Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 1122 A silent world and an approaching crisis!

Xia Yi's approach was very similar to the development team's expectations.

When I was watching the movie "A Quiet Place" given by my boss, I saw the formation of a family walking on the bridge, and someone realized something was wrong:

The father walked first, the wife came second, the second son followed, the eldest daughter came second to last, and the younger son walked last.

Young people may not feel much about it, but employees who are married and have children at home immediately start to murmur in their hearts.

When the youngest son installed the batteries that he had smuggled out and started the toy airplane, the sound of the toy attracted monsters again. After the youngest son was hunted and killed, they couldn't hold back at all.

Many people complained on the spot: "Why would a family walking in a dangerous wilderness leave their youngest son at the end of the team?"

To them, there was no way to explain it.

Even if the father wants to clear the way and the mother is worried about her second son who suffers from asthma, then the already sensible daughter and son should also keep an eye on the ignorant brother, right?

Just put it at the end of the team? ?

How ambitious is this?

New parents are not like this. You have three children and you don’t have any common sense at all?

It can’t be natural elimination, right?

I went to the valley to ask Lin You.

Lin You was also stunned for a moment.

Only then did he realize this outrageous plot bug...

But this bug is really not that easy to notice for people who are not parents, especially at the very beginning of the story when setting is thrown out, and the time of appearance is short. Lin You originally classified it directly into the "background setting" .

It wasn’t until someone pointed it out that I realized something was really wrong with it!

Lin You readily admitted this problem, then patted Yu Gu on the shoulder and said: "It just needs to be adapted into a game. The task of correcting these loopholes will be left to you!"

Yu Gu was stunned, and returned to the department office in a daze. He patted the plot planner on the shoulder and said, "The task of correcting the loopholes and ensuring the players' gaming experience will be left to you."

Plot planning: "???"

Although they were confused, they did think a lot about it and successfully predicted the actions of many players.

Xia Yi's behavior is particularly predictable.

Everyone knew they were playing a horror game, so of course they were on high alert as soon as they entered.

It is impossible for a child to have no one to care about such a thing.

When they walked out of the abandoned supermarket and came to the desolate town streets, Xia Yi and Qianhe noticed the road paved with white sand at first sight.

Apparently, this was also to muffle the sound of footsteps - as if they were both barefoot.

The white sand trail is very narrow and can only be passed by one person, so walking in a single file is unavoidable.

But even so, Xia Yi carefully placed her little brother in the middle of the team, took care of him herself, and kept scanning the surrounding environment a little nervously.

——It was so quiet around her, so quiet that it made her scalp tingle.

Until the family left the dilapidated town, walked through suburban paths, abandoned railway tracks, and walked onto a forest path.

The yellow-green leaves on both sides swayed gently with the breeze, which made Xia Yi and Qianhe finally relax a little.

But at this moment, three completely feral vicious dogs suddenly walked out of the forest.

The two sides almost collided.

The couple became nervous instantly and almost simultaneously picked up the shotgun and pointed it at the front row. Xia Yi and Qianhe also subconsciously hid their little brother behind them.

Fortunately, even if the wild dog became feral, it still knew the power of the shotgun and did not charge madly.

The couple were afraid of attracting monsters and did not dare to actually shoot.

The two sides faced off for a moment, and the three wild dogs turned around and ran away first.

The crisis was resolved, but not completely - because the direction in which the three wild dogs ran away was exactly the direction they were heading.

Because of this change, when the family started moving again, the parents came to the front row.

Moreover, Chizuru suffered an asthma attack because of her nervousness. Even after inhaling the spray, she felt weak and had to be carried forward by her NPC mother.

Even Xia Yi stared at the direction where the wild dog disappeared and paid less attention to her brother.

She only occasionally turned her head to take a look at her little brother who was frightened and insisted on hiding behind her, refusing to go in front no matter what.

Just like that, the forest path came to an end, and a rusty steel bridge appeared in front of the family.

A family walks onto the steel bridge.

The NPC parents stared ahead, while Xia Yi and Qianhe observed the scenery that suddenly opened up on both sides of the river.

Until Qianhe, who was being held by the NPC's mother, looked away and saw her younger brother behind Xia Yi who was focused on playing with a toy airplane and did not follow her.

She didn't think much about it.

Until that toy airplane started playing music.

——There is also a pair of batteries hidden in the little brother’s pocket!

She clearly felt that her whole body was frozen as she hugged her mother.

The father also turned around in an instant, dropped the gun in his hand and rushed toward his young son like a life-threatening man.

Only Xia Yi still didn't know what was going on. Looking at her frightened mother and father running towards her, a question mark slowly appeared on her head.

He paused for a moment before reacting, and slowly turned around to look at his little brother behind him.

And the plane with the flashing red light in the little brother's hand.

She still didn't hear the sound.

But seeing other people's reactions, Xia Yi reacted belatedly——

The character I played was actually hearing-impaired! ?

No wonder there was no sound at all along the way!

It turns out that it’s not that the game really has no sound, but that I can’t hear it? ?

Xia Yi's heart was in a mess, but her body movements were not affected at all - she threw off her backpack and rushed desperately towards the little shota who was just playing with the plane and had no idea that a disaster was about to happen.

The distance between the two was only seven or eight meters, and Xia Yi rushed in front of her brother in the blink of an eye, almost within reach of him.

But also in this blink of an eye——

A weird and ugly monster with long and terrifying limbs suddenly sprang out, passed by Xia Yi's eyes, and instantly disappeared into the woods on the other side.

Xia Yi fell onto the white sand on the ground and only caught air.

That cute little shot died just within reach of her.

Although the speed was too fast for her to see clearly, Xia Yi was still greatly shocked.

What surprised her even more was that her vision was darkening rapidly.

"???" Xia Yi couldn't bear to keep quiet, "What do you mean? Is this a teaching level?"

"Did I learn something? How come I didn't know it?"

In the darkness, a line of small white characters appeared——

[472 days later]

After the world in front of her became clear again, Xia Yi found herself lying on a piece of white sand.

Seeing this time jump, she felt bad:

"Wait a minute! I haven't figured it out yet!!"

"Why is it only a year later?"

"Aren't you even given a chance to read the file?"

"And... you won't take revenge??"

——The player's thinking is so simple and direct, especially when someone has successfully hunted this kind of monster.

But soon, she no longer had this leisure.

Because she heard subtle footsteps - the cold hearing aid on her ears reminded her of the reason for the sound.

Turning his head sideways, he saw that the NPC mother was approaching step by step with a bamboo basket in hand, and greeted her with a smile.

But saying hello is not the point, the point is——

She already had a big belly!

Even though it was already known in the trailer that she would be pregnant, Xia Yi, who had just witnessed the death of her four or five-year-old little brother, was still a little hard to accept:

"How dare you get pregnant in this environment?"

"Do you have to have this child?"

"Can you give birth to the baby without saying a word? Or will the baby not cry when he is born?"

"Where's the cheap daddy? It's the end of the world, why can't you control yourself?"

“Are contraceptives so scarce??”

Xia Yi complained crazily.

But the voice of her complaints could only be heard by the water friends in the live broadcast room.

The NPC mother walked towards her, but she didn't hear it at all.

Xia Yi once again received new information: Playing this role, she not only couldn't hear, but also couldn't speak - she was actually a deaf-mute!

The NPC mother smiled and walked past her, heading towards the house.

Xia Yi also smiled slightly.

But she wasn't happy or out of etiquette, but she just wanted to show off:

"Haha, two kids, one deaf-mute and one asthmatic, join forces to fight monsters?"

"Is Yunmeng serious?"

It's normal for Xia Yi to want to show off.

Forget about her, even Ivan Ivanov, who had successfully hunted monsters before, basically gave up the idea of ​​killing monsters after entering the game - the closed beta only opened up the gameplay and did not completely decipher the plot.

He was able to successfully hunt in the first place because he hired nearly a hundred people to take turns to help with the hard work, and also used heavy weapons outside the specifications such as [shoulder cannons].

Now he has become a little kid after entering the game. Not only his strength has been greatly reduced, but also his powerful weapons have been lost. He is completely broken in front of monsters and has no power to fight back.

Ivan isn't even in the game yet.

After "A Quiet Place" was officially launched, the first thing he did was not to enter the game, but to "check the ward" with his water friends, gloatingly watching those who only wanted to "pinch their wives" enter the game. What's your expression after the game?

He has been waiting for this day for a long time!

And his waiting was perfectly rewarded——

When almost everyone enters the game world and finds that they have become a child, and the "wife" they pinched with their own hands has also become a "mom", the expressions on their faces are extremely exciting!

Except for a few of the more outrageous ones, they suddenly shouted after a moment of confusion——

"That won't stop me from pursuing love!"

"Is love such an inconvenient thing?!"

"I'm sorry, my virtual dad!"

Most of the others went through an extremely fierce psychological struggle.

Then, more than half of them - more specifically, Ivan observed 36 people, more than 20 of them chose to delete the characters they had worked so hard to create and re-selected the officially designed default character image.

Of course, after doing this, they would often log on to social networks, yell at Lin You for not being a human being, and vent their anger before returning to the game and starting over.

This large-scale complaint operation put Lin You's name on the real-time hot search list in a very short period of time.

The development team of "A Quiet Place" breathed a sigh of relief.

To Lin You, this level of wind and waves was nothing more than a splash of water.

Like Ivan and the other 500 closed beta players, he gloated about the live broadcast rooms, watching the "surprise" expressions of the anchors, and never tired of it.

But this kind of fun will not last long after all.

Half an hour after the game was launched, everyone entered the quiet atmosphere carefully designed by the development team.

The NPCs all live far away, and almost never interact with each other. Family members do everything very lightly, whether they are searching for supplies, checking fish baskets, planting vegetables, washing and cooking, they all try their best not to make any sound.

There must be communication, and you can also use sign language to communicate.

Such opportunities are few and far between. Even if the player does not know sign language and does not use the system's auxiliary functions to learn, it will not affect the progress of the plot.

In a highly stressful environment where verbal communication needs to be reduced as much as possible, just nodding and shaking your head is basically enough.

If it's not enough, give it another hug and use physical communication instead of verbal communication.

After the completion of the teaching level, the daily plot is like this for a long time. Players can only hear the gentle sound of wind, the rustling of leaves, and the sound of neatly swaying waves in the corn field.

Even the crows that occasionally fly by don't make any noise.

If it weren't for the potential threat of monsters, this world would be a paradise for social horror players.

In this environment, even with the convenient function of [out-of-body mode], the anchors' desire to talk and interact is greatly reduced.

After all, in daily live broadcasts, you often have to talk non-stop for several hours, and you can't stand aside for a moment. Everyone will feel a little tired.

Nowadays, it is rare to enjoy peace openly and openly, and many people are reluctant to break it.

The good news is that fans seem to feel this atmosphere through the screen, and don't mind the host's lack of interaction, and even less barrages.

——Of course, there are too few gifts...

But soon, this quiet atmosphere caused serious misunderstandings for many viewers.

Those timid players who were waiting for the anchor to come forward to see if "A Quiet Place" is scary or not, saw this and couldn't help but have an idea:

"This game looks like... it's not very scary?"

It sure doesn't look too scary now.

[Teaching level] There are only three times of tension. The first two times were false alarms. The third time started quickly and ended quickly. It was not aimed at the players themselves, so naturally it was not too scary.

After [Teaching Level], it’s the daily routine again.

The purpose is to allow players to become familiar with this quiet life that is completely different from real daily life, to cultivate relationships with their families, and to become familiar with the terrain of the farm - the warning red lights that protect the farm, the [beacon] that reminds each other, the huge granary, and the launch of fireworks Taiwan... wait, wait.

At this stage, as long as you can keep quiet, the monster will not appear at all, which is not scary at all.

Since it's not that scary, why are you hesitating?

In this way, a large number of waiting players placed orders and bravely logged into "A Quiet Place"!

Anyway, the price is not expensive, it’s just 260 yuan for a non-masterpiece. If you really can’t play it, you can still return it! As long as there is no malicious intent to exploit the loopholes, Yunmeng doesn't care about players' refunds, and they always refund instantly.


While these less courageous players poured into the game and increased the online rate of "A Quiet Place", Xia Yi and Qianhe also completed daily content and became familiar with the entire farm map.

The plot has also entered the next stage——

On this day, his father took Chizuru away from the farm and into the forest.

Xia Yi stayed with her mother.

The two people who were separated felt a strong sense of crisis at the same time!

——In horror movies, [split operations] is almost always equated with [attrition]!

Xia Yi and Qianhe immediately cheered up and became highly vigilant.

Two in one.

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