake up later?"

"You prepared it?" Liu Lingfei was puzzled and then said, "I'm brushing my teeth now."

Woke up 20 minutes early to prepare for breakfast, Jiang Mingliang did a little more than Liu Lingfei expected, and already satisfied his sister, and stayed with Liu Lingfei in the apartment for a while. When it was noon, Jiang Shixiao had returned to New York, and Jiang Mingliang also It's time to go home for the New Year.

. . . . . .

On the night of the first day of the Lunar New Year, the Nets ushered in the challenge of the Warriors, who were full of wounded soldiers. Jiang Shixiao and Jiang Mingliang appeared together in the box at the Barclays Center to watch the game. The scene is also full of the atmosphere of the Spring Festival, and this opponent is also very suitable for the Nets. Everyone has a good relationship, and their strength is no threat to the Nets at all.

Deron, Jordan Crawford, Budinger, David Lee, Azeri, the strength on paper looks okay, but Jordan Crawford and David Lee are typical offensive strong and defensive weak, with data greater than In terms of strength, Budinger is also somewhat similar. His basic data is not bad, at least 14 points per game is very good. But the high-level data is quite bad. The offensive end can seize the opportunity and the defensive end can return it.

There are obvious problems in dealing with this kind of penalty area defense, the flank strength is not enough, and the perimeter defense is still very slow. It can be said that the team is full of flaws. The Nets are indeed better. After the opening, Curry also chose more He made wedding clothes for his teammates and assisted JR Smith and Porzingis to score one after another.

After George was injured, the technical characteristics of the Warriors are also completely biased towards the strong offensive and the weak. Deron and Crawford broke through and scored one after another. Jordan Crawford's offensive performance this season is still good. The game between the two sides played smoothly, which also made Jiang Shixiao, who doesn't watch the ball very much on weekdays, feel very comfortable.

After all, laymen watching the excitement like this kind of quicksilver-like confrontation.

There has always been a saying in the sports world that offense wins fans and defense wins championships. In fact, the Nets also had a clear change from the beginning of team building. Just took over the Nets, the team is pursuing a balance of offense and defense. Although Korver and Anderson are strong offensively and weak defensively, the team's defensive system has made Stevens a lot of effort. An important reason for the next road to the playoffs. In the first season, in the playoffs, Korver’s performance was disappointing. After Leonard, who was highly valued by the team, joined the team, he quickly occupied the main position. This season, the Nets are actually a little defensive. Stronger than attacking. George and West are two strong points on the offensive end. In other states, the team relies more on the advantages of overall strength and the continuous improvement of young players to improve. After Curry joined the team, the team's focus shifted to the offensive end. Two consecutive seasons of championships proved that the team's direction was correct. The team played well, which is also an important reason for the Nets to gain a foothold in New York. And this season, in the case of a full camp of injured soldiers, except for a few games, the Nets also ensured firepower on the offensive end. JR also played a huge role in it. The successful activation of JR Smith was also the Nets' success this season. The essential.

The Warriors may still be able to maintain good efficiency on the offensive end, but on the defensive end, the team's performance is really bad. David Lee has been continuously targeted by the Nets. portrayal.

In the second quarter, Curry and JR attacked together, and quickly led the team to widen the point difference to more than 15 points, and the game was also included in the rhythm that the Nets wanted. The inability to enhance the defensive strength is the biggest problem of the Warriors. Mark Jackson is a coach who attaches great importance to defense, but the problem is still the same. The team's lineup is not enough to support the defensive system he wants. Mark Jackson himself is not the kind of player who can train players Defensive coaches, coupled with the fact that the Warriors may be aiming for a bad performance this season, including Deron, perhaps more thoughts this season are on personal beautiful data, which also exacerbates the Warriors' defensive problems.

In the second half of the game, the Nets did not take it lightly. After all, although the Warriors were not very good defensively, they were still very strong on the offensive end. Don't be careless. Curry was able to stay on the court and continue to output against his old club. The better he performed, the more mixed feelings the Warriors fans felt. On the one hand, they were frustrated that Curry, who originally belonged to them, was "stolen" by the Nets. On the other hand, In fact, we all know the status quo of the team at the time. It was inevitable for Curry and Deron to choose one of the two. At that time, Deron entered the free market, that is, he traded Curry for George. Bogut is all for the combination of Deron and George, otherwise the current Warriors lineup may be Curry and Barnes plus David Lee and Azeri, and it may not be better than the current situation.

Both Deron and George are All-Star players. George, who is excellent in offense and defense, may be called DPOY, but Curry is at the MVP level, and may even enter the ranks of TOP10 in the future!

Seeing Curry's wonderful performance, Jiang Shixiao is also satisfied, and is very satisfied with Jiang Mingliang's masterful hand.

When Curry, who scored 44 points and 10 assists, was replaced in the fourth quarter, the scene of fans chanting "MVP" was even more contagious. How long has New York not had a basketball superstar of this level?

The final score was fixed at 134:118. The Nets defeated the Warriors at home and won four consecutive victories. At the same time, they continued to put pressure on the 76ers who had been tied.

Now that their momentum is so fierce, even the Eagles, who rank first in the Eastern Conference, are not stable!

And on this day, the Thunder also officially announced that the team's top star Kevin Durant will undergo bone graft surgery on his right foot and will definitely miss all the remaining games of the season.

For the fact that the season is reimbursed, Durant is somewhat difficult to accept. Especially compared with the treatment after Leonard's injury, it can reflect the gap between the management of the Nets and the Thunder. The Nets announced early that Leonard would be reimbursed for the season, allowing Leonard to rest without distractions and not to bear any external pressure. At the same time, it also gave Aminu and Covington more confidence to improve. Anyway, the main position is Yours. On the other hand, the Thunder has always announced Durant's injury in the most conservative way. Thunder fans also hold the idea that Durant's comeback, even if we are eighth, can hack the Spurs. Rand added a little pressure.

People are more than people, so mad!

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