Jiang Mingliang's trade of draft picks also aroused some reverie in China. The hope of China, Zhou Qi, has announced that he will participate in the 2016 draft after the CBA competition, chasing his NBA dream. According to the "American Media Draft Prediction" news circulating in China, Zhou Qi's draft pick is roughly the 28th pick in the first round, which happens to be near the possible pick of the Spurs.

Jiang Mingliang expressed his dislike for Zhou Qi? Smoke bombs! In order to confuse competitors, the Nets also pretended to watch LaVine's game! Yao Ming made the Rockets gain huge benefits in the Chinese market, Jiang Mingliang's emphasis on the Chinese market and his friendliness to Chinese basketball, and Yi Jianlian's relatively successful resume in the Nets all blinded the Chinese fans, and he was very sure that Jiang Mingliang would choose Zhou Qi, and cultivated him into the second Yao Ming at all costs.

However, this is simply an impossible event. In the communication with Yao Ming earlier, Jiang Mingliang clearly rejected the possibility of using a second round to guarantee Zhou Qi's bottom line. He made it clear that Zhou Qi's current strength can only be seen in the water dispenser unless he loses the selection. The Development League began to make progress slowly, otherwise it was destined to have no fate with the Nets. Some favors are negotiable, but in principle, short-term pain is worse than long-term pain. Jiang Mingliang didn't want to, if he didn't give the chance, the head coach would be scolded, and if he was given the chance, other players in the same position in the team would be scolded every day, and the backcourt players would be scolded every day for not passing the ball to Zhou Qi.

Of course, Jiang Mingliang won't come out and say anything at this stage. Although he has no feelings for Zhou Qi, at least there is no need to say anything to affect Zhou Qi's draft market. No matter how long Zhou Qi can stay in the NBA, at least this experience should be a fortune for him. Jiang Mingliang would not do things like smashing other people's cooking pots.

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Compared with last season, the new reforms made in this season's All-Star Game are directly disclosed in the selection of captains. Although such an adjustment will make some "All-Stars" lose face, the league can earn a fortune once it comes. The broadcast fee, by the way, will attract a wave of attention, and secondly, to put it another way, it can also stimulate the competitive spirit of the players at the bottom of the draft. It will be more interesting if some "old enemies" can be marketed.

TNT was in charge of the live broadcast of the captain selection this time. The video connection was completed. After Curry and Kobe exchanged simple greetings, Kobe took the lead in the selection and picked James without accident.

Durant OR Leonard? Without the slightest hesitation, Curry directly picked off his teammate Leonard.

Among the various Geminis in the league, the relationship between Curry and Leonard is relatively average. It's not that they have any conflicts, but that Leonard is nodding acquaintances with most of them except for a few friends who are particularly congenial, and he doesn't have the attributes of most blacks. In the case of getting along with Curry's not belonging to the special fate, the two respect each other and fight side by side, which is already very good. After all, some people's personalities are like this, and getting along with others really depends on some fate.

This is also the reason why Jiang Mingliang, as the management, maintained a good personal relationship with Curry, but maintained a business-like attitude towards Leonard, and rarely had other exchanges. Various clauses in the league ensure that players' "one person, one city" maximizes their economic interests. Leonard is not a star with commercial value like James, Curry, or Durant. Commercial income cannot fill the gap for giving up the bird rights Economic loss, so for Leonard, the team can keep giving him the maximum salary. If he is willing to lose tens of millions of income and choose to leave after the contract expires, the team will not agree to sign and replace.

Kobe took Durant and brought in the two strongest players available.

Curry chose Davis with thick eyebrows. On the bright side, it may be a little disrespectful to Porzingis, but Curry's most ideal partner in his heart is the thick-browed brother Davis. However, he can only achieve his long-cherished wish on the stage of the All-Star Game or the national team.

However, this caused a small embarrassment. The conflict between Kobe and Howard is not small. Although the relationship has eased on the surface, if Kobe is allowed to choose, he is definitely not willing to choose Howard. Kobe scribbled in his notebook, hesitated, and picked Griffin.

At this time, Curry also realized the relationship between Kobe and Howard, and quickly took away the center.

In the choice between Westbrook and Harden, Kobe did not hesitate to choose Westbrook, his hand-picked apprentice. It is also a very interesting thing for the Thunder and Youngsters to cooperate again on the All-Star stage.

On Curry's side, they gathered the two best backcourts in 2009.

On the bench lineup, Curry was the first to choose, and he first chose Klay Thompson.

There is a lack of height on our side. Kobe was the first to take away Embiid. This center entered the All-Star in the second full season of his career and was the first to be selected on the bench. Really It's not easy.

Paul George, the once favorite player of Nets fans, was also picked by Curry.

The league chairman Paul was chosen by Kobe, and a pair of backcourts that could not be partnered due to "basketball reasons" once again fought side by side on the stage of the All-Star Game.

Irving, who scored 50+ opponents on top of Curry, was pulled into his team by Curry.

DeRozan is also a local representative of Toronto, and he can even represent Toronto better than Howard.

Hayward, this is the favorite player Curry chose for his head coach Stevens. This pair of masters and apprentices who entered the NBA together from Butler University finally have the opportunity to cooperate together.

On the Kobe team, the shooting ability is obviously much weaker, and the all-around insider Love, who has a strong outside shooting ability, was taken away by Kobe.

Another pair of deadly rivals in the league, Paul and Cousins, should be separated. Curry brought Cousins ​​closer to his team.

Lillard, another Kobe disciple.

Aldridge, Wall, Thomas, and Millsap were the final players selected. Millsap was the most awkward. In this regard, the Eagles' power forward should be mentally prepared in advance. After all, the strength is indeed not that strong, and the style of play is relatively not so pleasing.

The effect of the All-Star live broadcast selection is not bad, whether it is the ratings of the TV station or the degree of discussion on the Internet. This is also the NBA of the Silver era, and another product that is different from the Stern era.

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There are still two weeks before the start of the All-Star Game, and the Nets still have 8 games to play. The team also wants to complete the sprint before the All-Star Game, and try to win some fault tolerance for higher-intensity games after the All-Star Game Rate.

The general managers of each team are also constantly planning various trade possibilities, which do not involve Jiang Mingliang. After all, at this time, Jiang Mingliang would not be idle, and took the initiative to dismantle the seemingly extremely strong lineup.

However, Jiang Mingliang did not take the initiative to intervene, which does not mean that there is no chance to strengthen the lineup. Soon some agents expressed their favor for the Nets on behalf of the players. Veteran David West, who is currently playing for the Rockets, expressed his willingness to return to the team to Jiang Mingliang through his agent.

Of course, not through the transaction situation, West is negotiating a buyout with the Rockets. The veteran is willing to give up 1.5 million of his remaining salary in exchange for his free agency.

West's giving up of 1.5 million does not mean that the Rockets' income is 1.5 million. If the buyout is reached, the Rockets can successfully reduce the total salary to below the salary cap, so as to get the opportunity to share the luxury tax at the end of the season. At the very least, the number is a few million more. In the Rockets team, Whiteside and Ibaka are the starting insiders, and Channing Frye and Camby are also on the bench. The manpower is relatively sufficient. , The Rockets are trying to trade. If it is in the past, there is still some market for this kind of expiring contract. After all, for some teams, salary space can be cleared. But just catching up with the skyrocketing salary cap in the summer of 2016, most teams do not lack salary space, which will increase the difficulty of the Rockets' trading.

Conversely, from the point of view of the Nets, especially Jiang Mingliang, it is also a bit difficult to ride a tiger. Jiang Mingliang never liked to sign these veterans who were bought out at the end of the season and then hugged their thighs. In the past five seasons, the team only signed Butler in the 1314 season because there was a shortage of flankers. The abnormality of the team's good record this season, in addition to the strength of the team, the running-in between players is also very important. On the bench, Covington is a very important point. With a 37% three-point shooting percentage, he can defend the third position on the defensive end, and he can also support the fourth position. These are all very outstanding advantages. Even if West came over, he could only replace Perry Jones. If it was someone else, Jiang Mingliang really didn't want to think about it.

However, West is different. First, he is the hero of the Nets' two championships and a meritorious player. Although it does not meet the standard of retired jerseys, West will definitely appear in the documentary of the Nets in the future. Second, so far, he is the biggest player signed by Jiang Mingliang in the free market since Jiang Mingliang took over the Nets. Compared with other general managers, Jiang Mingliang is terrified that he builds the core lineup of the team through drafts and trades. West is the only All-Star player he signed in the free market in his prime. is very different. Thirdly, although West's performance in the past two seasons has been relatively average, this is more or less related to the fact that after leaving the Nets in 2014, he chose the Thunder that was completely unsuitable for him. West can still play, but Ray Allen, who also chose the Thunder, retired directly.

Sometimes spending some money to support meritorious ministers is also a way to increase your reputation, let alone just a basic salary. West's work ethic is still guaranteed, and it won't bring any negative factors in the locker room. Jiang Mingliang didn't hesitate too much, and directly accepted the opponent's surrender. If West can reach a buyout agreement with the Rockets, the Nets are willing to sign the veteran.

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