Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 875 Seven consecutive victories

The team won a five-game winning streak, and the media praised the Nets in different ways. That night they defeated the Magic in back-to-back away games, 125 to 92, another massacre.

Curry, Leonard, and Porzingis scored 2o+, and Teodosic also played steadily, with 5 points, 4 rebounds and 13 assists. The team's offensive firepower is a mess.

After the game, teammates were also building momentum for Porzingis to be selected as an All-Star. Curry directly called him the best center player he had ever worked with. Porzingis' performance this season is generally stable. Considering his big man and his attack range from the inside to the outside, it is basically certain that he will get a maximum salary offer from the Nets in advance. contract.

Fans of other teams expressed dissatisfaction. After all, the Nets, which had historical performance last season, did not have so many All-Star players. Why did the team's performance decline this season, but the number of All-Stars increased instead. In this regard, Nets fans also have something to say, just because the team has only one or two All-Star players for a long time, they have been treated unfairly for a long time!

After a wave of operations, the discussion about whether Porzingis can be selected as an All-Star is more heated than ever. For Porzingis, the disadvantage is that he is only the "fourth" of the Nets, but in all fairness, Porzingis is the best center in the East, there is no suspense about this! And Porzingis's statistics are relatively mediocre because he is in the Nets, and he has been going to a mid-range team as the first shot point. Porzingis's statistics must be more than that.

The Nets' lineup is almost skyrocketing, and some people are still singing the opposite. Some retired stars and old experts like to comment on young people intentionally or unintentionally to express their disdain.

Those clichés in the past have been slapped in the face by the Nets three times in the playoffs. They advocate the Clippers. Zingis faced Embiid's obviously warmer confrontation, but was ignored by them gorgeously!

No way, even if everyone knows that the strength of the five-star warriors is a team that other teams in the league look up to, the league has to think that they will create opponents for them, otherwise, what should we do? Is there anyone watching the game?

On January 22, the Nets played at home and defeated the Hornets 129 to 101, extending the winning streak to 7 games.

The person who showed his power this time was Kazige who scored 34 points, 7 rebounds, 5 assists, 2 steals and 4 blocks in this game, with comprehensive statistics.

The team can try their best to support the individual honors this season, only Leonard's first defense and DPOY. Curry is also willing to let Leonard strive for higher honors. At the same time, save energy and prepare for the game. playoffs.

George, who came back for the second game, recovered very well in this game. He scored 23 points on 8 of 16 shots, and Curry scored 26 points. At this stage, the Nets can guarantee three places in almost every game. The player scored 20 points, and the attack power is really scary!

This wave of 7-game winning streak also raised the Nets' score to 32 wins and 12 losses, and finally tied with the Bucks ranked second in the Eastern Conference, but ranked third in the Eastern Conference because of the disadvantage of the win-loss relationship. However, Curry's fiery state since his comeback has made the top-ranked teams feel the power of the full net. Not to mention the Bucks, even the previous Cavaliers and Clippers are now Alexander!

. . . . . . .

After the trip to China, basically everyone around Jiang Mingliang knew of Hong Chengcheng's existence, and the relationship between the two became closer. Hong Chengcheng's position seemed to have become Jiang Mingliang's personal assistant, "assistant if you have something to do, assistant if you have nothing to do" That kind of assistant, of course, this assistant obviously has more skills than other assistants. In addition to reducing the dimensionality of the doctoral students' knowledge and ability, the top students of the medical university can obviously also better connect with the medical team. Jiang Mingliang's Physical condition, and give some suggestions on how to take care of your body.

After dinner, Jiang Mingliang squeezed his chin, looked up and down the beautiful woman in front of him, "I'm full, what should I do now?"

Hong Chengcheng felt uncomfortable being looked at by him, he put his hands down, put a bun behind his head, picked up a cup, poured two cups of coffee, handed it to Jiang Mingliang, and then stirred gently with a spoon himself. He walked back slowly, sat on the sofa, looked down at his pair of small and delicate feet, looked at him teasingly and said with a smile: "Don't you still have work to do, I prefer to be alone."

"Chengzi, what are your plans for the New Year?"

Hong Chengcheng said with a smile: "Of course I want to go home, let's see the work situation at that time."

I have been studying in the United States for many years, and I can’t spend the Spring Festival with my family every day. To some extent, I am used to it.

Unlike the life I imagined before, Hong Chengcheng did not enter the medical field, but was favored by Jiang Mingliang, and entered the Internet field. Combining his medical knowledge with big data, he also saw a higher and farther world . During the trip to China, Jiang Mingliang pushed her to the front of the stage, which also made many people realize Jiang Mingliang's beautiful little assistant. Many people were speculating about their relationship, which was also Jiang Mingliang's intention.

"I'm also going to visit your family sometime." After a pause, Jiang Mingliang said.


"Werner has just been born, and this is the first Spring Festival I can accompany him, so the first day of the new year is not convenient. I have to go to Los Angeles on the second day of the second year. On the third day and the fourth day, I will go to your house to visit your family and talk to They talk about your life in America."

This year's Chinese New Year does have a special meaning for Jiang Mingliang, but even so, Jiang Mingliang is still willing to accompany Hong Chengcheng home. Hong Chengcheng is a little moved. This relationship needs to be endured a lot. Hong Chengcheng can see that Jiang Mingliang is fighting for some things. effort.

Hong Chengcheng nodded and stopped talking. Jiang Mingliang leaned on the sofa, savoring the beauty of the girl in front of him with his eyes. Her nose is not a particularly beautiful type. If she was born in Korea, she would probably have been asked to have it repaired. But those agile eyes, that exquisite mouth, the curved eyebrows like willow leaves, the slightly curly long hair, and the slightly raised corners of her mouth all constitute her unique beauty.

Jiang Mingliang's favorite picture is the picture of Jessica wearing his own shirt with long sleeves and legs exposed on his lower body. That scene is very attractive. If Hong Sung Sung, who has a more pure face, appears in such an image, it may give him a different experience.

"Look at what?"

Hong Chengcheng said coquettishly, with a half-smile expression on his face.

Jiang Mingliang glanced at her and drank the coffee in one gulp. Slamming loudly, he said with a smile: "Of course it depends on you."

"What's interesting about me? I watch it every day, that's all." Hong Chengcheng smiled slightly, sighed again, shook his head and said, "It seems that you are not very good at making girls happy."

Jiang Mingliang smiled and said, "I'm not trying to make you happy. Really, you, I will never get tired of you."

Hong Chengcheng smiled. Tilting her head, she put on a very serious look, and said softly, "Actually, girls sometimes need to be lied to. If lies can make people happy, why do they have to tell the truth?"

Jiang Mingliang rubbed his chin and smiled, nodded and said, "Okay. From now on, I will only choose nice things to say in front of you."

"big liar!"

Hong Chengcheng muttered something in a low voice, stood up, and began to tidy up the documents on the table that Jiang Mingliang had just put aside, ignoring Jiang Mingliang.

Jiang Mingliang looked at her soft figure. Feeling extremely relaxed, he stood up and walked behind Hong Chengcheng to hug her. Then he suddenly picked her up from the waist, stretched out his other hand from the crook of her leg, and carried the princess directly to the upstairs room.


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